Bloody crime of the Russian Federation, missile strike on the Children's Hospital

in war •  2 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker expresses condolences for the ongoing air raid alerts in several Ukrainian cities, including Kyiv, where a children's hospital was directly hit by a rocket. The speaker plans to discuss this incident in detail and also mentions a fundraising marathon for the purchase of drone components and production to support the military. The most distressing event occurred when Russian forces launched a coordinated missile attack on Ukraine, targeting a children's hospital in Kyiv, resulting in significant damage and casualties. The speaker condemns this attack as a massive military crime and emphasizes the importance of donating to the volunteer fund to help produce more drones for the military. The military situation on several fronts is also discussed, with Russian forces attempting to advance but being repelled in some areas, while making slight gains in others. The speaker mentions the damage to the Russian Navy's base in Crimea and the political consolidation in France during the presidential elections. Additionally, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's role in attempting to mediate a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia is discussed, with mixed results (in fact, these are treasonous attempts to push Ukraine to a veiled capitulation). The international response to US President Trump's proposed plan for resolving the conflict is also mentioned, with criticism from the EU and continued support for Ukraine from the Netherlands and other European countries.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker, who is from Ukraine, expresses condolences to the audience and shares that there is ongoing air raid alert in several cities, including Krivoy Rog, Dnepr, and Harikov. The most distressing event occurred in Kyiv, where a children's hospital was directly hit by a rocket. The speaker plans to discuss this incident in detail and also mentions that a legal firm, Consultant, is waiting for applications from military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues and financial payments. Additionally, the speaker announces a fundraising marathon for the purchase of drone components and production to support the military. The results of the previous month's fundraising efforts will be shared in the upcoming release. The speaker emphasizes the importance of donating to the volunteer fund, "Slavny Serdtsa," to help produce more drones for the military, who are fighting against Russian forces, which are considered war criminals for attacking hospitals and children. The speaker reiterates their commitment to the fight and encourages viewers to donate to the cause.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker begins by discussing the military actions that took place on a Saturday night. The enemy launched attacks against Ukraine using air-based weapons, deploying two ballistic missiles, the Iskander and 13 drones of the Shahet 131 and 136 types. These drone attacks were primarily targeted at Kirovogradskaya, Kharkovskaya, Sumskaya, and Poltavskaya regions, as well as along the front line. The enemy also carried out 112 engagements and inflicted two rocket strikes on Ukrainian military positions and settlements, in addition to 58 aviation strikes and 76 Kabala attacks. Approximately 4,000 artillery shellings were also reported, with 138 of these attacks originating from multiple rocket launchers. The enemy also employed 1,041 Kamikaze drones during these battles, and carried out aerial strikes in the Harkovskaya, Donetskaya, and Zaporozhskaya regions on that Saturday.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses the military situation on the front lines in Ukraine on a specific day. The Russian forces have been pushing back the enemy in the Hарьков operational direction, but have had some success in the Kubinka, Makievka, and Kalinovka regions. The enemy attempted to break through the canal in Kalinovka but were only partially successful. There were numerous battles along the entire front line, with the enemy launching 49 attacks. Russian forces carried out various offensive actions using aviation, rocket forces, and artillery, resulting in the destruction of two enemy artillery locations, a zenit-ракетный комплекс BUK command post, and 125 enemy vehicles and weapons. The enemy attempted air raids throughout the night, but only managed to launch a few missiles. One ballistic missile was launched from the Kursk region and another from Crimea, resulting in the destruction of three cruise missiles in the Zhytomyr and Cherkasy regions. The focus of the nighttime attacks was on the infrastructure of Zhytomyr and the surrounding area. The attacks did not cease there, as there were alerts for air threats at 8:00 am and around 10:00 am.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker describes a coordinated missile attack on Ukraine using various types of missiles from foreign air and sea bases. The attack included both ballistic and cruise missiles, some of which were reportedly traveling at supersonic speeds. The speaker notes that these missiles appeared in the sky over Kyiv almost simultaneously, and that they were aimed at multiple cities including Dnepropetrovsk, Krivoy Rog, and Kyiv itself. The speaker also mentions that some of the missiles were intercepted by Ukraine's air defense systems, but that many reached their targets, including a children's hospital in Kyiv known as Ahmadata. The speaker describes how a large explosion caused significant damage to the hospital, including the death and injury of children and staff. The speaker expresses outrage that Russian forces would target a hospital, particularly one known for its pediatric care.