Front swing. Record conscription into the army in the Russian Federation

in war •  2 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йорке. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker acknowledges the mixed day of sad and happy news. On the sad side, it marks the 10th anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Donetsk, Ukraine, resulting in the deaths of 298 people, including 83 children. The Dutch prosecutor identified the missile as belonging to the Russian military, and military personnel involved in the incident's personal information is being actively published on social media. On the happy side, the speaker announces that the legal firm Consultant continues to offer free consultations to military personnel and their families for resolving military service and financial payment issues. The firm has destroyed 163 units of enemy equipment and objects, causing approximately $30 million in damage. The speaker encourages viewers to compare the funds raised by the Zla mne serdca (Heartless Me) charity fund to the damage inflicted on the enemy and to continue donating. The speaker also discusses the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine, specifically the situation along the Dnieper River. The Ukrainian forces have been able to prevent the Russian forces from advancing towards Novosёlovka and have repelled attacks in various regions. The speaker mentions the failed drone attack on Belarusian territory and its potential implications, as well as the ongoing conflict between Belarus and Russia. Additionally, the speaker discusses the recruitment of soldiers in Tatarstan, Russia, with financial incentives and the ongoing power crisis in Russia. The speaker urges the people of Tatarstan not to be lured by these offers and warns of the brutal nature of the war and the Russian commanders' prioritization of equipment over soldiers. The speaker also mentions various military conflicts, including an attack on a Bentley 1 tanker in Shanghai and the blocking of Russian oil transit through the Druzhba pipeline.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йорке. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker, who is from Ukraine, begins by acknowledging that today is a mixed day with both sad and happy news. On the sad side, it marks the 10th anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 over Donetsk, Ukraine, which resulted in the deaths of 298 people, including 83 children. The speaker notes that the Dutch prosecutor's investigation identified the missile that brought down the plane as belonging to the Russian military. The speaker also mentions that the personal information of the military personnel involved in the incident is being actively published on social media. On the happy side, the speaker announces that the legal firm Consultant continues to wait for applications from military personnel and their families for legal assistance in resolving issues related to military service and financial payments. The first consultation is free. The speaker also shares that 163 units of enemy equipment and objects were destroyed using fpv Drones, causing approximately $30 million in damage. The speaker urges viewers to compare the funds raised by the Zla mne serdca (Heartless Me) charity fund to the damage inflicted on the enemy and to continue donating to the cause. The video's caption contains the contact information for the legal firm for those seeking assistance.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Yorkе. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the guilty verdict of the Dutch court regarding the downing of a plane carrying oncology patients over the territory of Ukraine in 2014. The crew responsible for launching the missile, known as the Buka squad, has been identified and sentenced in the Netherlands, but the second part of the trial will take place at the Hague Tribunal, where those responsible for ordering the attack will be tried. The materials from this criminal case will be handed over to the Hague Tribunal and used as evidence against the Russian Federation for punishment and compensation. The speaker expresses condolences to the families and relatives of those who died in the plane crash and celebrates a recent prisoner exchange between Russia and Ukraine, facilitated by the United Arab Emirates. The speaker also mentions the ongoing conflict on the ground, with 112 combat engagements reported and a decrease in military activity potentially linked to unfavorable weather conditions. The enemy inflicted four missile strikes and 71 air raids on Ukrainian positions and populated areas in the past day.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the military situation in the Hарьков and Donetsk regions of Ukraine. Over the past few days, there have been over 4,300 attacks on Ukrainian positions and territories adjacent to them, with 121 of these attacks utilizing rocket launch systems and aerial strikes. The Russian forces have focused their efforts on operational directions, specifically in the areas of the settlements of Glubokaia and Volchansk. The Ukrainian command has issued orders for targeted artillery attacks on forested areas in the Hарьkov region to create large fires. The situation remains tense, with no significant advances made by either side. The Russian forces have launched nine attacks daily on Ukrainian defensive positions in the areas of Senkovka, Andreevka, Peschanoye, and Stepanov. They have returned to their old tactic of applying pressure along the entire front line to find weak spots in the Ukrainian defense. Despite their high level of activity and wide front of attacks, the Russian forces have not been successful in any of their attacks. The situation remains stable on the Lyman, Syverdonetsk, and Severny directions, with no significant changes to the front lines.