Breakthrough of Russian fascists in the direction of Toretsk

in war •  3 days ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the ongoing military situation in Ukraine, focusing on the enemy's advance towards the city of Toretsk and the use of drones in military actions. The enemy has made significant progress in the Toрецk direction, infiltrating Ukrainian defenses and occupying new positions. Ukrainian forces are taking measures to stop the enemy's advance and prevent further progress. The speaker also touches upon the geopolitical situation, including military aid from the United States and the potential implications of China supplying components for the production and assembly of drones in Russia. Additionally, the video discusses economic developments related to the ongoing conflict, such as Ukraine's need for economic reforms and the European Union's consideration of imposing tariffs on Chinese imports.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that the legal firm Consultant is available to provide free legal consultations for military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues and compensation. The speaker then shares good news from the Ne Zla mne serdca (NZS) foundation's volunteers, who have delivered 50 drones and bombs to various brigades, enabling them to fight against enemy armor. The drones, called "Bomb," are equipped with a rotating drum that can carry and drop up to 5 kg of payload, acting as a miniature bomber plane. The first five of these drones have already been delivered, and the brigades express their gratitude for the donations. The speaker reminds viewers that the war is ongoing, and encourages continued donations to the NZS foundation. The video also marks the anniversary of the Day of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and highlights the constant attempts by the enemy to attack Ukraine's airspace.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the intense air battles between Ukrainian forces and their enemies, which can last all night and involve both rocket and drone attacks. The city of Dnepr was hit with a powerful morning attack using Iskander missiles and four guided aviation bombs, as well as five drones. Ukrainian forces were able to shoot down 11 aerial targets, but there were civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure as a result of the attack. The speaker acknowledges the bravery of those on the front lines and expresses sympathy for those affected by the violence. Despite the intense fighting, there has been a recent decrease in the number of military engagements, but the enemy continues to attack.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the intense two-day enemy attack on Ukrainian positions in various regions, including Hарьковская, Донецкая, Запорожская, and Херсонская oblasts. The enemy used artillery, rockets, and aircraft to target populated areas and military positions, resulting in civilian casualties and significant losses for the enemy. The Ukrainian forces are mainly in a defensive position, repelling attacks and inflicting maximum damage on the enemy. The enemy is trying to advance on the Volchansky direction, where there are serious battles ongoing. They are also trying to hold onto previously captured positions, with the best defense being offense. The enemy commander instructs his soldiers to kill all civilians and advises them that they will all be killed. The Ukrainian forces are slowly and carefully defending the city of Volchansky and continue to attack the enemy in the area of the aggregated plant. Despite heavy losses, the enemy has not been able to make significant progress, and the front line has remained stable. There were 13 attacks on Ukrainian positions, with 80% of them occurring in the Sеньkovka area, but none of them resulted in success. The line of the front has not changed over the past few days, and the Ukrainian forces have not abandoned their positions. Additionally, there are ongoing battles on the Limansky direction, with the enemy making 18 attacks but only achieving partial success.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the military situation on various operational fronts, specifically focusing on the Terny and Kramaторское directions. The Terny direction, which was under heavy attack from both Greek and Ukrainian forces, forced our defensive forces to abandon several positions. However, the line of defense remained stable on the Limansky operational direction. The situation on the Kramatorское direction was also relatively stable, but there were nuances that required further attention. Our defenders repelled 14 enemy attacks in this area, primarily in the regions of Kleshchevka, Kalinovka, and Ivanovsky. Despite these successful defenses, the front line did not change significantly. However, the Deep State analysis team notes that the real front line runs almost parallel to the North Donets River, making it a significant engineering obstacle for heavy machinery. The enemy has attempted to breach this line at several points, including a kilometer-wide area where the canal is hidden beneath the ground. Our defensive positions in this area have been fortified, and we are holding these lines. The speaker emphasizes that despite some denials from the general staff, this information is accurate, and ignoring it could lead to catastrophic consequences.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the enemy's advance towards the city of Toрецк, specifically in the area around a canal. The line of defense had not changed in the previous days on the Kramaторsk front, but the situation on the map had drastically changed. The enemy had intensified their attacks in the Toрецk direction, making significant progress with 32 attacks over the past few days. The enemy had also managed to infiltrate the Ukrainian defenses in the area of Yuryevka, making a narrow but deep penetration towards the outskirts of Toрецk. Ukrainian forces were taking measures to stop the enemy's advance and prevent further progress, but it was unclear whether they would be able to eliminate the enemy's salient or simply hold their ground. The most significant infiltration on the front line had occurred in the Toрецk direction, resulting in a partial success for the enemy in breaching the Ukrainian defenses. Elsewhere on the front, there had been no significant changes in the line of defense, and Ukrainian forces had held their positions and repelled all enemy attacks. The Poкровское direction remained the main focus of the enemy's assaults, with 51 attacks launched over the past few days.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the enemy's advance in the direction of Progress and Karlovka, specifically in the area of Novoalexandrovka. The enemy, primarily Roshi soldiers, made up nearly half of the 51 attacks and managed to push forward several hundred meters into Ukrainian territory. However, the Ukrainian forces were able to hold their positions in Novoalexandrovka and at the key location of the road between Konstantinovka, Pokrovsk, and Poche. This road is significant as it supports several operational directions, including Kramatorsk, Torez, and Pokrovsk. The enemy's progress in this area could lead to operational success, making it crucial for Ukrainian forces to prevent further advancement. Despite some losses, Ukrainian forces have been successful in counter-battery warfare, destroying over 30 to 60 artillery pieces per month. The situation in the area of Krasnogorovka, however, remains the most challenging, with the enemy making partial advances there. The enemy also has the opportunity to expand the area of control around Krasnogorovka, which is a significant and relatively open area, making it difficult to defend. Ukrainian forces are focusing their efforts on holding the line around Krasnogorovka, with 10 attacks reported in the past day on the Kurakhov direction.