The first tank army of the Russian Federation moved in the Kupyan direction

in war •  2 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, as well as recent developments in the region. The speaker begins by announcing the availability of a legal firm for military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues and financial payments. They then discuss the efforts of the volunteer fund, Nezlamny Serce, to collect funds for purchasing drones for Ukrainian brigades. The speaker then provides an update on the military situation, reporting air raid sirens in Kyiv and surrounding areas, missile and drone attacks, and ground engagements. They note that the Russian forces have been unable to make significant progress in their offensive efforts, with Ukrainian forces successfully repelling attacks in various areas, including around the Agregatnyi factory in Volchansk and in the Poкровское direction. The speaker also discusses the ongoing conflict along the NATO border in Belarus and Ukraine, with Russian forces deploying near the border and engaging in diversionary activities. They mention the recent failure of a Russian missile test at Kapustin Yar and the international aid and donations pouring in to help after the attack on a hospital in Kyiv. The speaker then announces military aid commitments from various NATO countries, including the United States, Germany, Romania, the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, and New Zealand. They also mention the Russian army's struggle to maintain its forces due to heavy losses and the need for large supplies of ammunition and equipment. The speaker concludes by discussing Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's efforts to promote a peace plan between Russia and Ukraine and the potential political consequences for his actions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that a legal firm, Consultant, is available to provide free initial consultations for military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues and financial payments. The speaker then announces that the volunteer fund, Nezlamny Serce, has completed a two-day marathon for collecting funds to purchase drones for Ukrainian brigades. The fund aims to fulfill as many drone requests as possible from military units and promises a report on the results of their efforts. The new type of drone, which can carry five small bombs, is mentioned, and it is revealed that these drones are reusable and work around the clock when equipped with a thermal camera. The volunteer fund is grateful for donations and has raised 9,975 UAH for the production of three drones during the marathon. They also transferred 12,200 UAH for the drones in June and received donations for ten military units seeking fpv drones. The speaker expresses gratitude for the support and emphasizes that together they will win in the armed forces. The video then transitions to an overview of the operational situation.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses the recent military actions between Russia and Ukraine. The night was restless as there were air raid sirens in Kyiv and the surrounding areas around midnight, and the enemy launched one ballistic missile and four guided air-to-ground missiles from temporarily occupied Ukrainian Crimea, as well as 20 drones. The Ukrainian forces managed to shoot down 14 drones, and there were reports of attacks in various regions, including Odesa, where two people were killed and another was injured. The enemy also used aircraft and zenit-rocket units, mobile fire groups, and radio-electronic warfare. The enemy started practicing daytime missile attacks, and in the morning, there was an attack on the Port of Odessa's infrastructure, resulting in damage to warehouses, cargo transport, and a civilian ship. The enemy launched three out of four missiles and three drones, but none reached their targets. The speaker then discusses the ground situation, reporting 147 military engagements, three missile attacks using six missiles, 98 aerial attacks, and 4,366 shelling attacks on Ukrainian positions and populated areas near the front line. The most significant attacks occurred in the Harkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions. The situation on the Harkiv front remains unchanged, with eight battles reported daily, mainly in the areas of the settlements of Volchansk, Stariца, and Lipcy. However, the Ukrainian forces are unable to withdraw troops from Stariça due to the lack of forces and the need to cross the river to advance deeper into enemy territory. The Ukrainian forces are forced to respond to enemy fire and conduct defensive battles in the area.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses ongoing military actions in the region, specifically around the Agregatnyi factory in Volchansk. The Russian forces have been attempting to advance towards this factory, but Ukrainian forces have been systematically destroying their efforts. The speaker notes that the Russian forces have been making attempts to infiltrate the area, but Ukrainian forces continue to eliminate them. The Russian command has been making attempts to launch a new offensive on the Kupianskyi operational direction, but Ukrainian forces have been able to hold their ground, with the exception of a partial success by the Russian forces in the Sin'kovka area. Despite this, Ukrainian forces have been able to repel all 17 attacks on the Lyman operational direction and the Russian forces have retreated to their initial positions, suffering losses. The speaker also mentions ongoing fighting in other areas, including around the towns of Grekovka, Nevska, Makievka, and Terny. Overall, the Russian forces have not been able to achieve significant success in their offensive efforts.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses the military situation on the Ukrainian frontlines, specifically focusing on the attempts by Russian forces to advance on the territories of Kramaторsk and Torchyk. The speaker explains that the Russian attacks have been unsuccessful due to significant losses, with the enemy abandoning their offensive efforts when their casualties reach over 50% to 70%. The speaker also highlights the successful evacuation of a Ukrainian battalion from the area around the city of Chasov Yar, which had been under siege for 70 days. Despite the intense fighting, the frontlines have not significantly changed, with Ukrainian forces managing to repel the Russian attacks. However, the situation in Torchyk is more dire due to the enemy's deep infiltration into the area around the settlement of New York. The speaker notes that the Russian forces have made some progress in this area but have not yet reached the main defensive lines. Additionally, the Russian military has deployed the 2nd Separate Motorized Rifle Division, which had been forming and completing its ranks under Donetsk, to the frontlines. The speaker emphasizes that the Russian offensive has not gone according to plan and that their progress has been slower than anticipated.