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the complexities of the front lines, specifically in the areas of New York and Toretsk. The enemy continues to attack, attempting to push through the Soviet defense on both the Northern and Southern flanks. Despite the efforts of the Soviet troops, the enemy has made some progress in the Toretsk area, leading to a precarious situation. The Soviet forces have managed to push the enemy back in the city of New York, gaining more territory than what the enemy had captured. The situation in Toretsk remains unstable, with the enemy making eleven attacks on Soviet positions and attempting to advance towards Toretsk from both the northwest and southwest directions. The Soviet forces have also made tactical gains, but the initiative remains with the enemy. The speaker notes that the enemy has suffered losses and the line of front remains unchanged on the Kramaторsk and Toretsk directions. The situation in Toretsk is particularly complicated, as the enemy has had some success but the Soviet forces have also achieved significant tactical gains. The front line in the Pokrovsk direction remains under heavy attack from the enemy, but the Soviet forces are making do with a hastily prepared defense. The speaker notes that this is a disadvantage for the Soviet forces, as they are unable to properly fortify their positions or take a strong defensive stance. However, the Soviet forces are using this to their advantage by forcing the enemy to attack on unfamiliar terrain and exhausting their troops.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the active fighting on the Pokrovsk direction, specifically in the areas of Progress, Vozdvizhenka, Kalinova, Novoselovka, and the first Uman settlement. The enemy has concentrated significant aviation and artillery on this front, resulting in numerous attacks in the past few days, particularly around Novoalexandrovka. The enemy is attempting to advance towards the Ukrainian positions to launch storming actions. The most significant losses for the enemy are predicted to still be ahead on this front. Despite some successes by the enemy, the Ukrainian forces have managed to hold their ground and have established a serious defensive line in the area of Vozdvizhenka. The enemy's efforts to expand their attacks to the Torchansk, Pokrovsk, and Kurakhov directions have been unsuccessful, with no gains made by the enemy in these attacks. The line of defense remains unchanged on the Krasnogorovka, Georgievka, Konstantinovka, and Proskoveevka fronts. The enemy has attempted to break through the Ukrainian defenses in these areas but has been unsuccessful. The Ukrainian forces are taking measures to strengthen their defenses and have not suffered any significant losses in these attacks. The situation in the Removsky operational direction remains stable, with six attacks having been repelled by the Ukrainian forces without success. However, there is now information that Ukrainian forces have withdrawn from the settlement of Urozhainy, and analysts warn that this may not be the end, emphasizing the importance of demoralizing the enemy and properly rotating troops to prevent them from launching larger attacks on other settlements along the Moкрыe Yaly river.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine, specifically focusing on the situation along the Dnieper River. The Russian forces have been attempting to advance towards the town of Novosёlovka, but the Ukrainian forces have been able to prevent their progress. The speaker notes that the Ukrainian forces have lost or found advantageous positions in the area, and that they have been successful in repelling Russian attacks in the regions of Marfa Polya, Mala Tokmachka, and Nova Andreevka. The Ukrainian forces have also repelled a Russian attack in the area of the Kazachyi Khutor (Cossack camps), and the front line in that area remains unchanged. The Ukrainian forces have also withdrawn from the town of Krynki, leaving a "gray zone" where active fighting is taking place. The speaker notes that the decision was made not to defend the area around Krynki due to the lack of cover and the fact that the Russian forces would not be able to establish a foothold there due to the Ukrainian forces' control of the area under their artillery fire. The speaker also mentions that there are many differing opinions on the value of holding certain positions and the resources expended in doing so. Despite this, the speaker asserts that it was worth it due to the large numbers of Russian forces engaged and the significant losses they suffered compared to the Ukrainian forces. The speaker also mentions that the Ukrainian forces have been able to prevent the Russian forces from transferring their forces to the Eastern Front by holding them in place.