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the current military situation in various operational directions. In the Vremievskoe direction, the enemy has made three attacks, resulting in some success in advancing and occupying new positions. However, the line of defense remains unchanged in most areas. In the Orekhovskoe direction, the situation is relatively calm, with only one battle reported in the village of Rabotino, which was won by Ukrainian forces. The enemy continues to attempt to dislodge Ukrainian forces from the left bank of the Dnepr River, but without success. Ukrainian forces remain in control of their positions and continue to inflict heavy losses on the enemy. The situation along the northern border in the Volynskoe-Polesskoe direction remains stable, with no new political declarations or military build-ups observed from Belarus. Ukrainian forces continue to fortify their positions and remain on high alert. The enemy maintains a military presence in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions and continues to conduct diversionary activities and shell civilian areas. Ukrainian forces respond with counter-fire.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the military actions taken by Ukraine's forces against the enemy. They explain that instead of just targeting enemy artillery positions with mines and artillery, they are now actively seeking out enemy concentrations of personnel and weapons using artillery and anti-dilettante reserves. The Ukrainian forces have successfully destroyed two enemy compositions with artillery, an artillery command post, and six areas of enemy troop and weapon concentration. Additionally, they have lost 1180 enemy personnel, 16 tanks, 17 artillery systems, 57 multiple rocket launchers, two anti-aircraft systems, two drones, one operational-tactical missile, 63 vehicles, and 12 special vehicles. The speaker also mentions ongoing attacks in Novorossiysk, where the enemy attempted to attack a military-marine base, but the results are not yet fully known. The Ukrainian forces are also dealing with drone attacks in various locations, and they are waiting for official information on the identities of the drones and their targets.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses a recent attack on specific objectives and the results of the attack using drones in the air and on water. They mention that there will be a detailed discussion on the results tomorrow, along with satellite images of the damaged objects. The speaker also touches upon the geopolitical situation in their country and around it, as there is a delegation from Ukraine currently in the United States to discuss weapons transfers. The speaker notes that Ukraine still faces issues with their air defense systems and that Israel, which has been supplying these systems, may not be able to provide them with enough. The speaker also mentions the possibility of sharing or renting Patriot missile systems from the United States, which has a large number of these systems in its military. Yesterday, Lloyd Austin, the head of the US military, announced a new military aid package for Ukraine, which was initially expected to be worth $150 million but has now been increased to $2.3 billion. This larger package includes Zenit anti-missile systems, anti-tank weapons, and other types of ammunition, allowing the United States to provide Ukraine with more Patriot missiles and S-300 systems in an accelerated manner.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses various military and economic developments related to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The Russians are reportedly planning to purchase military supplies, including ammunition for Abrams Challenger tanks, from Britain and Germany. A Ukrainian factory producing drones for the military is expanding, and the European Union is considering imposing tariffs on imports from China, particularly small items purchased on electronic marketplaces like Alibaba and AliExpress. The EU aims to stop the influx of allegedly low-quality goods from China, initiating an economic war. The NATO summit in Washington, scheduled for July 9-11, will announce new long-term support for Ukraine, with NATO taking over military aid and training from the US. A coordination center is being established within NATO headquarters to manage these supplies.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the financial aspect of Ukraine's ongoing war and the role of NATO in providing military aid. NATO leaders have agreed to provide Ukraine with $40 billion in military assistance, but this is not enough to cover the costs of the war. The speaker suggests that Ukraine needs to undergo economic reforms to make its economy productive enough to fund military spending. However, immediate needs such as tanks, ammunition, artillery, and aircraft cannot wait. The speaker also mentions that China is developing a copy of the Iranian Shahe drone and supplying it to the Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas region. China is not openly providing weapons to any side but is selling dual-use components to all parties involved, including Russia. Russia, in turn, is producing its own weapons using these components. The speaker notes that both sides, including Ukraine, are purchasing components from the Chinese market.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses the potential implications of China supplying components for the production and assembly of drones in Russia. The speaker notes that China has used proxy countries like North Korea to begin these deliveries. Additionally, the Dutch government has undergone a change in leadership, with the new defense minister reaffirming their commitment to supporting Ukraine. The Netherlands have historically taken a clear stance on Ukraine's democracy and have provided military aid. The speaker also mentions the downing of MH17 over Ukraine in 2014, which was attributed to Russia, and the international condemnation that followed. The video then shifts to discuss the ongoing Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Kazakhstan, where Putin and other world leaders are in attendance. Putin's attendance is described as illegitimate, and the speaker notes that the summit is an opportunity for Putin to meet with leaders from China, Turkey, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and Iran. The new president has not yet taken office, so a vice-president is representing him at the summit. The speaker also mentions that the UN Secretary-General António Guterres is expected to attend.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In the YouTube video titled "3.07 Прорыв врага в направлении Торецк. Юань уходит с Мосбиржи," the speaker discusses China's withdrawal of banks from the Moscow Exchange due to US sanctions, leading to the potential halt of yuan trading. Russia is preparing for this possibility and planning reforms in the service sector, including training postal workers as healthcare providers. The speaker also provides updates on legal consultations for military personnel and their families, the volunteer fund "Nevidima Serdtsia" collecting donations for drone components, and the introduction of a new drone capable of dropping bombs on enemy targets. The speaker encourages viewers to donate, expresses gratitude for support, and reaffirms commitment to Ukraine's defense.

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