The front line remains unchanged. New appointments to NATO and EU

in war •  7 days ago 

00:00:00 - 00:55:00
In the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker discusses the current state of the front lines in Ukraine, noting relatively quiet nights with two missile strikes in southern regions, no casualties, and clear skies. However, there were 142 military engagements, with the enemy attacking Ukrainian positions and populated areas with air strikes. The situation in the Hарьковское, limanское, and kramaторskoe directions is described as complex, with the enemy attempting to push back Ukrainian forces and advance on key points. The speaker also mentions the ongoing conflict in the operational direction of Pokrovsky and the presence of Russian forces in the Black and Azov Seas. The video also covers recent military developments, including the establishment of a new branch of the military for unmanned aerial systems and the appointment of new military and political leaders in Ukraine and European organizations. The speaker expresses skepticism about the long-term commitment of Ukraine to these processes but acknowledges the integration of military systems and material support. The video also touches on Russian propaganda and the situation in Mahachkala, Dagestan, where terrorists are believed to be part of a local underground movement. The speaker advises viewers to stay informed and offers a free initial consultation from a legal firm for military personnel and their families regarding military service and financial payments.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker begins by mentioning a legal firm, Consultant, that provides free initial consultations for military personnel and their families regarding military service and financial payments. The night passed relatively quietly, but there were two missile strikes in southern regions of Ukraine, one in the Nikolevskaya region and another in an industrial zone in Odessa. No casualties were reported in either incident. The sky over Ukraine was clear, and there were no other significant missile attacks. However, the situation along the front line was more complex. There were 142 military engagements, with a slight decrease in the number of incidents compared to previous days. The enemy attacked our positions and populated areas with eight air strikes, supporting ground attacks in the areas of the settlements of Glukhovo and Tikhiy. The situation in these areas is relatively stable, with our forces repelling all attacks on the platzdarms in the Lipets area. In the Volchansk area, there is a positive trend, with Ukrainian forces gradually clearing the city and pushing out Russian occupation forces, who have established defensive lines 5-6 kilometers from the city. After a rotation of forces, it is expected that Russian troops will return, but in smaller numbers.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker discusses the current state of the front lines in Ukraine, focusing on the Hарьковское, лиманское, and краматорское directions. In the Hарьковское direction, the situation is relatively stable, but the enemy has attempted to push back Ukrainian forces in the areas of Sinkovka, Stepanova Novoselka, Peschanaya Stelmakhovka, and Andreevka, with the most intense fighting occurring near Stepanova Novoselka. Despite their efforts, the enemy has not been able to dislodge Ukrainian forces and the front line remains unchanged. The limanское direction also sees high levels of enemy activity, with 15 attacks being repelled by Ukrainian forces without loss of positions. In the siverskie direction, the enemy has focused on mining activities but all 13 attacks have been unsuccessful. The situation in the Kramaторskoe direction is also under Ukrainian control, with the enemy unable to advance on the key points of Ivanovskaya and Andreevka. Despite their efforts to encircle Ukrainian forces at Chasov Yar, the enemy has not been able to make significant progress and the front line remains unchanged.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker discusses the current state of the front lines in Ukraine, specifically in the areas of Kramaторsk and Toretsk. The situation in Kramaторsk is described as stable and under control by Ukrainian forces, despite the enemy's attempts to advance. In Toretsk, the situation remains difficult, with the enemy having attacked 11 times in the past, but all attacks were repelled, and the enemy retreated. The Ukrainian forces are now taking measures to strengthen their defense in this area. The front line configuration has changed, and efforts are being made to secure the flanks and stabilize the line. The city of Toretsk, located on hills, is a key objective for the enemy, and if they are able to reach it, there is a risk of a repeat of the situation in Chasov Yar. The speaker also mentions that the number of attacks on Ukrainian positions on the Pokrovskoe front line has not decreased and remains above 40 per day.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker discusses the ongoing military conflict in the operational direction of Pokrovsky. The enemy attempted to advance towards the areas of Novosёlovka and Vozdviженka but were unsuccessful in their attempts. The line of defense on this operational direction remained unchanged. There were six engagements on the Kurakhovsky direction, all of which resulted in failure for the attackers. The enemy attempted to push through in the areas of Georgievka and Konstantinovka while maintaining activity in the area of Redgorovka. The hotspots of the conflict remained Georgievka, Konstantinovka, and Redgorovka. The enemy retreated to their initial positions in areas where they had attacked, and all other areas remained unchanged. The situation on the Pridneprovsky direction involved ongoing assaults on the left bank of the Dnepr, with Ukrainian forces continuing to hold the settlements and platzrards on the left bank. Despite the challenges of logistics on the left bank, Ukrainian forces continued to inflict maximum damage on Russian occupation forces. In temporarily occupied Ukrainian Crimea, there is a military polygon on the Chauda peninsula, where a former thirty-first training center of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation is located. Ukraine and Russia had agreed to share the polygon before the war, with Ukraine occupying a part of it.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker discusses recent military developments in the Black and Azov Seas. A large fire broke out at a military base on the Ukrainian Crimean peninsula, where Russian forces are present, and it is unclear if explosives were detonated. The Ukrainian military reports that one enemy ship carrying cruise missiles is in the Black Sea, but it is believed to be out of missiles after previous attacks. Eight enemy ships, two of which are cruise missile carriers, are located in the Azov Sea. The front line has not changed, with Ukrainian forces attacking enemy command centers and concentrations of personnel and equipment. The losses for the invading forces include over 1,200 personnel, four tanks, 19 artillery systems, 40 drones, 22 tactical vehicles, and 45 other vehicles and specialized equipment.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker discusses the success of the Ukrainian military in combating drones using mobile fire groups. According to the Ukrainian Air Force commander, these groups have accounted for approximately 86% of all drone interceptions in Ukrainian airspace since the beginning of the year. The speaker also mentions the recent return of 90 Ukrainian military personnel from Russian captivity in a prisoner exchange. The discussion then shifts to the formation of a new type of military unit in Ukraine called "силы пилотных систем" or "pilot systems forces."