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йорке. Рекордный призыв в рф," Russian military analyst Suvorovkin discusses the failed drone attack on Belarusian territory and its potential implications. The drone, which was shot down near the towns of Parichi and Luban in the Goмель region, was not a training or reconnaissance drone, but a combat one carrying explosives. Its purpose was likely to attack Ukrainian territory. The situation remains unchanged militarily, with no signs of enemy offensive formations. However, the origins and fate of the drones that have infiltrated Belarusian airspace remain unknown. Some speculate that Putin may have orchestrated the infiltrations as a show of force against Lukaшенko, who had publicly announced the withdrawal of Belarusian troops from the Ukrainian border. Despite this, Belarusian forces continue to patrol the border and conduct regular rotations.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Belarus and Russia, specifically focusing on the downing of a Russian plane by Belarusian forces. The speaker suggests that Putin may perceive any concessions or silence as a defeat, leading him to create an illusion of victory. The situation at the border with Chernihiv and Sumsk regions remains tense, with the enemy maintaining military presence and conducting attacks. Ukrainian forces have responded with air strikes, targeting enemy personnel and equipment. The speaker notes that the number of tanks and armored vehicles in enemy ranks is decreasing, not because Ukrainian forces are destroying fewer of them, but because there are fewer on the battlefield. Overall, the military situation in Ukraine is under control, with losses on the Russian side totaling 1,110 personnel and 11 tanks, among other vehicles and equipment. The speaker also mentions the progress of Ukrainian forces in Crimea over the summer.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the Ukrainian military is reported to have destroyed 15 military targets on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. These were group targets, not just individual machines or command centers. The attacks were carried out every three days, and among the targets were significant amounts of equipment, personnel, and other important objects. Notable destruction includes the buoy Saturn project 498 on Lake Pansko, attacked on June 6, and an attack by marine drones of the Magura V5 type on the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. Three divisions of the S-300 and S-400 missile systems, as well as radar stations, were also taken out of commission. A fire on the Vitina space communication point occurred on June 23, and a fire on the Namyas Chauda polygon occurred on June 25. A munitions depot under Balaklava was also hit. Additionally, on July 15, the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate conducted a cyberattack on nearly 100 Russian web resources, destroying their management systems, programming support, and databases. The Ukrainian attack also targeted over 100 websites in the cyber sphere, and as of the following day, some 39 of these websites were still down. Ukrainian cybersecurity companies serving clients involved in the war against Ukraine were also targeted. Furthermore, the night of July 15 was not peaceful for occupied territories and the Russian Federation. Drones attacked military objectives in at least three regions, and the Russian PVO reportedly shot down two unmanned aerial vehicles in the Voronezh, Belgorod, and Bryansk regions. The Ministry of Defense of Russia likely considers these drones destroyed, and there are likely damages and casualties or objects taken out of commission as a result. The video's speaker is monitoring Russian media for more information on the extent of the damage. Additionally, 95 Ukrainian military personnel, including 88 enlisted men, sergeants, and seven officers, have reportedly been returned.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йорке. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the release of 23 Ukrainian soldiers who had been prisoners of the aggressor country for two years. Among them were 13 defenders of Mariupol and a missing defender who was found alive. The soldiers were freed with the support of the United Arab Emirates, and 49 Ukrainian military personnel were returned from Russian captivity. The composition of the freed soldiers included soldiers from various Ukrainian forces, including the territorial defense, border guards, and state security services. The speaker also mentioned that Ukraine and the Czech Republic signed agreements on joint weapon production and the construction of a patent cartridge factory. Additionally, Greece is set to transfer 32 outdated F16 fighter jets to the United States, and in exchange, Greece will be allowed to purchase up to 40 fifth-generation F-35 fighter jets. However, the delivery of the F-35s is expected to take at least a year due to the significant modernization required between the F16's block 30 and block 50 versions. The speaker also mentioned that Houthi rebels, who are allies of the Russian Federation, attacked two Russian tankers carrying oil, bypassing sanction restrictions. The tankers, Chos Liban and another unnamed one, were carrying 100,000 tons of crude oil and sustained damage as a result of the attacks.