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses the details of a reported Russian missile strike on a children's hospital in Ukraine. According to the speaker, the missile that hit the hospital was identified as an H101 missile from a Tu-95 strategic bomber. The speaker also mentions that there were at least two other hits on residential buildings, causing significant damage. The speaker emphasizes that Russia's use of these weapons against civilian areas is unjustified and that the evidence, including videos published by Ukrainian security services and civilians, clearly shows the origin of the missiles. The speaker also notes that there have been over 100 reported casualties, including children, and that Ukraine has called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council to address the situation. The speaker expresses frustration with the UN's inability to take action against Russia's actions and criticizes the organization for being under Russian influence.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses the UN's involvement in the situation and labels the Russian attack on a children's hospital in Kyiv as more than just genocide, but a massive military crime. The speaker expresses shock that missile coordinates for a children's hospital were targeted, with residential buildings housing unsuspecting civilians also hit. The attack occurred around 9:00 am, and the city was filled with people going to work. The speaker notes that the air defense system was overwhelmed with the sheer volume and variety of incoming missiles. The military situation along the front line is also discussed, with over 140 combat engagements reported in the previous days. The enemy launched two rocket attacks and over 4,000 artillery attacks, including the use of multiple rocket launchers. The speaker mentions that the enemy focused their aerial attacks on populated areas in the Harkiv and Donetsk regions, resulting in civilian casualties and damage to residential buildings and infrastructure, including medical facilities. Despite the enemy's continued offensive actions, Ukrainian forces are making progress in pushing back Russian troops in certain areas.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses the military situation on several fronts in the ongoing conflict. On the Lyman front, Russian forces were repelled after attempting to advance, resulting in significant losses. In the Severное and Tochky areas, the Ukrainian defense held off nine unsuccessful attacks. The situation remained relatively stable on the Toretsk front, but the Russians may be planning to increase their forces and intensify attacks in the coming week. On the Pokrovsk front, Russian forces launched 52 attacks, focusing on the areas of New York, Progress, Vozdviженka, Novoalexandrovka, Kalinova, Lavova, Novosyolovka First, and Yevgeniev. The Ukrainian defense held the line, but the Russians made slight gains in the Yevgeniev area. The Kurakhove front saw 19 attacks, with the Ukrainian defense successfully repelling all but a few in the area of Chervonogorivka, where the Russians gained limited success and intense fighting continues for control of local residences. The Russians also attempted to advance on the Vodiane front, targeting key transportation routes to disrupt the Ukrainian supply lines.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses the military situation on the Oreховske and Pridneprovske fronts in Ukraine. The Russian forces have attempted to advance in both areas but have not been successful, resulting in no changes to the front lines. In the Oreховske direction, there have been five battles at the Malaia Tomychka and Rabotyno areas, where the Ukrainian forces repel the attacks. The Pridneprovske direction has seen the occupying forces attempting to push the Ukrainians off the left bank of the Dnepr River, but all four attacks have failed. The situation remains unchanged, and joint military exercises with Chinese forces are set to begin tomorrow. There are also reports that Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko's health has deteriorated, leading to speculation about the potential consequences for the situation in the country. The Ukrainian forces are continuing to defend against enemy fire and have inflicted significant damage on the enemy, with losses totaling over 1,200 personnel and 16 tanks, among other equipment.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses the military losses Russia has sustained in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, specifically mentioning the damage to the Russian Navy's base in Crimea. The Russian Navy's commander-in-chief, Vice-Admiral Nechyporchuk, stated in an interview with Reuters that Russia is losing its military-maritime center in Crimea due to attacks from Ukraine. The main naval base in Sevastopol has been rendered ineffective, and the communication lines have been cut. The Russian Navy has had to relocate its forces to other areas, and its main command center is working from a backup location near Sevastopol. The speaker also mentions that the remnants of the Russian Navy are now based in the Azov Sea and in Abkhazia, and the main command center is likely working from Novorossiisk. The speaker concludes by noting that the second round of elections in France has ended, with Emmanuel Macron maintaining his position as president, and the possibility of a coalition government between his party and the Left Coalition, which would give him a parliamentary majority.