The rocket attack did not reach its target. The EU is preparing a special tribunal for the Russian Federation

in war •  6 days ago 

00:00:00 - 00:55:00
In the YouTube video titled "27.06 Ракетно-шахедный удар не достиг своей цели. ЕС готовит спецтрибунал для рф" (English: "27.06 Missile-launched attack did not reach its goal. The EU is preparing a special tribunal for RF"), the speaker discusses the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, focusing on recent events and the involvement of international organizations. The night of June 27 saw multiple rocket attacks on Ukraine, with Ukrainian forces managing to shoot down most aerial targets, but one Shahed drone slipping through. The EU is preparing a special tribunal for Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine. The speaker also mentions military losses and successful operations by Ukrainian forces and intelligence agencies against Russian forces and infrastructure in Ukraine and Russia, including a powerful cyberattack on Russian internet providers in occupied Crimea and the destruction of a Russian radioelectronic warfare station. The EU summit in Brussels was ongoing, with key issues concerning Russia, including the conflict in eastern Ukraine and the situation in Belarus. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed military cooperation and assistance agreements with European countries and the EU during the summit, with the EU assuming the obligation to continue supplying weapons, military training, and other assistance to Ukraine. The EU also passed several resolutions regarding the conflict, including the creation of a special tribunal for war crimes committed by Russians. The speaker also touches on other topics, such as the information war between the EU and Russia, the failed military coup in Bolivia, and the situation of international students in the Russian Federation being forced to undergo military registration. The speaker expresses support for Ukraine's defense forces and encourages viewers to subscribe to his channel and seek legal assistance from the available firm.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Ракетно-шахедный удар не достиг своей цели. ЕС готовит спецтрибунал для рф," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that a legal firm, Consultant, is available to provide legal assistance to military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues, including financial payments. The night of June 27 was turbulent, with Russian forces launching multiple rocket attacks on Ukraine, using various types of rockets and drones. Ukrainian forces engaged in counter-air defense, managing to shoot down 28 out of 29 aerial targets, including four Kalibr cruise missiles and 23 Shahed drones. However, one Shahed drone, known for its poor accuracy, was not intercepted. The speaker notes that Ukraine lacks the necessary systems to intercept ballistic missiles. Over the past few days, there have been 148 military engagements, with the enemy targeting Ukrainian troops and populated areas with one rocket attack and numerous artillery strikes.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Raketno-shakhodnyy udar ne dositg svoyi tsili. YEvrosoyuz gotovit spectrubunal dlya RF" (English: "27.06 Missile-launched attack did not reach its goal. The European Union is preparing a special tribunal for Russia"), the speaker discusses the ongoing military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, specifically focusing on the Harkovskyi front. There have been casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure, including multi-story residential buildings, in the areas near the frontlines. The Russian forces have attempted to attack Ukrainian positions in the regions of Volchansk, Lipets, and Sotnytske, with the most significant activity occurring at the Aggregate Plant in Volchansk. Ukrainian forces have managed to prevent the enemy from debloacking the surrounded Russian troops, and the situation in Volchansk remains volatile as Ukrainian forces gradually clear the city of Russian presence. New hotspots of military activity have emerged, with Russian forces attempting to infiltrate Ukrainian territory near the villages of Sotnytske and Severna. Ukrainian border guards have repelled an attack by a Russian diversionary group near the village of Sotnytske, and a military object in the Belgorod region was reportedly damaged by a missile system.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Ракетно-шахедный удар не достиг своей цели. ЕС готовит спецтрибунал для рф," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, specifically focusing on the Belgorod region and recent military actions. The Russian forces have been attempting to advance on several fronts, including the Kupinsky and Limansky directions. In the Kupinsky direction, the speaker notes that there have been eight attacks against Ukrainian positions, with the majority concentrated around the populated areas of Stepanova, Novoselovka, and Stelmakhovka. However, these attacks were repelled, and the Ukrainian forces have taken control of higher ground, making it easier for them to defend against future attacks. In the Limansky direction, the Russian forces have attacked Ukrainian positions around the populated areas of Makievka and Nevska, with approximately 80% of their attacks targeting these two locations. The speaker also mentions that there has been a significant increase in military activity on this front, suggesting a possible rotation of forces. Despite these attacks, the Ukrainian defense line has remained relatively stable, and they have reportedly pushed back the Russian forces in the area of the populated area of Terny. These developments occurred at the end of April.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Ракетно-шахедный удар не достиг своей цели. ЕС готовит спецтрибунал для рф," the speaker discusses the current state of the front lines in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The Ukrainian forces have managed to push back the Russian advance in some areas, such as the Liman and Kramatorske operational directions, but have faced setbacks in others, like the Toretske direction, where the Russian forces have intensified their attacks. The speaker notes that despite these losses, Ukrainian forces have been able to hold their ground and repel the Russian advance in most places. The front line has remained relatively stable overall, with the most significant activity coming from the Russian forces in the Ocheretyne and Novoalexandrovka areas. The speaker also mentions that the European Union is preparing a special tribunal for Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06," the speaker discusses the ongoing military conflict between Russian and Ukrainian forces, specifically focusing on the Pokrovsko and Kurakhovske directions of the front line. The speaker notes that despite intense fighting and significant casualties on both sides, the Russian forces have not made any significant progress in attacking Ukrainian positions on the Pokrovsko direction. The front line in this area has remained unchanged. The speaker also mentions that the Ukrainian forces have been able to respond with greater firepower, leading to a shift in the artillery ratio from one Ukrainian artillery shell to seven Russian artillery shells to one Ukrainian shell to two or even one Russian shell. The speaker emphasizes that the situation is still volatile, but the Ukrainian forces have been able to repel most attacks and maintain control of the front line. Additionally, Ukrainian forces have reportedly targeted and damaged three command and control centers, one anti-aircraft battery, and 15 concentrations of enemy personnel and equipment.