Strikes on Russian Aviation at Airfields

in war •  2 months ago 

00:00:00 - 00:50:00
In the YouTube video titled "9.08 Борьба с авиацией рф на аэродромах. В рф хотят узаконить заградотряды," the speaker discusses the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, as well as other global geopolitical issues. Over the past 24 hours, Russian forces attempted to attack Ukrainian territory using drones, which were shot down by Ukrainian military forces. There were also terrorist attacks, including one on a supermarket in Konstantinovka, causing damage and injuries. The speaker condemned Russia for its aggressive war against Ukraine and discussed the situation on various fronts, including the Volchansk, Lyman, Kramatorsk, Severnaya Niyork, Toretsk, Pokrovskoe, and Removsky regions. The speaker also mentioned the use of aviation in attacks and the recruitment of new members for the Center for Special Operations of the Ukrainian Security Service. Ukrainian forces have reportedly inflicted significant damage on the enemy's personnel and equipment, including the destruction of a Russian military polygon using JDams and Atacams rockets. The speaker also discussed the ongoing conflict in the Kursk region, the US presidential debates, and global military buildups in the Middle East and Israel's response to attacks from Lebanon and Gaza. The speaker criticized Russia's proposed revival of disciplinary units, or заградотряды, and encouraged viewers to share the video to reach a wider audience.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Борьба с авиацией рф на аэродромах. В рф хотят узаконить заградотряды," the speaker from Ukraine discusses the operational situation over the past 24 hours. The night was restless as Russian forces attempted to attack Ukrainian territory using drones. Twenty-seven drones were identified and shot down by Ukrainian military forces using mobile fire groups, zenit-rocket units, and radio-electronic warfare. The Russian military also carried out a terrorist attack on a supermarket in Konstantinovka, causing damage and injuries. The speaker condemns Russia for its aggressive war against Ukraine and moves on to discuss the situation on the front lines. There were 101 instances of combat, with 89 Ka-52 helicopters and 4,747 rocket launcher attacks, as well as over 180 artillery attacks. The majority of these attacks targeted populated areas in the Harkiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions. The speaker notes that some forces were withdrawn from the Har'kov operational direction to be redeployed in the Kursk region, potentially explaining the decrease in activity on that front.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Борьба с авиацией рф на аэродромах. В рф хотят узаконить заградотряды," the speaker discusses the ongoing battles between Russian and enemy forces on various fronts. In the Volchansk region, the enemy has become more active, launching three attacks in the past day, all of which were repelled. The enemy has also intensified their attacks on the Lyman and Kramatorsk fronts, with 24 attacks on the former and nine on the latter. Despite these efforts, the Russian line of defense remained unchanged. The enemy has also attempted to attack in the areas of Severnaya Niyork and Toretsk, but these attacks were also repelled. The Pokrovskoe and Removsky fronts have seen fewer attacks, with only three attempts by the enemy to breach the Russian defenses in the Konstantinovka and Redgorovka regions. Overall, the battles consist of positional fighting and exchanges of artillery fire.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Борьба с авиацией рф на аэродромах. В рф хотят узаконить заградотряды," the speaker discusses ongoing military conflicts along the Ukrainian-Russian border, specifically in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions of Ukraine and the Kurskey region of Russia. The speaker notes that while some battles have been unsuccessful for the Russian forces, active fighting is taking place near the border, with Russian troops continuing to shell Ukrainian territories and infrastructure. The Russian military has also increased its use of aviation in these attacks. Despite some Ukrainian advances, such as the capture of the villages of Sverdlovka Dar'yina and Oleshna, the speaker warns that Russian forces are still advancing into the Kurskey region and that Ukrainian forces are encountering resistance only in certain areas, with many soldiers choosing to surrender rather than fight. The speaker also mentions that a large Russian column was recently destroyed near the border, resulting in significant losses for the Russian side. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the ongoing nature of the conflict and the need for continued vigilance.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Борьба с авиацией рф на аэродромах. В рф хотят узаконить заградотряды," the speaker discusses a column of Russian military personnel that was reportedly stationed on the side of the road and held there for an extended period of time, preventing them from leaving their vehicles. The military commanders claim that drones conducted reconnaissance and a missile strike on this column, which is currently located near the front line in the Kursk region. The American Institute for the Study of War provides analysis on this situation, suggesting that Russia may use untrained forces, such as the Rosgvardia, to contain the enemy's advance. Alternatively, they may transfer forces from other areas to the Kursk region, creating vulnerabilities in their defense. The speaker notes that this is already happening, as some forces are being moved from Belgorod to the Kursk region. The Russian army is also reportedly using aircraft to attack Ukrainian forces, but Ukraine's air defense system is working effectively. Over the past few days, Ukrainian forces have reportedly inflicted damage on the enemy's personnel and equipment, including three tanks, nine armored vehicles, and 49 artillery systems, among other losses.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Bor'ba s aviatsiyey RF na airdromah. V RF hotiat uzakonit zagradotrady," the speaker discusses the Russian military's attacks on enemy aircraft and bases, specifically focusing on the operational-strategic direction in the Kursk region. The Russian military has carried out significant strikes against enemy troops and equipment, including a powerful attack on a Russian military polygon in the Zaporizhzhia region using Jims and Atomms rockets. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has become more technologically advanced and employs modern methods in warfare, as demonstrated by the successful downing of an fpv drone attempting to damage a Mi-28 helicopter. The cost of the helicopter is estimated to be around 18 million dollars, making the damage caused by the drone insignificant in comparison. The Center for Special Operations of the Ukrainian Security Service, Alpha, is currently recruiting new members, including operators for fpv Drones. The recruitment process is open, and individuals can choose their specialty upon arrival at the recruitment center. This recruitment process is set to be legally enshrined in the near future.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Борьба с авиацией рф на аэродромах. В рф хотят узаконить заградотряды," the speaker discusses the Ukrainian forces' attacks on Russian military airdromes using drones. The latest target is the Lipetsk-2 airdrome in the Sumy, Chernihiv, and Harkov regions, where Russian tactical aviation is based. The Ukrainian security services, in collaboration with the military and special forces, have reportedly destroyed the entire support infrastructure of the airdrome, causing a massive explosion and ongoing detonations. The situation around the airdrome has been declared an emergency, and four populated areas are being evacuated. This is the second Russian airdrome targeted by Ukrainian drones in August, with the first being Morozovsk. Despite Putin's denial, the Ukrainian forces are conducting military operations against the Russian occupation on both sides of the conflict. Putin is hesitant to acknowledge the situation as a war, fearing the implications of the term.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Борьба с авиацией рф на аэродромах. В рф хотят узаконить заградотряды," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, specifically in the Kursk region. The speaker argues that Russia's attempts to capture the Kursk atomic power station are unlikely due to the large forces required to do so. The Ukrainian military, on the other hand, has clear objectives and is working to achieve them. The speaker also mentions that the US presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, have agreed to debate on September 10, but Trump had previously tried to back out and hold debates on Fox News instead. However, it was revealed that Trump had not actually reached an agreement with Fox News for the debates.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Bor'ba s aviatsiyey RF na airdromah. V RF hotiat uzakonit zagrodotrady," Kamala Harris, the US Vice President-elect, has made statements during her campaign rallies advocating for equal pay, opportunities, and results, which some see as a communist ideology. Meanwhile, the US Prosecutor's Office continues its investigation into Hunter Biden's alleged corruption, with new accusations of receiving millions of dollars from Ukrainian and Chinese energy companies without performing any work in return. The US is also increasing its military presence in Syria, putting pressure on Iran to prevent attacks on Israel, and responding to Iranian attacks on US bases with additional military resources.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Bor'ba s aviatsiyey RF na airdromah. V RF hotiat uzakonit zagrodotryady" (Russia's Fight Against Aviation in RF Bases. Russia Wants to Legalize Private Military Companies), the speaker discusses the ongoing military buildup in the Middle East. The United States has reportedly deployed B-52, B1, and B2 bombers, as well as FA-18 fighter jets, to various bases in the region. Russia and China are also reportedly planning to engage in barter trade to bypass financial sanctions. Meanwhile, Israel continues to respond to attacks from Lebanon and Gaza, with reports of strikes on targets in Syria where Iranian forces are based. The speaker notes that Iran has been transferring weapons and special forces to Lebanon, and Israeli forces have been targeting these bases in response. The speaker also mentions that an Iranian journalist has claimed that recent Israeli strikes were in retaliation for the transfer of 20 tons of weapons and 500 special forces from Iran to Lebanon.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Борьба с авиацией рф на аэродромах. В рф хотят узаконить заградотряды," the speaker discusses ongoing efforts to resolve the conflict between Israel and Iran, with Israel expressing a determination to eliminate terrorist organizations. The speaker mentions ongoing attempts at peace talks through Egypt and France, but Iran is hesitant to engage due to the potential for military action from the United States. The speaker also discusses Russia's fear of military action in the Kursaya region and the country's inability to mount an effective resistance. In an attempt to bolster military numbers, Russia has passed a law allowing for the revocation of Russian citizenship for those who fail to register for military service. The speaker notes that over 380,000 people have become Russian citizens since 2013, but the number of new citizens has decreased significantly due to the expansion of the Russian Federation. The speaker questions whether this new law will help address the military's manpower shortage.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.08 Борьба с авиацией рф на аэродромах. В рф хотят узаконить заградотряды," the speaker discusses the proposed revival of shrafny roty, or disciplinary units, in the Russian military, based on historical precedent. The speaker criticizes the Russian State Duma for suggesting this measure, citing the existence of disciplinary units, or заградотряды, which currently operate illegally and are used to punish disobedient soldiers and officers. The speaker also references Vladimir Lenin's call for strict discipline in the military during wartime and compares the current situation to a farce. The speaker then encourages viewers to like and share the video to reach a wider audience and offers legal consultation services to military personnel and their families.

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