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses various military conflicts, including an attack on a Bentley 1 tanker in Shanghai, which was targeted by three naval vessels, three drones, two small boats, and one unmanned overwater vessel. The Houthi rebels, who resemble the pirates from the children's film "Aybolit 66 Baramaya and his Gang," are believed to be responsible for the attack, as they possess serious weaponry such as drones and ballistic anti-ship missiles. Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister, visited the United States and met with Donald Trump, who has been a significant supporter of Ukraine. Johnson urged Trump to continue arming Ukraine during a Republican National Convention speech. Additionally, Ukraine has blocked the transit of Russian oil through the Druzhba pipeline, which passes through their territory to Hungary. The Hungarian Foreign Minister, Peter Szijjarto, has complained to the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, about the issue and urged Russia to find a solution. A record number of conscripts, around 150,000, have been mobilized in Russia this year due to a lack of personnel to fill the ranks of military units. The speaker also mentions that active recruitment is taking place in Tatarstan.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the recruitment of soldiers in Tatarstan, Russia, with financial incentives. Recruits are offered around 1.5 million rubles for signing a contract and going to war, along with a free medical kit and ammunition. However, the cost of health and life far outweighs these benefits. The Russian government is reportedly pushing for more recruits and has made it possible for soldiers to sign contracts immediately after taking the oath of allegiance. Commanders pressure recruits to sign, sometimes using physical force. Many recruits, who have not been properly trained, become cannon fodder on the front lines. The Russian army, with its outdated equipment, suffers more losses than the opposing forces. The speaker urges the people of Tatarstan not to be lured by these offers, as the war is brutal and the Russian commanders prioritize their equipment over their soldiers, particularly the infantry. The speaker also mentions the ongoing power crisis in Russia, which started in the southern regions and has since spread to the central and eastern parts of the country.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the ongoing power outages in Russia, caused by failures at the Roslavlskaya Atomic Power Station and Balaklavskaya TEZ in Sevastopol, leaving several million Russians without electricity. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov attended a meeting at the United Nations Security Council to address the situation but was criticized for quoting George Orwell's "Animal Farm" during the session, which was seen as ironic given Russia's status as a terrorist state and the censorship of Orwell's works in Russia. The speaker then thanks viewers for their attention, encourages them to subscribe to his channel and like the video, and mentions a law firm, Consultant, offering free initial consultations to military personnel and their families. He also asks for donations to a volunteer fund, Не Зла мне сердца, to purchase drone components and parts for Ukrainian brigades. The speaker expresses gratitude to donors and supporters.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йork. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker discusses the ongoing power outages in Russia and the recent incidents at the Roslavlskaya Atomic Power Station and Balaklavskaya TEZ in Sevastopol, leaving several million Russians without electricity. Two out of three energy blocks at the Roslavlskaya Atomic Power Station have failed, causing a ripple effect on the power grid, and the occupied Crimea is also experiencing a blackout. Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, attended a meeting at the United Nations Security Council to address the situation, but was criticized for quoting George Orwell's "Animal Farm" during the session. The quote, which criticizes those in power, was seen as ironic given Russia's status as a terrorist state and the censorship of Orwell's works in Russia. The members of the Security Council mocked Lavrov for his identification with the pig character in the farm, further highlighting the absurdity of the situation.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "17.07 Качели фронта в Нью-Йорке. Рекордный призыв в рф," the speaker, identified as a "Master of Words," mocks Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov during a United Nations Security Council meeting. The speaker then thanks viewers for their attention and encourages them to subscribe to his channel and like the video. He also mentions a law firm, Consultant, which offers free initial consultations to military personnel and their families regarding military service and financial payments. The speaker also asks for donations to a volunteer fund, Не Зла мне сердца, to purchase drone components and parts for Ukrainian brigades, as the war continues and there is a high demand for drone supplies. The speaker expresses gratitude to donors and those who support his channel.

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