At the front - a "swing". The results of the NATO summit. A new aid package from the United States

in war •  2 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker discusses the current military situation on the front lines between Ukraine and Russia, as well as recent events and developments. The speaker begins by reminding viewers of their legal firm's availability for free consultation to military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues and financial payments. The night of July 12 saw intense military activity, with Russia launching air attacks using strategic bombers and cruise missiles from the Saratov region, targeting areas in Ukraine such as Starokonstantinov in the Hmelynitskyi Oblast. Despite some missiles being intercepted, several areas were hit, including Sumy and Cherkasy, and decoy drones were used to overload Ukraine's air defense systems. On the front lines, there have been 120 combat engagements over the past few days, with a slight decrease in the number of incidents. The Russian army has attempted to advance on various operational directions, including Harkivske, Kupynske, and Toretsk, but Ukrainian forces have been able to prevent significant gains and inflict losses on the enemy. In other news, a Russian research vessel, the Mikhail Rudnickey, collided with a deep-sea submersible during tests in the Norwegian Sea, causing damage and making further testing impossible. Additionally, Russia has reportedly planned to block YouTube in the fall, purchasing equipment in China to accomplish this task. Despite these challenges, Ukrainian forces have maintained control of the situation and gained tactical success in the city of Volchansk. The Russian army is attempting to encircle a smaller group of their troops but may face a threat of encirclement if they do not withdraw in time. The Russian command is currently deciding whether to continue their offensive on the Harkivske direction or maintain the current level of fighting. The speaker also mentions the recent summit between Ukraine and the United States, where President Joe Biden confirmed that Ukraine should win the ongoing war and Russia should lose. A new package of military aid, worth $225 million, was announced, including Patriot missile systems, Stinger missiles, artillery shells, and Javelin anti-tank systems, among other equipment. The aid is being delivered directly from US army reserves and is expected to arrive in Ukraine within a week. Additionally, a Ukrainian Legion for volunteers is being organized in Poland, with thousands of Ukrainian citizens expressing their desire to return and fight. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling on Russia to withdraw its troops from the territory around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and transfer control to Ukraine for safe operation. The resolution is declarative in nature and not binding. The summit also saw the signing of a cooperation agreement between the European Union and Ukraine in the military and defense sphere, obligating signatories to support Ukraine's immediate needs in defense and security and to provide operational collective reaction in case of future Russian aggression. Despite these developments, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues, with Russia announcing plans to target more infrastructure. The speaker emphasizes the importance of avoiding actions that could lead to catastrophic events, such as the destruction of hydroelectric power plants like the Dnepr and Kievskoe reservoirs.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker begins by addressing the viewers and reminding them that their legal firm is available to provide free legal consultation to military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues and financial payments. The night of July 12 was restless, with Russia launching air attacks using strategic bombers and cruise missiles from the Saratov region. The main target was the city of Starokonstantinov in the Hmelynitskyi Oblast, with a total of six cruise missiles and 27 drones being launched. Although some of the missiles were intercepted, several areas in Ukraine, including Sumy and Cherkasy, were hit. The Russian military also used decoy drones to overload Ukraine's air defense systems, potentially creating opportunities for further attacks. The speaker urges residents in the affected regions to report any discovered drone debris and avoid handling them.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker discusses the recent military situation on the front line between Ukraine and Russia. The line of contact extends from Kharkov to the areas of Donetsk, Zaporizhia, and Kherson. Over the past few days, there have been 120 combat engagements, with a slight decrease in the number of incidents. The aggressor launched one rocket attack on Ukrainian military positions and civilian areas, using five rockets and over 4,480 artillery shells. Russian forces also conducted air raids in the regions of Hарьков, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, and Kherson. Despite these efforts, Ukrainian forces maintain control of the situation and have gained tactical success in the city of Volchansk. The Russian army is attempting to encircle a smaller group of their troops, but Ukrainian forces may create a threat of encirclement if the Russians do not withdraw in time. The Russian command is currently deciding whether to continue their offensive on the Harkivske direction, as they had hoped to draw Ukrainian forces away from other areas and launch a counter-offensive. However, Ukrainian forces have used reserves from another location to prevent weakening on the Harkivske front and are now able to inflict significant losses on Russian forces, forcing them to consider where to obtain reserves to maintain their offensive tempo.