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Ракетно-шахедный удар не достиг своей цели. ЕС готовит спецтрибунал для рф" (Rocket-guided strike fails to reach its target. The EU is preparing a special tribunal for RF), the speaker discusses military losses and successful operations by Ukrainian forces and intelligence agencies against Russian forces and infrastructure in Ukraine and Russia. Notable among these operations was a powerful cyberattack on Russian internet providers in occupied Crimea, resulting in internet outages for locals. The Ukrainian military also reportedly destroyed a Russian radioelectronic warfare station in the occupied town of Vitina, which was responsible for jamming satellite and communication signals for enemy missiles and drones. However, Western weapons were able to bypass the Russian jamming station, and a Russian missile complex was reportedly destroyed in the attack. The exact type and number of damaged or destroyed machines are still being identified, but they were primarily Kung machines used for command and control or radioelectronic warfare. Ukrainian drones also attacked a research and development facility in Tver, Russia, causing damage.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Raketno-sahkednyy udar ne dosig celi. YES gotovit spectribunal dlya RF" (Russian title: "Rocket-guided attack did not reach its target. The European Union is preparing a special tribunal for RF"), there are discussions about drone attacks on Russian territory and a fire at a chemical production plant in Moscow. The Russian Ministry of Defense reportedly shot down drones in three regions, but the identity of the drones and the damages caused are unknown. The speaker also mentions the ongoing military-political situation in Russia and the implementation of a new mobilization law. The military reserve will be categorized into operational and mobilization reserves, with operational reserves consisting of those under 35 years old and mobilization reserves consisting of those over 45 years old. The Ministry of Defense is expected to submit the categorization order to the Cabinet of Ministers by July 16. Additionally, the European Union summit in Brussels started today, with key issues concerning Russia, including the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine and the situation in Belarus.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Raketno-shakhodnyy udar ne dosil ga svoeyi tseli. YEVS gotovit spectribunal dlya RF" (English: "27.06 Missile-launched attack did not reach its goal. The EU is preparing a special tribunal for RF"), Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed military cooperation and assistance agreements with European Ukraine and the European Union during a summit. These agreements, which include security treaties, will be signed by two European countries and the EU as a single organization. The EU will assume the obligation to continue supplying weapons, military training, and other assistance to Ukraine for long periods. For the first time in EU history, these commitments will be endorsed by all 27 EU member states. The European Parliamentary Assembly, which meets during the summit, adopted several important documents. A new sanctions package against Belarus was agreed upon, targeting the main loophole in the supply of dual-use and military goods to the Russian Federation. The Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Poland) will initiate the construction of a defensive border wall along the entire length of the EU's border with Belarus and the Russian Federation, which will be funded by the EU. The European Parliamentary Assembly also passed three significant resolutions regarding our country. The first resolution calls for the creation of a special tribunal for war crimes committed by Russians in the ongoing conflict. The second resolution focuses on the role of sanctions in countering Russia's aggression against Ukraine and creating a transparent international compensation mechanism for those affected by the war. The third resolution addresses Russia's genocide and attempts to erase Ukrainian culture and identity. The EU has made a decision to take these actions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Ракетно-шахедный удар не достиг своей цели. ЕС готовит спецтрибунал для рф," the speaker discusses the ongoing information war between the European Union (EU) and Russia, with the EU closing down Russian media outlets and social media platforms in response to Russian retaliation. The speaker also mentions a failed military coup in Bolivia, where a general attempted to overthrow the president but was ultimately arrested. Additionally, the speaker notes that Slovakia has joined the Czech Republic in restoring Ukrainian military supplies on Slovakian factories. The speaker expresses interest in the outcome of the investigation into the coup attempt and who was behind it.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Ракетно-шахедный удар не достиг своей цели. ЕС готовит спецтрибунал для рф," the speaker discusses various aspects of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The European Union (EU) is reportedly continuing to supply military aid to Ukraine and has pledged 4.7 million euros for the restoration of energy infrastructure in two Ukrainian regions. The speaker also mentions that EU countries may invest directly in the restoration projects, bypassing the Ukrainian government. Meanwhile, Russia is accused of sending 10,000 migrants to fight in Ukraine, with around the same number reportedly receiving Russian citizenship and becoming participants in the conflict. The speaker expresses surprise at these developments and provides a brief overview of the situation.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Ракетно-шахедный удар не достиг своей цели. ЕС готовит спецтрибунал для рф," it is discussed how international students in the Russian Federation may find themselves on the front lines, as they are being rounded up and forced to undergo military registration. The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) takes pride in this, stating that they have discovered a "fish" that led migrants to quietly leave Russia. The FSB also mentions an incident where a passenger train derailed in the Russian Federation, causing 70 casualties but no reported deaths. The train, which used to run from Vorkuta to Leningrad, has been extended to Novorossiisk, and its disruption is attributed to the sabotage of relay boxes by partisan groups. The manual operation of the railway system has resulted in significantly reduced speeds, causing logistical challenges for both the Russian military and the Russian Federation. Partisan groups in the Russian Federation are reportedly engaging in internal conflicts similar to those in Mahachkala and Dagestan.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "27.06 Rocket-headed attack fails to reach its target. The EU prepares a special tribunal for Russia," the speaker expresses his gratitude for the viewers' attention and time spent watching the video. He encourages those who haven't yet to subscribe to his channel and like the video for wider reach. The speaker also mentions that a legal firm, Consultant, is available for military personnel and their families seeking legal assistance with service-related issues and compensation. The contact details for the firm can be found in the video description. The speaker concludes by expressing support for Ukraine's defense forces and wishing for their victory and glory for Ukraine.

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