Two years of liberation of Zmeiny Island. The OSCE recognized the actions of the Russian Federation as genocide of the Ukrainian people

in war •  2 days ago 

00:00:00 - 00:55:00
In the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker celebrates the second anniversary of the liberation of Zmeiny Island from Russian forces and discusses the current military situation along various front lines in Ukraine. The speaker also touches on the European Parliament's recognition of Russia's actions against Ukraine as genocide and the ongoing political tensions in France and their impact on tourism. The section begins by acknowledging the ongoing legal assistance provided by Consultant to military personnel and their families for service-related issues and financial payments. The speaker then reflects on the significance of the Zmeiny Island, which was taken back from Russian forces in June 2020, and the impact of its liberation on Ukraine's ability to resume trade connections and expel the Russian navy from the Black Sea. The speaker also discusses recent air raids on the city of Kharkiv and the military situation along various front lines, including the Torch and Pokrovskoe operational directions. Furthermore, the speaker touches on Belarus' involvement in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the military situation on the Ukrainian border with Russia, and the European Parliament's recognition of Russia's actions against Ukraine as genocide. The speaker also discusses the strategic importance of the gas and oil pipelines under the Black Sea and the ongoing elections in France and their potential impact on the conflict in Ukraine. Throughout the section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of defending against Russian aggression and holding Russia accountable for its actions. The video ends with a call to subscribe to the channel, a request for likes, and an offer of free legal consultation for military personnel and their families.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that the company Consultant is waiting for applications from military personnel and their families for legal assistance with service-related issues and financial payments. The speaker then celebrates the second anniversary of the liberation of the Zmeiny Island, which was taken back from Russian forces in June 2020. The operation to retake the island involved special forces from the Center for Special Operations, Alpha SBU, and other Ukrainian military units. The island was significant because it had been used by the Russians to control the northwestern part of the Black Sea and trade routes nearby. The speaker recalls the famous phrase "Where should the Russian ship go?" which became a symbol of the island's resistance. After the liberation of the island, Ukraine was able to resume trade connections and began the process of expelling the Russian navy from the Black Sea. The speaker notes that remnants of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are now afraid to leave the Azov Sea and most of their ships remain in the Azov Sea or in Novorossiysk military bases. The section concludes with a discussion of recent air raids on the city of Kharkiv, which experienced two days of terrorist attacks against civilian targets.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses the recent attacks on civilians and infrastructure in Ukraine. There were multiple rocket attacks on the cities of Volnovakha, Harkov, and Kyiv, resulting in several deaths and injuries among civilians, including children. In Volnovakha, a worker at the post office was killed, and nine people were injured. In Harkov, seven cargo trucks and an administrative building were destroyed. In Kyiv, a nine-story residential building and a fire station were damaged, and three people were injured. The speaker also mentions that there were 138 military engagements along the entire front line, with the Russian forces launching two rocket attacks using three missiles. The Ukrainian forces repelled the enemy in the Serebryanskyi Les area. The Russian losses for the day included over 1,100 soldiers, seven tanks, 19 armored vehicles, 53 artillery systems, one anti-aircraft system, two drones, 46 rockets, 75 vehicles, and 12 special vehicles. The speaker then moves on to discuss the events of the previous day, providing more details on the Russian attacks and losses.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses the military situation along various front lines in Ukraine. The enemy launched three rocket attacks and 59 aerial strikes, resulting in significant damage to civilian infrastructure and casualties among the population. Russian forces attempted to advance on several fronts, including Hарьков, Волчанске, and Лиман, but were unsuccessful due to heavy Ukrainian resistance. The enemy also attempted to flank Ukrainian positions near the water reservoirs in the area of Часовий Яр, but were repelled. Despite these efforts, the enemy continued to reposition forces and reinforce their ranks to maintain their offensive potential. Ukrainian forces were able to hold their ground and repel all attacks, with no significant changes to the front lines.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses the military situation on the front lines, specifically focusing on the Torch and Pokrovskoe operational directions. The Russian forces have been attempting to advance towards Toretsk, threatening two Ukrainian army groups and the checkpoint of Yar and the group south of Pokrovskoe. Despite numerous attacks, the Russian forces have not made significant progress, and they have suffered losses and retreated to their initial positions. The British intelligence report also identifies the Pokrovskoe direction as the main focus of Russian attacks, with 42 assaults on Ukrainian positions reported in the past day. The speaker emphasizes that Ukrainian forces are not giving up territory easily and are inflicting heavy casualties on the Russian occupation forces. The front lines have seen some changes, with the British report indicating that parts of the front have shifted, and July is expected to be a hot month not only in terms of weather but also on the Pokrovskoe operational direction.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses military actions on the Pokrovsko and Kurakhovsko directions of the front line in Ukraine. There were reports of a women's unit of Russian prisoners, Storm Z, attacking Ukrainian positions near Yasnohorodka, but it was later revealed that this information was not accurate. The Kurakhovsko direction, while having fewer attacks than the Pokrovsko direction, is still a significant operational area with intense fighting in the regions of Nevelsk, Georgievka, Krasnogorovka, and Proskurovka. Despite numerous attempts, the Russian forces have not been able to breach the Ukrainian defenses, and the front line on the Kurakhovsko direction remains unchanged. The Temporarno-Skosovo direction has seen less activity in recent months, as Ukrainian forces have solidified their position and increased their combat potential. The Russian forces attempted to advance near the settlement of Chervona, but their offensive was unsuccessful. Overall, the front line on the Temporarno-Skosovo direction also remains stable.