The situation on the Toretsk section of the front is difficult. Scandal in the EU regarding Orbán's visit to Moscow

in war •  2 months ago 

00:00:00 - 00:50:00
In the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуация на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," the speaker discusses the military situation in Ukraine, with ongoing battles along various operational directions. The enemy has continued their attacks using UAVs and missiles, targeting populated areas in regions such as Harkiv, Donetsk, and Zaporizhzhia. The Ukrainian forces have been making steady progress in retaking the city of Volchansk on the Har'kov front. However, the enemy has increased their military activity in the Liman operational direction, attempting to break through the Ukrainian defense and outflank their forces in the north. The speaker also mentions a scandal in Europe regarding Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Moscow, where he reportedly held talks with both Putin and Zelensky. This visit has caused tension in the European Union, as Orbán is not authorized to act as a mediator between Russia and Ukraine. The military situation remains volatile on all operational fronts, with both sides engaging in conflict and the situation in Belarus and Kazakhstan adding to the complexity of the situation.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуация на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," the speaker begins by discussing the operational situation in Ukraine over the past 24 hours, starting with the night of July 6th. The enemy continued their attacks using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with seven UAVs detected and 136 missiles fired. The Ukrainian forces used mobile fire groups, zenith-rocket units, and air defense systems to counter the attacks. The battles took place in various regions including Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Sumy, Chernihiv, Vinnytsia, and Kyiv. There were 139 combat engagements, with a decrease in the number of attacks compared to the previous week. The aggressor launched six rocket attacks using twelve rockets and conducted 55 air raids, with 72 Ka-52 helicopters involved. The majority of the aerial attacks targeted populated areas in the Harkiv, Donetsk, and Zaporizhzhia regions. The speaker then goes on to discuss the operational situation on the Har'kov front, where there were eight combat engagements and Ukrainian forces were making steady progress in retaking the city of Volchansk.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуация на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," the speaker discusses ongoing military conflicts in various operational directions along the Ukrainian front lines. In the area of Blue Star and Lipets, enemy forces attempted to attack Ukrainian positions but were unsuccessful. The Ukrainian military continues to expect more enemy units to join the grouping on the Harkhov operational direction. The enemy has reduced their military activity, with only nine attacks recorded in the previous two days. The aggressor continues to attack Ukrainian positions in the hope of finding weak spots in their defense, but all five attacks were repelled. The front line has not changed, and the situation remains tense on the Liman operational direction, where the enemy is trying to break through the Ukrainian defense. The Liman direction is crucial for the enemy as it provides access to Kramaторsk, Slavyansk, and other agglomerations. The enemy has also increased their military activity in the area, with 21 battles reported in the past day. The enemy's main efforts have been focused on Grekov, Makievka, Nevske, Terny, and Serebryansky Les. Despite the intense fighting, the Ukrainian defense remains stable, and the enemy has not made significant progress on the northern front. The enemy may have decided to intensify their efforts on the Liman operational direction to outflank the Ukrainian forces in the north. The speaker notes that all seven attacks on the northern front were repelled, and there have been no changes in the front line.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуация на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," the speaker discusses the military situation on the front lines in Ukraine, specifically focusing on the Kramaatorsk operational direction. The Ukrainian forces have been defending against attacks in the areas of Kalinovka, Ivankovka, and Andreevka on the southern flank. The enemy attempted to advance towards Chasov Yar to encircle it, but the number of attacks was small and unsuccessful. The southern flank of the Kramaatorsk operational direction, as well as the northern and New York directions, remain unchanged. The enemy has been focusing their efforts on the Toretsk direction, attempting to advance towards the city. They have also used mines as grenades to try and eliminate Ukrainian soldiers in the area of New York. Despite these efforts, the line of defense remains unchanged.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуation на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," the speaker discusses the military situation in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, specifically on the Pokrovskoe, Kurakhovskoe, and Orekhovskoe operational directions. Over the past few days, Russian forces have launched over 45 attacks against Ukrainian positions, with the majority concentrated around Novoselovka and Novoselovka First. Despite fierce Ukrainian resistance, the enemy has had some success in advancing several hundred meters into Ukrainian territory. The Ukrainian forces are planning a strategic retreat to a new defensive line, as they anticipate the enemy's reserves to run out due to the high intensity of the fighting and the resulting heavy losses among their ranks. The situation remains unchanged on the Kurakhovskoe and Remontnyk-Makarovka directions, with Ukrainian forces successfully repelling all enemy attacks. The Orekhovskoe direction has seen two unsuccessful enemy attacks, with the enemy suffering losses and withdrawing to their original positions. The speaker also mentions that the enemy is attempting to advance on the Pridneprovskoe direction.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуation на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," the speaker discusses the military situation on the left bank of the Dnepр River in Ukraine. Russian forces have attempted to dislodge Ukrainian defenders through five unsuccessful attacks over the past few days. The situation remains tense, with no significant changes reported in operational directions in Volyn and Polesia. The enemy continues to engage in diversionary activities and artillery duels, with air support. Ukrainian forces have countered with limited success, preventing incursions into their territory. Over the past days, Ukrainian forces have targeted and destroyed enemy artillery positions, bases, and communication systems, resulting in losses of approximately 1,260 enemy personnel, 11 tanks, 18 armored vehicles, 66 artillery systems, 58 operational and tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, 76 automobile and special equipment, and six drones. The military situation remains volatile on all operational fronts in Ukraine, with both sides engaging in conflict. Additionally, there have been reports of fires at Russian oil and gas facilities, which Russian authorities have been unable to extinguish. These fires were allegedly caused by Ukrainian drone attacks on Kransodar Krai, damaging oil facilities and communication towers in Pavlovskaya and Leninsky.