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses the political consolidation in France during the presidential elections and the role of other countries, such as Japan and Cambodia, in helping Ukraine with post-war reconstruction, specifically in the area of land mine clearance. Despite the challenges that come with political systems from different backgrounds, France managed to avoid a political crisis, and the left parties came together to prevent the election of far-right parties. The speaker also mentions Japan and Cambodia's expertise in land mine clearance and their commitment to helping Ukraine in this regard. The UK government announced a new package of aid to Ukraine, including artillery weapons and ammunition, and the new British defense minister promised to expedite the delivery of military supplies. Victor Orbán, the Hungarian prime minister, is on a tour of countries on the "axis of evil," visiting Moscow and then Beijing, before heading to the United States to participate in the Summit for Democracy.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Ukraine and his role in attempting to mediate a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia. Orbán, who was then the President of the European Union, visited Ukraine in 2014 and brought an ultimatum from Putin for Ukraine to surrender and end the conflict. Orbán met with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in secret, but China, which also played a role in the negotiations, did not support the idea of a ceasefire or surrender on Russia's terms. After the meeting, Orbán traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with then-President Donald Trump and discuss his peace plan. The speaker notes that Trump's plan is not widely referred to as such and that Orbán's next stop on his tour was Washington D.C., where he intended to meet with Trump.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses the international response to US President Trump's proposed plan for resolving the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The European Union strongly criticized a visit by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Moscow, as they believed he was not representing EU interests. Orbán's visit came after the EU imposed sanctions on Russia for supplying weapons to the conflict in Ukraine. The EU also accused China of providing dual-use goods to Russia, which could be used in military production and subsequently used against Ukrainian civilians. Meanwhile, in Russia, a fire at a military ammunition depot in the Voronezh region continued to burn, causing an evacuation of nearby civilians. Despite the ongoing conflict and sanctions, the Netherlands and other European countries reaffirmed their support for Ukraine and pledged to continue providing military, financial, and political assistance. The International Olympic Committee allowed ten Russian wrestlers to compete in the Paris Olympics.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses Russia's participation in the Olympics as a neutral country and their refusal to send the entire Roshis sports team to Paris. The speaker then shares a Russian soldier's account of the war, mentioning the labeling of missing soldiers as deserters to avoid payments. The video then reports a missile strike on a children's hospital in Ukraine, resulting in casualties. The speaker calls for viewers to subscribe, like the video, and contact a legal company for assistance, particularly for military personnel and their families. The video ends with an announcement of a marathon fundraiser for producing drones for Ukrainian defense brigades, encouraging donations to support their efforts in achieving victory.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker discusses Russia's participation in the Olympics as a neutral country without a flag or anthem, and their refusal to send the entire Roshis sports team to Paris due to alleged reasons. The speaker then introduces a Russian soldier who shares his account of the war, mentioning that soldiers who went missing in action are often labeled as deserters by the commandment to avoid making payments. The soldier's narrative is followed by the news of a missile strike on a children's hospital in Ukraine, resulting in casualties among children and adults. The video ends with a call to action for viewers to subscribe to the channel, like the video, and contact a legal company for assistance, particularly for military personnel and their families. The speaker also mentions a marathon and a volunteer fund for viewers.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "8.07 Кровавое преступление рф, ракетный удар по Детской больнице," the speaker announces a marathon fundraiser for collecting components and producing drones for Ukrainian defense brigades. The more donations received, the faster they can achieve victory. Donors are encouraged to contribute, no matter the amount, as drones and their components are in high demand. The speaker emphasizes the importance of their efforts in supporting Ukraine's defense forces and achieving their victory.

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