Withdrawal of the Ukrainian Defense Forces in several operational directions

in war •  21 days ago 

00:00:00 - 00:40:00
In the YouTube video titled "13.06," the speaker discusses the military situation in Ukraine, with a focus on the offensive actions taken by Russian forces in various operational directions. The speaker mentions the tragic event of a ballistic missile striking a residential area in Krivoy Rog, resulting in nine deaths and over 32 injuries. The speaker then moves on to discuss the military engagements along the front line, with the most intense fighting occurring in the Pokrovsk region. Ukrainian forces have been successful in repelling Russian attacks and maintaining their positions. The speaker also discusses the challenges Ukraine faces in distributing and integrating military aid, emphasizing the importance of logistics. The G7 summit is expected to provide Ukraine with a $50 billion credit to purchase weapons and pay off the credit with Russian frozen assets. The speaker mentions the ongoing economic tensions between China, Europe, and the United States, leading to trade war signs, and the US and UK imposing sanctions on Russia. Additionally, the speaker discusses the mass deployment of Russian convicts to the war in Ukraine, with around 50,000 inmates sent and around 17 of them reportedly killed. Prisons are emptying out, and women inmates are being recruited for various roles. The speaker concludes by expressing gratitude to sponsors and viewers and reiterating their commitment to covering the situation in the Ukrainian military.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "13.06," the speaker from Ukraine begins by reminding viewers that their legal firm, Consultant, is available to assist military personnel and their families with legal issues related to military service and financial payments. The speaker then moves on to discuss the tragic event that occurred the previous day in Krivoy Rog, where a ballistic missile struck a residential area, resulting in nine deaths and over 32 injuries, including five children. The Russian Federation has not commented on the incident. The speaker also mentions that the night passed relatively peacefully, except for the front line where the war continues unabated. Over the past day, there were 126 combat engagements, with the enemy launching four rocket attacks and 38 aerial attacks. The enemy also fired over 3,500 artillery shells at Ukrainian positions and territories. The speaker then discusses specific operational directions, starting with the Harkhov direction, where there were five combat engagements, and the enemy attempted to approach Ukrainian positions near the settlement of Lipets. In the same area, Ukrainian forces were able to prevent the enemy's advance by destroying an elite Russian special forces group with artillery fire. In Belgorod region, Ukrainian forces also inflicted significant damage on the enemy using anti-aircraft defenses, destroying and damaging four S-300 installations and several radar stations.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "13.06," the speaker discusses the military situation in Ukraine, specifically the offensive actions taken by Russian forces in the regions of Siverskyi Donets, Limanske, and Pokrovsk. The speaker notes that there have been increased military engagements, with the most intense fighting occurring in the Pokrovsk region. Russian forces have attempted to advance in areas such as Chasov Yar, Avdeevka, and Ivasivka, with the ultimate goal of reaching Konstantinovka from the southern front. However, Ukrainian forces have been successful in repelling these attacks and maintaining their positions. The speaker also mentions that the situation remains under the control of Ukrainian forces, and efforts are being made to prevent further Russian advances and stabilize the front lines. The most active area of conflict remains the Pokrovsk region, where Russian forces have concentrated a significant number of troops and have made partial gains in the areas of Kalynova, Novoalexandrovka, and Novopokrovka. Despite these losses, Ukrainian forces continue to resist and hold their ground.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "13.06," Ukrainian military officials discuss the ongoing offensive by Russian forces in several operational directions along the front line, including the Kurakhovo and Kupiansk directions. The Ukrainian forces are working to maintain their defense while inflicting maximum damage on the enemy in terms of both equipment and personnel. The Russian forces have been intensifying their attacks, particularly in the Kurakhovo area, where they have had some success in advancing. The Ukrainian military is receiving supplies and equipment from their partners, but the process of integrating this aid into their forces is a complex and challenging period. The Russian forces are putting immense pressure on the Ukrainian defenses, with no regard for the future, and the situation remains tense along the front line. Despite the Ukrainian efforts to stabilize the situation and prevent further enemy advances, the Russian offensive continues.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "13.06," the speaker discusses the military situation on several operational directions of the Ukrainian front. In the Staramayorskoe area, the enemy attempted to attack Ukrainian positions five times but failed to make any significant gains. The situation on the Orekhovsk and Pridneprovsk directions remained unchanged. The enemy tried to conduct a desant operation in the Delta of the Dnepr River but was unsuccessful, resulting in the destruction of 11 enemy boats and their crews. No significant changes occurred in other operational directions. The Ukrainian forces reportedly destroyed five enemy camps, three artillery positions, two PVO systems, and one region of enemy fire positions. The total losses of the occupying forces were reported to be 980 personnel, 17 tanks, 21 armored vehicles, 34 artillery systems, two drones, and various other equipment. The speaker also mentioned the addition of Argentina as a new participant in the contact group of the Stability Pact in this war. The main topics discussed at the meeting were the air defense system and logistics for Ukraine's defense needs.