Russian army is surrounded, Difficult situation in Donbass

in war •  15 days ago 

00:00:00 - 00:50:00
In the YouTube video "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the speaker discusses the current military situation in Donbass, focusing on the Torchka grouping where Russian forces are concentrating their efforts near Novoalexandrovka. The area is significant due to its proximity to the key highway, making it a crucial objective for both sides. The Russians are attempting to advance towards Alexandropol and potentially encircle Ukrainian forces in the Ivanovsk and Andreevka areas. Additionally, they are trying to break through towards Poikovsk to cut off supply lines. The speaker also mentions the potential involvement of North Korea and Vietnam in supplying Russia with weapons and technology, as Russia faces military challenges and international sanctions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the situation in Donbass and its impact on European security.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the speaker discusses the current situation in Donbass and the military movements of both Ukrainian and Russian forces. He mentions that the enemy has concentrated troops and equipment in the Harkhov region, and while Ukraine does not have the resources to launch a counteroffensive, they are planning to destroy the enemy through artillery fire and limited counterattacks. The Russian forces are reportedly trying to reinforce their positions by moving troops from the Herson front and building new defensive lines closer to the Russian border. The speaker highlights the importance of the areas around Kramatorsk, Chasov Yar, and the Pokrovsky district in Donetsk, as these are the main areas where the enemy is attempting to break through Ukrainian defenses and cut off key transportation routes, such as the one leading to Konstantinovka and Poikovsk.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the speaker discusses the current situation in Donbass and the potential threats to Ukrainian forces. The focus is on the Torchka grouping, where the Russian enemy is concentrating their main efforts near the town of Novoalexandrovka. The speaker explains that this area is significant because it is the shortest distance between the Russian forces and the key highway, making it a crucial objective for both sides. The Russian forces are attempting to advance towards Alexandropol and could potentially encircle Ukrainian forces in the Ivanovsk and Andreevka areas. The speaker also mentions the Kurakhov direction, where the Russians are trying to break through towards Poikovsk to cut off the supply lines of the Tochka operational direction. The speaker believes that the Northern direction will be the primary focus for the Russians as it is the key to Kramaorka and Druzhkovka, which are important strategic locations. The situation is described as complex and close to critical but not yet a catastrophe. Other directions, such as the Liman and Azov directions, are also mentioned, but the focus is on the Torchka and Northern directions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the discussion revolves around the military situation in Donbas, specifically focusing on the Zaporizhzhia and Harkiv directions. The Zaporizhzhia direction is less active with mostly positional battles, while the Harkiv direction experiences active combat. The Russian forces are under siege on an island near Hersson, and they are reportedly running out of ammunition, food, and medical supplies, leading some to surrender. The Russians have not launched a major offensive on the Harkiv front due to a lack of resources and manpower. The T-62 and T-7 tanks are the main battle tanks of the Russian army on this front. The speaker also mentions that difficult months, which the president had previously predicted, are already underway in Donbas and Harkiv.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the speaker discusses the current situation in Donbass and Russia's military actions. According to the speaker, the Russian military is facing a difficult situation and has been unable to declare a mobilization, which would not be effective due to the deteriorating political situation in Russia. Instead, they are continuing to send troops and equipment to the front lines, hoping to gain more territory. The speaker also mentions Putin's previous attempts to declare a mobilization and how they resulted in a significant decline in his approval ratings. The speaker argues that Russia's military actions are a sign of weakness and that Ukraine should withdraw its troops from the territories Russia cannot occupy. The speaker also touches on Putin's ultimatum to Ukraine and his plans to create a new federal district in the southern regions of Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the discussion revolves around the changing perception of territorial rights and the ongoing situation in Donbass. The speaker argues that Russia, having recently acquired new territories, now considers these areas as their own and demands international recognition. This perspective, according to the speaker, flips international law and common understandings of legal relationships on its head. The speaker also mentions Russia's alleged acquisition of large quantities of ammunition from North Korea and Vietnam, which could potentially escalate conflicts worldwide. The speaker emphasizes that territorial disputes have been a constant issue among nations and that Russia's actions, such as issuing ultimatums, are aimed at maintaining its position. The video also highlights the controversial visit of Putin to North Korea and the speculation regarding the number of weapons Russia received from the country. The speaker commends North Korea's intelligence for developing a method to estimate the amount of ammunition based on container sizes, which is now being used by NATO. The speaker also notes that a significant portion of the acquired ammunition consists of mines and artillery shells.