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Russian forces and Ukrainian forces in the Kuпянское direction. Despite the large grouping of Russian troops, estimated to be around 90,000, they were unable to breach the Ukrainian defense lines. The Russian command has been forced to send in fresh troops to make any progress towards the Toretsk offensive or Torez plateau, which would require at least half a year to capture with current tempo. The Russian forces have suffered significant losses, and the speaker also shares information about Russian soldiers surrendering in large numbers. The most intense fighting is taking place in the Poкровское direction, with 43 attacks launched against Ukrainian positions in the past day. The front line remains unchanged, with Ukrainian forces successfully repelling all attacks. Elsewhere on the operational front, Russian forces have been unable to make any significant progress, and the line has been relatively stable for some time.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses the ongoing military situation at the Ukrainian frontlines, specifically in the areas of Kurakhovske, Removsky, Urozhainy, and Orekhov. The Russian forces have been attempting to advance in these areas but have been unsuccessful due to the strong Ukrainian defense. In the Kurakhovske area, the Russians have been consistently attacking but have not been able to make significant progress. In the Removsky area, they have tried to establish a foothold in the water and Urozhainy, but the Ukrainian forces have prevented them from doing so. The Russians have also attempted to attack in the area of Voдяno, but the Ukrainian defense there is holding strong. The situation in the Gulyay-Polye operational direction is also under control by Ukrainian forces, who have repelled five enemy attacks. The enemy has suffered losses and retreated to their initial positions. The Orekhov direction has seen five battles in the areas of Mala Tokmachka and Novoandreevka, but the enemy was unable to achieve any success. The front lines have remained stable in these areas. The enemy has also attempted to attack Ukrainian placements on the left bank of the Dnepr, but this attack was also unsuccessful. The Ukrainian forces have destroyed 15 enemy motor boats in the Dnepr Delta, limiting the enemy's actions on the water. The speaker concludes by mentioning ongoing non-combat operational directions, Volynske and Poleske, and the absence of signs of enemy offensive formations. The Belarusian-Chinese joint anti-terrorist exercise mentioned in the press is also brought up, but the speaker notes that it is taking place 28 km from the Ukrainian border, not from the Polish border, where the real threat lies.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses the military situation along the NATO border in Belarus and Ukraine. Russian forces have been deployed near the border, with Iskander missiles and other military equipment stationed in Poland. The Belarusian president, Lukashenko, has threatened NATO countries, accusing them of not respecting Belarusian sovereignty. Russian military aircraft and helicopters have left Belarusian airfields, and a tactical group of Russian aircraft remains in the area, with Su-24 and Su-30 MS planes capable of launching missile attacks. There have been rotations of Belarusian special forces along the border, and the speaker notes that they are monitoring the situation closely. The situation along the Ukrainian border remains complex, with Russian forces maintaining a presence and engaging in diversionary activities, obstructing roads, and shelling populated areas. Yesterday, Ukrainian forces reportedly destroyed two enemy command posts, an artillery position, two PVO systems, and 16 enemy encampments. Russian losses include over 1,100 personnel, two tanks, 11 armored vehicles, 36 artillery systems, three drones, 51 vehicles, and 57 pieces of special equipment. Additionally, there were reports of Russian drones attacking military bases in the Astrakhan region.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses recent events regarding military activity in the area of Kapustin Yar in Ukraine. Kapustin Yar was a site for nuclear testing in the Soviet era and continues to be used for missile testing. A recent test of the Sarmat missile resulted in a failure, with the missile not taking off as planned. The Russian Ministry of Defense claims that nine drones reached the military base in 650 Ahtubinsk, but there were no casualties reported. However, satellite images show fires at the site. The speaker also mentions that the drones struck a power substation and caused significant damage. The city of Kyiv reported that 33 people were killed in the attack, and international aid and donations have poured in to help. Despite this, the Ukrainian government only allocated 100 million hryvnia (approximately $3.5 million) to the hospital in question, while citizens and companies from around the world have raised over 300 million hryvnia ($10.2 million) for the hospital's recovery. The speaker concludes by mentioning that the NATO summit is continuing and that there are ongoing military and political developments in Ukraine and the world.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," it was announced that the United States will provide an additional Patriot battery to Ukraine, but the source of the battery is unclear as Poland had previously refused to transfer its Patriot system. Germany and Romania will also provide two Patriot batteries, and the Netherlands and Denmark have begun the process of transferring F-16 aircraft to Ukraine. Norway has also joined the military coalition and will provide six F-16 and F-15 jets to Ukraine by the end of the year. NATO countries have agreed to provide military aid to Ukraine for a total of $40 billion in the coming years.