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "13.06," the speaker discusses the challenges Ukraine faces in distributing and integrating large quantities of military aid, emphasizing the importance of logistics. Despite receiving significant military aid, Ukraine is not yet feeling the impact on the front lines due to the ongoing struggle with logistics. The speaker also mentions that the G7 summit has started, and Ukraine is expected to receive a $50 billion credit from G7 countries, which will be used to purchase weapons and pay off the credit with Russian frozen assets. The speaker notes that Russia will effectively be paying for a portion of Ukraine's military equipment through these frozen assets. Additionally, the European Commission has announced plans to increase import tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles to around 30%, with the US and Europe accusing China of dumping these vehicles on the global market at low prices, threatening the Western automotive industry. China has responded with threats of retaliatory tariffs.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "13.06," the speaker discusses the ongoing economic tensions between China, Europe, and the United States, which are signs of a trade war. The speaker mentions the United States' deployment of Patriot missile systems in Europe, specifically in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. The Netherlands is planning to provide Ukraine with a radar system and three missile launchers, as well as a command center and a generator, to create an additional Patriot missile battery. This battery can protect one large object within a 100 km radius. The speaker also mentions the United States and its allies imposing sanctions on Russia, including the prohibition of financial transactions with Russian banks and the removal of the Moscow Exchange from the list of entities allowed to conduct transactions in dollars and euros. This has led to long lines for purchasing foreign currency in Russia, and the Russian Central Bank's head considered resigning. The speaker calls this sanctions package a disaster and wonders how it will affect other countries. The United Kingdom and the United States have also imposed sanctions, and it remains to be seen how this will unfold.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "13.06," the speaker discusses the latest sanctions imposed by the United Kingdom and the United States against Russia. The London Stock Exchange excluded Moscow Exchange from the list, and the US added 42 new entities, including seven physical persons and 35 companies, to the sanctions list. The US and UK have expanded their sanctioning policy against Russia, targeting companies and partners of the Federation in China, Turkey, and other countries. Russian diplomats are also affected, with eight European Union countries proposing to restrict their travel outside of their accredited countries. Norway is providing Ukraine with 81mm mine systems, worth over $45 million, and 100 Patriot missiles, along with Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands. Additionally, Norway has already sent Ukraine hand grenades and sniper ammunition.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "13.06," the speaker discusses the UK's announcement of a $300 million dollar aid package for Ukraine at the G7 summit, which is currently taking place in Italy. The UK's Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is expected to announce the allocation of 242 million pounds or $310 million dollars for Ukraine's urgent humanitarian, energy, and stabilization needs. The speaker also mentions that Ramstein is currently handling logistics for the Ukrainian military, including the closure of Ukrainian airspace for Russian missile attacks. Additionally, the Moscow Stock Exchange announced the suspension of trading in dollars and euros due to new US sanctions, causing a 15% drop in the Russian stock market. Russian President Putin has also announced a partial privatization of Russian industries, which some political analysts interpret as a return to the privatization methods of the 1990s. The speaker also references the Yukos oil company case from two decades ago, where the company's assets were seized and nationalized following accusations against its leadership. Overall, the speaker provides updates on the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, including economic sanctions and military logistics.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "13.06," it is discussed that the prisons in Russia are emptying out due to the mass deployment of convicts to the war in Ukraine. Approximately 50,000 inmates have been sent to the war, with around 17 of them reportedly killed. The remaining injured are estimated to number twice the number of fatalities. Prison officials are now recruiting women inmates for various roles, including drone operators, snipers, and even stormtroopers in infantry units. The video also mentions that colonies are being closed due to the shortage of inmates, and military personnel and their families are encouraged to seek legal assistance from a consulting firm. The speaker expresses gratitude to sponsors and viewers for their support and concludes by reiterating their commitment to covering the situation in the Ukrainian military.

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