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker discusses the current situation on the front lines in Ukraine, specifically focusing on the Harkovske and Kupynske directions. The speaker notes that the situation is in their favor, with enemy attacks being repelled, and their troops improving their tactical position in Volchanske. However, the enemy is still attempting to advance and stabilize their positions. The speaker mentions that there have been seven reported engagements on the Kupynske operational direction, with the enemy making attempts to push through in areas such as Senkovka and Alshanka. The line of the front remains unchanged, and they are conducting measures to stabilize the front and strengthen their defenses. There have been 11 reported attacks on the Limanske operational direction, with the majority of them concentrated in the area of Makievka and Nevske. Despite these efforts, the enemy has not been able to achieve success. The situation on the Svitlodarsk operational direction is also mentioned, with the enemy continuing to apply pressure but with less intensity. The speaker notes that there has been a general decrease in the intensity of military actions, suggesting that a reorganization may be necessary. The first echelon of Russian forces has suffered significant losses, and they are either trying to resume their offensive tempo or maintain the current level of fighting. The number of reported engagements on the Donetsk operational direction has dropped significantly, with only five reported attacks in the past day. The enemy is continuing to attack directly in the south, particularly in the areas of Evka, Chasov Yar, and Ivanovska. Overall, the line of the front remains unchanged, and they are preventing the enemy from gaining ground elsewhere.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker discusses the current state of the front lines in the ongoing conflict. The Russian army has encountered significant difficulties in advancing on the front near the populated area of Chasov Yar due to the presence of a canal. The enemy has attempted to force the canal but cannot do so without engineering equipment, which they cannot eliminate. The Russian artillery is working at full capacity on the left bank of the canal, making it a formidable barrier for the enemy. The Northern flank of the Kramatorsk operational direction is relatively stable, but the Southern flank in Ivaновsk is under pressure. The enemy has tried to push through the Ivaновsk line, particularly along the road to Konstantinovka, but the Russian forces have been able to halt their progress and reinforce their defenses. The enemy has also attempted to advance through the Toretsk direction, but the situation is extremely difficult there, with New York being the most challenging location. The enemy has launched 18 attacks on the Toretsk operational direction, hoping to capture Toretsk and advance to Konstantinovka. However, the front lines remain unchanged, and the situation is particularly severe in New York, where intense urban fighting is taking place. Despite some reports suggesting that the enemy is making significant progress in New York, this has been denied by military officials.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker discusses the current state of the front lines in the ongoing conflict, specifically focusing on the Pokrovsko operational direction. The Russian forces have had some success in the area around Novoalexandrovka, making partial advances towards the key strategic point of Vozdviженka. However, their efforts have been met with strong resistance from Ukrainian forces, who have managed to prevent the enemy from reaching the heights where Vozdviженka is located. The Russian forces have suffered significant losses on this front, with estimates from British intelligence suggesting that over 70,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or wounded in the past two months of combat. Despite these losses, the Russian command continues to send troops to the front lines in an attempt to gain more territory. The speaker also mentions that the Ukrainian forces have been able to maintain their defensive positions due to their strong morale and the support they receive from artillery and other supplies.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," a soldier named Popal, who was part of a 100-person rotat, was captured during an attack. Only 10 people remained, and they were attached to the next rotat and sent into another attack. This time, Popal decided to surrender to Ukrainian forces, handing over his weapons and raising his hands in surrender. As a result, he is now a prisoner of war, receiving medical care and basic necessities in accordance with the Geneva Convention. The Ukrainian forces have been able to hold their positions in the areas of Georgievka, Krasnogrovka, Proskoveevka, and Konstantinovka, preventing the enemy from making significant gains. In other areas, such as the Kurakhovske, Remont, and Gulyay-Pole operational directions, the enemy has attempted multiple attacks, but none have been successful, and the front lines remain unchanged. The enemy has also tried to dislodge Ukrainian forces from their positions on the left bank of the Dnepr River, but these attempts have also failed. Ukrainian forces continue to defend their positions and inflict damage on the enemy. Additionally, there have been no significant changes in the Volynska Poleska and Orekhovsk operational directions. The enemy has been observed moving troops and equipment through Belarus by rail. Popal, who was part of the parade on July 3 celebrating Belarusian Independence Day, noted that the military column included human cargo cars, tanks, and 10 T-34 tanks, but no T-90 or T-80BM tanks.