The number of battles at the front has increased

in war •  4 days ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker discusses increased military activity and hostile engagements between Ukraine and its adversaries, specifically North Korea and Russia. The enemy has conducted thousands of artillery attacks and drone attacks on Ukrainian positions and territories, resulting in significant losses for both sides. The Russian Federation and North Korea have accused each other of violating United Nations Security Council Resolutions. Ukrainian forces have successfully repelled most attacks and inflicted damage on enemy personnel and equipment. The speaker also mentions the use of M46 millimeter guns by North Korea and Russia and the ongoing tensions between the United States and Russia. Additionally, there have been recent military agreements between Ukraine and various countries, including the United States, and ongoing debates about the US presidential race and potential violations of UN resolutions regarding weapons transfers from North Korea.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that the legal firm Consultant is available for military personnel and their families seeking legal assistance with military service and financial payments. The night of June 29 was restless as the enemy attempted to attack Ukraine with drones, specifically 10 Shahet drones from the Primorsko-Akhtarsk region of the Russian Federation. These drones were all shot down by Ukrainian forces, with air defense systems, zenit rocket units, and mobile fire groups contributing to their defeat. However, the genocide against the Ukrainian people continues with the Russian Federation carrying out terrorist attacks against civilians. Yesterday, a rocket hit a nine-story building in Dnepr, destroying four floors and causing damage during the evening when people were returning home from work. The cleanup and rescue efforts are ongoing, with one person reported dead, twelve injured, and one child among the wounded. The Russian Federation has shown a troubling increase in military activity along the entire front line, with over 170 combat engagements reported in the past day. Enemy forces launched two rocket attacks on Ukrainian positions and civilians, carried out 88 aerial strikes, and employed 150 Kalibers.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker discusses increased hostile engagements, with North Korea and Russia accusing the enemy of violating United Nations Security Council Resolutions. The enemy has conducted approximately 4,400 artillery attacks on Ukrainian positions and territories, including 1,200 drone attacks. Despite the enemy's persistent attacks, Ukrainian forces are repelling them and inflicting significant damage. The enemy is also suffering losses and withdrawing troops, such as the 83rd Airborne Brigade from Volchansk, which has reportedly lost over 50% of its personnel. The Russian command is considering withdrawing or reorganizing this unit. The situation is complex as there are limited reserves to replace the troops, and the Russian forces are also experiencing resistance in their attempts to surrender. Overall, the situation on the Harkov operational front is more stable, with fewer attacks and mostly positional battles.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker discusses the military situation at the Ukrainian front lines. The fighting has been relatively calm in some areas, but there has been an increase in combat engagements near the Cuppian direction. The North Korean and Russian forces have accused the enemy of violating United Nations resolutions. The enemy launched nine attacks on Ukrainian positions over the past day, with the majority occurring in the areas of Senkovka, Stepanova Novoselka, and Stelmakhovka. Despite some successes, the enemy retreated after sustaining losses. The situation on the northern front remains unchanged, with the enemy conducting 19 sham attacks on Ukrainian positions near Belogorovka, Sporny Verkhnekamskyi Rozdol, and Vyemka. Despite the enemy's high level of activity, Ukrainian forces have successfully repelled all attacks, and the front line remains stable. The enemy has also attempted to advance on the Kramatorsk direction but has made little progress. The speaker notes that some enemy attacks have been thwarted before they even began due to Ukrainian drone strikes. Overall, the enemy has not achieved any significant successes on any front.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker discusses the ongoing military conflict and the increased intensity of battles in various regions, specifically in the areas of Torchok, Progress, Novoselovka First, and Uman. The enemy, with the support of aviation and artillery, made partial advances in the Torchok region, forcing the Ukrainian forces to retreat and abandon some positions. The enemy launched approximately 37 attacks on Ukrainian positions over the past few days, with the majority occurring near Alexandrovka and Novoalexandrovka, where the enemy is attempting to reach higher ground. Ukrainian forces are making maximum efforts to contain the enemy's activity and exhaust their resources. The enemy's progress on the Pokrovsk direction is being addressed with stabilization measures. The enemy is experiencing a deficit of armor and is primarily attacking using motorcycles, bicycles, and infantry, while Ukrainian forces are using armor as a transport medium rather than for support of advancing infantry. The enemy's partial successes are often achieved during the rotation of Ukrainian forces on the front lines, leaving openings for the enemy to advance or launch attacks.