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Line of Contact Remains Unchanged. New Appointments in NATO and the EU," the speaker discusses recent appointments and changes in military structures, specifically in Ukraine and European organizations. The President of Ukraine signed an order several months ago to establish a new branch of the military for unmanned aerial systems, and this order officially came into effect on that day. The new commander for this branch was appointed last week, and the speaker expresses confidence in his abilities to build and fill the ranks of this new military unit. Additionally, there have been changes in European structures, including the appointment of Mark Rutte as the new Secretary-General of NATO, effective October 1. Rutte is known to be pro-Ukraine and is expected to increase NATO's role in providing military aid to Ukraine in response to Russian aggression. Another high-level European position, the EU's High Representative, is likely to be filled by the Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas, who is also a strong supporter of Ukraine. These appointments are expected to strengthen NATO and the EU's support for Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Line front without changes. New appointments in NATO and the EU," it was announced that the European Union's chief diplomat will be a close friend of Ukraine, Christine Lagarde, who is currently the Prime Minister of Estonia. Ursula von der Leyen will retain her post as president of the European Commission. The composition of the European Parliament has changed slightly, with more right-wing members present. The new General Secretary of the Council of Europe is Alain Berset, a Swiss politician, and his priority will be Ukraine and international initiatives related to its support and protection. The European Union's leadership is now seen as strong allies of Ukraine. Russia has started constructing a defensive line in the Kurske region, indicating a long-term stance in the ongoing conflict. The Biden administration is reportedly working to lift the ban on sending American military instructors to Ukraine, which could lead other countries to follow suit. The main trigger for this development is the White House, with the United States likely to provide instruction on repairing Ukraine's air defense systems, as well as training personnel and maintaining and servicing the equipment.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Line of Contact Remains Unchanged. New Appointments in NATO and the EU," the speaker discusses the arrival of instructors to train Ukrainian troops on Ukrainian soil, with NATO's institutional integration of Ukraine being a significant step towards eventual membership. The speaker expresses skepticism about Ukraine's long-term commitment to this process but acknowledges the full integration of military systems, intelligence sharing, and material support. A Romanian village is being transformed into a major NATO airbase, with plans for a large military camp and the deployment of thousands of troops and aircraft. Putin's expansion of the Russian Federation's borders is noted, with the new NATO base located just 20 km from the Black Sea, implying the potential for a naval base and logistical support.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker discusses the current situation of the Ukrainian city of Sevastopol, which is temporarily occupied by Russian forces. The speaker also reminds the audience that since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the borders between NATO and the Russian Federation have approximately doubled, with the addition of Finland, making up around 11% of Russia's land border. The speaker then mentions that North Korea conducted an unsuccessful test launch of a hypersonic missile on May 30, which was covered by the IFP agency on June 26. The speaker also notes that Russia is now a significant ally of North Korea, providing military and technological support, including cosmic rocket technology and the production of nuclear warheads. Additionally, a Russian government plane, an Il-96300, was spotted flying from Moscow to New York on June 26, one year after a delegation visited for closed-door talks.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker discusses the composition of the Russian delegation at upcoming negotiations and the role of Russian intelligence agencies in shaping propaganda. The speaker suggests that Russian military leaders Patrushev or Lavrov may attend the meeting, despite Lavrov being banned from entering the United States. The discussion then shifts to an example of Russian propaganda, where Russian forces are accused of attacking a school in Ukraine, but the speaker reveals that the building was actually abandoned and contained Russian military personnel and weapons. The speaker criticizes Russian propaganda for manipulating language and context to mislead the public. Additionally, there are reports of gunfire in Mahachkala, and the speaker advises residents to stay indoors for their safety.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "26.06 Линия фронта без изменений. Новые назначения в НАТО и ЕС," the speaker discusses the situation in Mahachkala, Dagestan, where terrorists are believed to be part of a local underground movement. These terrorists are reportedly linked to local councils and officials, and their activities have been escalating, reminiscent of a theatrical production. The Federal Security Service (FSB) has been registering thousands of denunciations, primarily against anti-war sentiments and LGBT propaganda. The most active denouncers were in their twenties, writing an average of 100 denunciations per month in the second year and 170 denunciations per month in the third year. The denouncers were also forming packs and submitting denunciations in batches. The speaker advises staying away from the Federation, especially abroad, as it could be dangerous. They also encourage viewers to subscribe to their channel, like the video, and contact a legal firm for consultation, offering the first consultation free of charge.

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