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуation на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," there is a discussion about an incident involving drone fragments landing on a oil storage base in Ukraine, resulting in fires that cannot be extinguished. The Russian Ministry of Defense claims they shot down all drones, but the debris caused the fires. The social media reports a different story, suggesting that the drones were the cause of the explosions that ignited the fires. The Ukrainian Counterintelligence Service (SBU) is working to neutralize Russian agents and their networks on Ukrainian territory, and has recently arrested a group of women who were taking photos of military objectives and transmitting their locations. These photos were then used to launch missile attacks on Odessa and other cities. The SBU is reportedly using advanced search technology to quickly identify and apprehend the individuals involved in these attacks, and has made hundreds of arrests so far. The counterintelligence agency is continuously improving its methods and technology, making it more effective in preventing and responding to these attacks. The third year of the war has seen an increase in the number and sophistication of these attacks, making it a challenging time for military counterintelligence.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуация на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," the speaker discusses the intelligence agencies involved in espionage activities in Ukraine and the consequences for those caught. The Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense (GRU) are mentioned as the primary Russian intelligence agencies, with the latter focusing on external intelligence and creating agent networks. These networks recruit agents through social media and covert means, but the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) is also learning to counteract such efforts. Agents are arrested as soon as they are identified, and the Ukrainian security services regularly publish reports on such criminal cases and sentences. The speaker warns against cooperating with the enemy, even for money, and emphasizes that no one has ever been evacuated from Ukraine by their handlers. Instead, those working for the enemy will be identified and punished with lengthy prison sentences. The speaker also mentions Valery Zluschný, who was appointed as Ukraine's ambassador to the United Kingdom, and is now in place and working in London.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуация на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," the speaker begins by discussing the heated situation in the United States regarding Joe Biden's presidential campaign. Despite calls from some circles for Biden to withdraw from the race, he has refused, citing his past accomplishments such as expanding NATO and bringing 50 countries to Ukraine's aid. In response to a question about his effectiveness as a leader, Biden boasts of his past successes and intends to continue his presidential campaign. The second major news item discussed in the video is the controversy surrounding Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Moscow. Orbán, who is currently serving as the President of the European Union, visited Moscow and reportedly held talks with both Putin and Ukrainian President Zelensky. This visit has caused a significant political scandal in the European Union, as some view Orbán's actions as undermining EU unity and potentially damaging relations with Ukraine. The video does not provide further details on the situation but highlights the ongoing controversy.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуация на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," it is discussed that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Moscow raised concerns in Europe as he is not authorized by the European Union to act as a mediator or go-between for Russia and Ukraine. Some criticized his visit, suspecting he brought a plan from Putin and received a response from President Zelensky instead. Orbán claimed he passed this response on to Putin, who did not confirm it. The uncertainty surrounding this exchange is causing tension in Ukraine, with both sides forming rigid negotiating positions. The Ukrainian military is still forming new brigades but lacks sufficient weapons, and the ability to provide air support within a 300 km range could significantly impact the situation on the ground. The party controlling the initiative on the battlefield will have a stronger negotiating position.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуация на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," there is a continuing scandal in Europe regarding Hungary's refusal to accept German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock for a visit. Germany strongly criticized Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's unexpected visit to Moscow, which was scheduled for August 9 but was canceled on the same day. Orban was expected to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, but the reason for the visit and what was discussed between Orban and Putin remains unclear. The lack of a visit suggests that Orban may act as a messenger in diplomatic efforts between Kyiv and Moscow, bypassing other potential mediators like China, the Vatican, and Turkey. In Belarus, there is an interesting development as Chinese military personnel arrived on an official visit, bringing a military transport plane and soldiers. Belarus has historically pursued a policy of becoming a metropolis for China, and the two countries have cooperated militarily, with China providing a reactive system for multiple launch rocket systems to Belarus. The Chinese military is currently conducting joint exercises with Belarusian forces in Baranovichy to prevent terrorism.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "6.07 Тяжелая ситуация на Торецком ОН. Скандал в ЕС относительно визита Орбана в москву," the speaker discusses military training between Russia, China, and Kazakhstan. The training, which includes language learning and tactical exercises, is taking place at a Russian airbase in Belarus from July 8-19. The speaker also mentions a new development regarding Kazakhstan's efforts to distance itself economically from Russia while still maintaining cooperation with them. Kazakhstan has begun seizing Russian trucks transporting European goods, causing tension and potentially creating new smuggling routes. The speaker questions whether Russian trucks will be able to continue transporting goods from Europe through Kazakhstan, despite sanctions imposed by the United States and Europe. The speaker also encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel and offers free initial consultations from a legal firm for military personnel and their families.

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