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker discusses the increased number of attacks by the enemy on Ukrainian positions in the areas of Georgievka, Konstantinovka, Proskoveevka, and Redgorovka. The attacks were repelled by Ukrainian forces, resulting in enemy losses and retreat. However, four of these attacks were particularly prolonged and intense, lasting for hours. The enemy's tactic of launching multiple attacks on different fronts at once, known as the "see-saw" method, was also noted. Despite these efforts, the enemy was unable to breach the Ukrainian defense line. The speaker also mentions that the enemy had attempted to capture Vodianoy, but this was unsuccessful. The enemy's artillery support was also targeted and damaged by Ukrainian forces. The speaker notes that the enemy is experiencing a decline in the quality of their artillery and is relying on towed artillery systems, giving the Ukrainian forces more opportunities to engage and damage them.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker discusses the military situation on the front lines between Ukraine and its adversaries, specifically mentioning the use of M46 millimeter guns by North Korea and Russia. These guns, which have a long range of approximately 18 km, are being taken out of storage and used on the front lines due to the need to maintain a certain level of tactical-technical capabilities. The speaker notes that the front lines have remained stable, with no significant changes, except for the Orekhovsk and Pridniprovsk directions where the enemy has been attempting to push back Ukrainian forces. Ukrainian forces have countered with artillery, air strikes, and electronic warfare, causing damage to the enemy's personnel and equipment in various locations. The total losses for the enemy over the past two days were reported to be 170 personnel, 57 artillery systems, 54 vehicles, and five special units. The speaker also mentions the increasing use of towed artillery by the enemy, which is easier to target, and the successful use of drones and special forces by Ukraine in this period.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06 Enemy Increased Number of Conflicts. DPR and RF Accused of Violating UN Security Council Resolution," the speaker discusses recent military actions and cyberattacks. Ukrainian forces have destroyed several enemy air defense systems in one week, including four TORM-2 and three TORM-3 missile systems, one PANC S1 missile system, and one BUK missile system. Ukrainian special forces and military have prioritized eliminating these systems to ensure F-16 aircraft can fly freely and bomb enemy troops. The Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) and a company called Team have together destroyed over 100 terabytes of data from the Russian company Orbit Soft, a significant software developer that provides contracts to the Russian occupation army. Additionally, data from eight servers of the company Orient System, a developer and supplier of navigation equipment, was also erased. Ukrainian internet providers in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, Link Telecom and NN and Access tcom, sent notices to their customers about an imminent attack. The video also mentions a large-scale cyberattack in Crimea, involving Ukrainian cyber forces and the playing of the Ukrainian national anthem on various channels. The war in cyberspace is also ongoing.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker discusses recent events in Ukraine and the return of some citizens from Russian prison. They also mention a successful attack on a new Russian S500 air defense system, the Prometheus, in Crimea. The speaker, who is a military analyst, explains that the S500 system, although experimental and not yet in mass production, was a significant threat. However, they note that the S500 is based on Soviet technology from the Cold War era and does not have a contact-based missile system. Instead, it relies on a non-contact, radar-guided system. The speaker then explains how the Patriot missile system works, which uses a contact-based system to intercept and destroy targets. The speaker concludes by noting the differences between the two systems and the effectiveness of each.