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker discusses the ongoing military situation in Ukraine, specifically in the regions of Volynsky and Polesky operational directions, where the Ukrainian forces have destroyed all automated fuel stations in the Kurske region due to the Russian side's lack of logistical support. This has resulted in a fuel shortage for the local population, who must travel long distances to obtain fuel. The speaker also mentions that Ukrainian forces have destroyed six command centers, one artillery position, a radio-electronic surveillance station, and a concentration of personnel and equipment from the enemy side. The total losses for the Russian side amounted to over 130 personnel, 23 tanks, 48 artillery systems, two unmanned aerial vehicles, 84 vehicles, and various special equipment. The speaker does not provide significant updates on the political situation, only mentioning that President Biden had a personal meeting with President Zelensky on the sidelines of the summit.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," President Joe Biden confirmed that Ukraine should win the ongoing war and Russia should lose. He announced a new package of military aid, worth $225 million, which includes Patriot missile systems, Stinger missiles, artillery shells, Javelin anti-tank systems, and anti-tank grenade launchers, among other equipment. The aid is being delivered directly from US army reserves and is expected to arrive in Ukraine within a week. Additionally, a Ukrainian Legion for volunteers is being organized in Poland, with thousands of Ukrainian citizens expressing their desire to return and fight. The Polish military will equip and train these volunteers according to NATO standards. Other European countries, such as Germany, Spain, and the Czech Republic, may also follow Poland's lead in recruiting and supporting Ukrainian volunteers.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the General Assembly of the United Nations met and passed a resolution calling on Russia to withdraw its troops from the territory around the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine and transfer control to Ukraine for safe operation. The resolution, however, is declarative in nature and not binding. The summit in Washington also saw the signing of a cooperation agreement between the European Union and Ukraine in the military and defense sphere, with 26 countries signing the document. The agreement obligates signatories to support Ukraine's immediate needs in defense and security and to provide operational collective reaction in case of future Russian aggression, including economic and other sanctions. The United States and Germany reportedly prevented a planned assassination attempt on the head of German defense company Rheinmetall, which supplies weapons to Ukraine. Despite this, Russia is not recognized as a terrorist state by Ukraine's political leadership.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker discusses the outcomes of the summit between Ukraine and the United States. While no significant changes were made during the summit itself, several events took place on its sidelines. The presidents of Ukraine and the United States held a meeting and announced a new package of military-technical assistance and a deal on cooperation in the military sphere. However, a scandal erupted when Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán unexpectedly left the summit early to meet with Donald Trump instead of attending Vladimir Zelensky's speech. Orbán's actions were criticized by other NATO members, and the European Union is considering revoking Hungary's leadership position in the EU over the issue. Additionally, Denmark has offered to provide Ukraine with all of its air defense systems and has initiated direct investments in Ukraine's military-industrial complex.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker discusses recent events regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Denmark decided to provide Ukraine with all of its artillery, which was unexpected and significant. Additionally, there have been attempts to attack hydroelectric power plants, specifically the Dnepr and Kievskoe reservoirs. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Ukraine was planning to destroy these reservoirs, but in reality, Ukraine has not targeted them. Instead, there have been attacks on the power plants themselves, resulting in both being taken offline. The Kievskoe reservoir is a crucial source of water and energy for Kyiv and surrounding areas, making it an unlikely target for destruction. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not being an idiot and causing such a catastrophic event that would lead to an ecological disaster. The conflict continues with Russia announcing plans to target more infrastructure.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," Rasha Propaganda discusses the planned blocking of YouTube in Russia during the fall, as reported by Russian Federation media. According to Rasha, Russia plans to purchase equipment in China for this purpose, as China has extensive experience in blocking foreign content. The equipment includes servers and other hardware, and even VPNs are reportedly ineffective. The Russian government has already issued orders to remove certain internet marketplaces and applications. However, the Russian Federation has denied any intention of blocking YouTube, blaming the issue on YouTube's servers and equipment. This news has caused significant backlash from the Russian population, with some seeing it as an attempt to manipulate public opinion. Additionally, a Russian research vessel, the Mikhail Rudnickey, collided with a deep-sea submersible, the AS-3, during tests in the Norwegian Sea, causing damage to the submersible and making further testing impossible.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the YouTube video titled "12.07 На фронте качели. Итоги саммита. Новый пакет помощи от США," the speaker discusses a repair situation on a ship where Russians are assessing damage and the time needed for repairs, with potential testing to follow. The speaker reflects on past similar situations and reaffirms their commitment to defending Ukraine. Viewers are encouraged to subscribe to the channel, like the video, and consult a legal firm for military-related matters and financial payments, with the first consultation being free. The speaker expresses gratitude to sponsors and supporters.

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