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the discussion revolves around the military situation in Donbass and Russia's potential acquisitions from North Korea and Vietnam. The speaker notes that North Korea has a significant stockpile of weapons, including artillery shells, and Russia's President Putin is reportedly seeking artillery barrels from them. The speaker also mentions that North Korea has been receiving ballistic missiles and needs satellite technology for its missile program. In an interesting turn of events, Putin is currently meeting with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Seoul while parallel negotiations for security in the region are taking place. The speaker interprets these events as a provocation from North Korea, showcasing its readiness for war. Despite tensions with almost the entire world, North Korea is reportedly trying to create its own satellite reconnaissance system, which it needs for its missile program. The speaker concludes that Putin is willing to provide North Korea with technology and satellites in exchange for weapons, further escalating the situation in the region.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the speaker discusses the current situation in Donbass and the potential involvement of North Korea and Vietnam in supplying Russia with weapons and technology. The speaker notes that North Korea, which is currently not using its railway system, is instead transporting supplies through sea routes, possibly due to the presence of American forces in the region. Despite international sanctions, Russia is reportedly receiving significant quantities of ammunition from North Korea and Iran, with estimates suggesting that Russia has exported around 3 million shells per year and has used up to 10 million of its own reserves in the conflict. The speaker suggests that this is a business arrangement rather than a personal one, as Russia continues to receive necessary components for its military production.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the discussion revolves around the production of military equipment in various countries, specifically Russia and its reliance on imports from China and Armenia. The speaker mentions that the US has warned China to cease cooperation with Russia or face consequences. The topic then shifts to NATO and the possibility of Ukraine joining the alliance. The speaker suggests that the upcoming NATO summit could be an opportunity to extend an invitation to Ukraine, but only when all NATO members agree that Ukraine's internal security is satisfactory. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of addressing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and its impact on European security.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the speaker discusses the potential consequences of Ukraine joining NATO and Russia's response. He argues that if Ukraine joins NATO, Russia will have no enemy left to fight, and the purpose of NATO would be lost. The speaker then recalls past conflicts, such as the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia, and how it led to the destabilization of the region. He also mentions the military superiority of the United States and NATO countries, and the potential use of F-16 fighter jets in a hypothetical conflict. The speaker expresses skepticism about the readiness of Russian pilots to engage in combat against NATO forces due to language barriers and the outdated technology of their aircraft. The conversation then shifts to Sweden and its potential role in the conflict.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the speaker discusses the ongoing situation in Donbass and Russia's alleged plans to receive military aid from North Korea and Vietnam. The French government had previously considered providing Ukraine with a Mirage jet, but France is now training pilots for it instead. The speaker criticizes French President Emmanuel Macron for making promises but not delivering results. The three-way summit in Paris did not take place, and the US is reportedly supplying Ukraine with tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, and anti-aircraft systems, including the Sky Ranger system capable of shooting down enemy drones and rockets. The system is being mounted on a Leopard tank base to protect it from drone attacks. The speaker also mentions Germany's contribution of Leopard tanks and anti-aircraft systems to Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Враг в окружении" by Жданов, the discussion revolves around Russia's situation in Donbass and Putin's potential visits to North Korea and Vietnam. The speaker highlights that Germany is leading the way in the global arms race, pushing Russia out of the international weapons market. To counter this, Putin is reportedly visiting North Korea and Vietnam to purchase Soviet-era technology that the Soviet Union had supplied to these countries during wars. For instance, Vietnam returned a fully functional T-34 tank with an 85mm gun a few years ago, which Russia transformed into the "Echelon of Victory" train. Putin is seeking such countries to source Soviet weaponry, making Russia a "vacuum cleaner" that absorbs these obsolete models from around the world. The speaker expresses gratitude to their sponsors on Patreon for supporting their content.

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