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses the military situation in various regions, including the Orekhovske and Volynsko-Poleskie directions in Ukraine and Belarus. The speaker mentions that there have been no significant changes in the operational situation in these areas, with no signs of enemy offensive formations. However, there have been political declarations from Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, who has made threats against Ukraine and claimed to have nuclear weapons. The speaker notes that there is no evidence of nuclear weapons in Belarus and that Lukashenko is not allowed to visit the supposed storage site due to Russian control. The speaker also mentions that the Russian-backed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) is reportedly fighting as part of the Ukrainian armed forces in an international legion, and that Ukraine's northern border is fortified with various defensive structures. The speaker concludes by stating that Ukraine is prepared to defend against any attack, even if Belarusian forces decide to invade.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses Belarus' involvement in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Belarus reportedly transported over 10,000 tons of ammunition to Russia, and allowed the recruitment of Belarusian military personnel to join the Russian army in its war against Ukraine. The speaker also mentions the transfer of a Chinese multiple rocket launcher system, the Polonez, from Belarus to Azerbaijan before the Nagorno-Karabakh war. Despite Belarus' military actions, the speaker suggests that Lukaшенko's statements about the situation are political and populist in nature. No evidence of Belarusian military experience with the Polonez system has been provided. The speaker also notes that there have been no observed military movements along the Ukrainian border.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses the military situation on the Ukrainian border with Russia. The opponent maintains military presence and conducts diversionary activities, shelling Ukrainian populated areas from Russian territory. Russia is building defensive lines in Belgorod, Kursk, and Bryansk regions, and Ukraine responds with fire. The Ukrainian forces have destroyed two command centers, one anti-aircraft system, and various military equipment over the past few days. The total losses for the enemy amount to 1,110 personnel, 19 tanks, 26 armored vehicles, 66 artillery systems, one anti-aircraft unit, one drone, and 70 automobile units. The Ukrainian Air Force and artillery have targeted 330 enemy concentration areas, 25 command posts, and five bases and storage facilities for fuel and ammunition, as well as some on Ukrainian territory. Despite these efforts, the enemy continues to pose a threat, and the military situation remains tense on all operational fronts in Ukraine. The General Staff provided statistics on the Ukrainian forces' activities and damage inflicted on the enemy by the end of June.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses the military losses sustained by the Russian forces in the ongoing war against Ukraine. The enemy allegedly lost over 33,000 soldiers, including three almost fully-manned divisions, 352 tanks, 589 armored vehicles, 1,758 units of automobile technology, and 284 units of special equipment in just one month. The speaker then shares an intelligence report from British reconnaissance stating that the Russian Federation is not making significant progress under the front lines but controls a large portion of the territory in the regions of Red Partisans and Ivy. Ukrainian forces reportedly achieved tactical successes in the city of Volchansk. The Russian Ministry of Defense claimed to have shot down 36 drones without causing any damage or casualties, but the speaker questions this claim, as seven drones allegedly damaged a key component of a metalworking plant in Novolipetsk, potentially causing significant disruption to the plant's operations. The speaker concludes by commenting on the Russian propaganda's ability to manipulate information.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses the European Parliament's recognition of Russia's actions against Ukraine as genocide and the need for decolonization of Russia. The parliamentary assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) passed a resolution during the weekend, urging its member states to support the peace formula and Krym platform for the deoccupation of Crimea and other Ukrainian territories. The resolution also calls for an investigation into war crimes, including mass killings, rapes, and other atrocities committed by the Russian army. The speaker also mentions the ongoing process of holding Russia accountable for these crimes, comparing it to the Nuremberg trials. Additionally, the speaker discusses NATO's concerns over Russia's alleged mining of underwater infrastructure in the North Sea, including oil and gas pipelines and communication cables. The speaker expresses surprise that NATO did not take action to protect these assets earlier and criticizes the alliance for only reacting after potential damage had already occurred.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses the strategic importance of the gas and oil pipelines under the Black Sea, which have been a subject of concern due to the potential for a catastrophic environmental disaster if they are damaged. The speaker also mentions Hungary's half-year presidency of the European Union, during which they plan to prioritize European defense policy, the admission of new members, and the prevention of illegal migration. The speaker then shifts the focus to the ongoing elections in France, where the far-right party, led by Marine Le Pen, is making significant gains. Le Pen is against helping Ukraine and advocates for a strict migration policy. The speaker speculates that if Le Pen wins the upcoming second round of the elections, she could potentially become the prime minister of France without forming a coalition. The speaker also comments on the recent dissolution of the French National Assembly and the upcoming elections.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "01.07 Два года освобождения о. Змеиный. ОБСЕ признало действия рф геноцидом Украинского народа," the speaker discusses political tensions in France and the impact of the conflict in Ukraine on tourism in the region. The speaker mentions that far-right supporters have not held protests due to potential serious clashes. The French flag is brought up as an analogy for the political landscape, with mentions of moderate, ultra-right, ultra-left, centrist, and other political factions. The speaker also discusses power outages and water shortages in areas such as Voronezh and Belgorod due to the conflict. Additionally, there is mention of a rocket attack in Sevastopol resulting in over 100 injuries and the cancellation of 25% of tours to Crimea. The speaker emphasizes that the Ukrainian Crimea should not be visited until it is no longer under Ukrainian control. The video ends with a call to subscribe to the channel, a request for likes, and an offer of free legal consultation for military personnel and their families.

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