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06 Враг увеличил количество боестолкновений. КНДР и рф уличили в нарушении Резолюции СБ ООН," the speaker discusses the effectiveness of the S500 air defense system against ballistic missiles. The speaker explains that dozier targeting, such as aircraft and drones flying at subsonic speeds, can be effectively targeted with ballistic missiles due to the weaker structure of their outer layers. However, the speaker argues that S500 will not significantly change the situation in terms of defending against ballistic missiles, as its working principle has not changed from the S300 or S400 systems. The speaker also mentions that China, known for its expertise in reverse engineering, bought the S400 system years ago and disassembled it to understand its structure. The speaker concludes by discussing ongoing defense cooperation agreements between Russia and other countries, including the Czech Republic, which will be signed on July 18 at a summit.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06 Враг увеличил количество боестолкновений. КНДР и рф уличили в нарушении Резолюции СБ ООН," the Premier of the Czech Republic spoke at the European Political Community in London about Ukraine's military agreements with 20 countries, including the United States. These agreements, which last for ten years, commit the signatories to providing Ukraine with annual military support worth $60 billion. Poland is also set to sign a similar agreement. In the United States, the drone manufacturing company Sky Dio is expanding its business in Ukraine, aiming to assemble and test their drones there. The Biden administration is reportedly considering lifting the ban on American military contractors operating on Ukrainian territory to execute military contracts for Ukrainian forces. This could potentially relieve Ukraine of some logistical and support burdens, with a few hundred contractors expected to be present in Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker discusses ongoing debates about the US presidential race and the possibility of replacing Joe Biden as the Democratic Party's candidate. The speaker also mentions the ongoing tensions between the United States and Russia, with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov attending a conference at the United Nations despite being banned from entering the US. During the conference, Lavrov proposed that Russia was open to diplomatic talks but not with the US or the UK, instead preferring to engage with the European Union. Additionally, experts presented evidence at the UN that debris from ballistic missiles found in Ukraine originated from North Korea, leading to accusations of violations of UN arms embargos by both North Korea and the US.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "29.06 Enemy Increased Number of Conflicts: KNDR and RF Accuse Violation of UN Resolution," there is a discussion about an alleged weapons transfer. North Korea's Kim Jong-un reportedly gave the order, but the director of a certain company, which conducted research and gathered evidence, presented the findings to the Security Council. The evidence includes the analysis of a rocket that struck the second largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv, on January 2, 2023. The rocket was identified as either KN-23 or KN-2, manufactured in North Korea. The positional statement of Pan Guti, the General Secretary, is intriguing as North Korea can speak freely, and Russia, one of the signatories and initiators of the UN resolution imposing an embargo on weapons transfers from North Korea, is the only supporter. The UN, under Resolution 2397, obligates all countries to comply, and Russia's Federation signed it. The situation is further complicated as the UN provides financial aid to Ukraine, with a recent approval of a $2.2 billion transference to support the country's budget and economy. Additionally, the European Union imposed sanctions on Transcontainer, the largest railway container operator in the Russian Federation, and its general director, Mikhail Kancev. The company reportedly saw increased profits in the third year, partly due to transit cargo transfers, and operates in the Alabuga Free Economic Zone, which is linked to the supply of Kamikaze-type drones used by Russia in Ukraine. The company is also suspected of involvement in weapons transfers from North Korea and logistical support for the war in Ukraine.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In the YouTube video titled "29.06," the speaker discusses the political tensions between Sri Lanka and the Russian Federation over Sri Lankan mercenaries fighting in Ukraine, with reports of up to 800 citizens involved and one confirmed death. Putin met with the Russian Security Council to abandon the moratorium on intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles, leading to the US accusing Russia of violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with the deployment of the Iskander missile. Russia responded by withdrawing from the treaty. Putin also threatened to resume production of short- and medium-range missiles and continued attacks on Ukrainian territory, causing civilian casualties and damaging infrastructure. The use of drones for reconnaissance was mentioned, and Putin's statements about nuclear weapons and missile production were seen as part of a campaign to influence Western decision-making. Residents in Russia were urged to help put out fires caused by falling missile debris.

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