In this section of the video, Georgina Loni announced that Italy will provide $1.7 billion in military aid to Ukraine next year, with New Zealand also joining in with a smaller package. The British Prime Minister announced that nearly $10 million will be allocated for military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, with $6.1 million going towards humanitarian assistance and $3.6 million for military aid. New Zealand will also contribute military-medical supplies. The video also mentions that Britain is allowing the use of its Storm Shadow 250 cruise missiles against Russia, and that the US is providing military aid, although President Biden's actions towards Ukraine are mysterious and limiting. The article by Reuters suggests that Russia's army is running out of soldiers and ammunition, and that their offensive potential is dwindling. The video also notes that Russia's recent mobilization does not cover the losses their army is suffering on the battlefield.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses the Russian army's struggle to maintain its forces due to heavy losses in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The second echelon of Russian troops is shrinking, and they are experiencing a deficit of ammunition and equipment. North Korea is also having difficulty meeting Russia's demands for supplies. The Russian commanders are forced to send under-prepared and inexperienced soldiers into battle, resulting in higher losses than among their more trained counterparts. Russia needs to secure large supplies of ammunition from other countries and declare a mobilization to launch a large-scale offensive. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is pushing for a peace plan, but Putin is insistent on its implementation, and Orbán is trying to convince other European leaders to support it. Meanwhile, the Russian military is under fire for attacking a children's hospital in the center of Kyiv. Despite these challenges, Putin is continuing to push for the implementation of his peace plan, which many view as a capitulation of Ukraine. Without mobilization, the Russian army cannot advance.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with a focus on Hungary's role in the European Union (EU) and its leader, Viktor Orbán. Orbán has been criticized for using his current position as the EU's rotating presidency to promote a peace plan between Russia and Ukraine that is not in line with EU policy. The speaker suggests that Orbán may face political consequences for his actions, including a potential early end to Hungary's EU presidency. The conversation also touches on recent military actions in the region, specifically the launching of Russian missiles towards Ukraine and the discovery of a malfunctioning missile in the Caspian Sea. The speaker notes that there have been reports of a high failure rate for certain types of Russian missiles, which could impact the effectiveness of their military strategy.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In the YouTube video titled "10.07 На Купянском направлении пришла в движение 1 ТА рф. Саммит НАТО первые итоги," the speaker discusses the power outages affecting over 600,000 people in the Kransnodar and Rostov regions due to alleged airstrikes on power grids. The speaker also mentions the use of drones in the area and the ongoing conflict between Russian and Ukrainian forces. The topic then shifts to the Russian military's propaganda encouraging soldiers to commit suicide rather than surrender, with examples of reported atrocities against captured Russian soldiers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of humanitarian treatment of prisoners and following the Geneva Conventions. He encourages soldiers to surrender to ensure their safety and avoid being charged as war criminals, while denying prisoner exchanges. The speaker also provides contact information for Russian special services to facilitate surrenders. The speaker then encourages listeners to resist and stay alive, offering a free consultation from a legal firm for military personnel and their families with service-related issues and financial payments. Donations are still being collected for the production of drones for Ukrainian brigades, and the contact information for the donation fund can be found in the video description. The speaker expresses gratitude to sponsors and supporters and repeats the call for donations for drone production.

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