Seym River, all the bridges are blown up. Lukashenko is pleading for negotiations for Putin

in war •  2 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу," the speaker discusses the military situation along the Ukrainian-Russian border. The Russian forces have been attempting to build up their military potential and inflict damage on Ukrainian forces, but have retreated to their initial positions. The situation remains unchanged in some areas, while Ukrainian forces are conducting offensive operations and successfully advancing in others, such as the Chernihiv and Sumy regions. The focus is on expanding the platzdram in the Kurske region and securing control of the territory that separates the two sides of the river. The speaker also mentions the ongoing conflict in various operational directions, including the Pokrovsko and Kurakhovske directions, where the enemy has been attacking consistently but has not made significant progress. The situation remains tense on all fronts, with significant losses for both sides. Additionally, there are discussions about the alleged involvement of Ukrainian citizens in the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline and the cessation of German aid to Ukraine, which are deemed to be manipulations by certain mass media outlets. The overall military situation remains fluid and uncertain, with ongoing military action and infrastructure damage affecting both sides.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that the legal firm Consultant is available to provide free legal consultation to military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues and financial payments. The discussion then shifts to the operational situation, starting with the night of August 18 when the enemy attacked Ukraine with ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones from the Kurchsk and Voronezh regions. Ukrainian forces managed to shoot down 13 out of 16 identified enemy targets, including three North Korean Scud missiles, which were easier to counter due to their unguided nature. The following night, August 19, the enemy launched 11 drones from the Kurchsk and Primorsko-Ahtarsk directions, which were all shot down by Ukrainian forces in the regions of Nikolaev, Cherkasy, Vinnytsia, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Sumy. Despite the relatively small number of drones, the speaker emphasizes the importance of Ukraine's radioelectronic suppression systems in countering enemy air attacks.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", the speaker discusses the increased military activity in the Ukrainian sky, specifically mentioning the use of Tu-160 bombers in recent training exercises. These bombers, which are capable of carrying large numbers of nuclear or conventional bombs, have not been used in attacks against Ukraine before. The speaker also notes that these exercises may indicate that Russia is planning a large-scale missile attack on Ukraine, possibly on Independence Day. Additionally, the speaker mentions that Ukrainian air defense systems have recently shot down several Russian missiles, and that Russian planes have been returning to their bases after these exercises, suggesting that a potential attack could involve multiple waves of missiles. The speaker emphasizes the importance of preparing for such a scenario and notes that Ukrainian forces are also preparing for this possibility. The discussion then shifts to a more detailed analysis of the events of Saturday, with a focus on the number and intensity of military engagements along the front line.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", the speaker discusses the military situation in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The Russian army reportedly conducted five rocket attacks and 88 aerial strikes against Ukrainian positions and populated areas near them. The Ukrainian forces repelled shтурмовые действия (shock attacks) in some areas, but the Russian army had partial success in others, including the Peschanoye area, where Ukrainian forces withdrew and allowed the Russians to advance. The situation in the New York area is critical as the Russian forces have almost taken control of it. The Russians are also attempting to encircle Ukrainian forces between New York and Severnyi. Despite high military activity on the Torch and Pokrovskoe fronts, the intensity of the battles has been sustained for several days, if not weeks. The Russians have shifted their main attack to the southwest, attempting to reach Myrna and other areas. In total, 46 shock attacks were launched by the Russian forces on the Pokrovskoe operational direction in one day.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Ukrainian and Russian forces in the area of the Seym River. The speaker notes that the concentration of enemy attacks has been highest near the town of Nikolievka, and the Russian forces are attempting to push through the river at a bend near the town of Kazionny Torets. The Ukrainian forces are holding their ground, and the speaker expresses hope that they can temporarily halt the Russian advance in this area. However, the Russian forces may be able to prolong their offensive due to limited resources, and ultimately, Putin will have to make a decision on whether to continue the offensive or shift resources elsewhere. The speaker also mentions that the Ukrainian-Russian border in the Kurske operational zone is still contested, with Russian forces maintaining a presence and continuing to shell Ukrainian territory. Ukrainian forces are responding with counter-battery fire and denying access to the area without a special permit. The speaker conclses by noting that Ukrainian forces are continuing to advance in the Kurske and Suum regions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", the speaker discusses the ongoing military operation in the area around the city of Korнеево, located near the Sейm River. The Ukrainian forces had previously made progress on both the right and left flanks, liberating several populated areas in the Kурская region. However, Korнееvo is now encircled by Ukrainian troops, and the focus is on surrounding and capturing the garrison. The speaker anticipates that the garrison will surrender within the next few days, but there may be challenges in clearing the city. The speaker also shares an interesting anecdote about how enemy soldiers surrender in different areas of Kурская region. In the area around the village of Tёткино, a large desantnik unit of around 700 soldiers had been holding out. When the first bridge was destroyed, they began withdrawing from the area. However, after the second bridge was destroyed, they were trapped, and the speaker expects that they will soon surrender. The speaker also mentions that all three bridges in the populated area of Риш have been destroyed, including the named bridge. They are waiting for official confirmation of the destruction of the second bridge, as it is unclear from the available photos how much of the bridge remains intact. The speaker notes that heavy machinery would not be able to cross the damaged bridge, even if they patch up the holes with metal sheets. Instead, troops may be able to cross on foot, but there are significant doubts about whether the bridge can support the weight of vehicles. The enemy has already built a pontoon bridge nearby to allow for the gradual withdrawal of their troops or the introduction of new reinforcements. However, the speaker believes that this is an inefficient use of resources, as the pontoon bridge can be easily destroyed by reactive artillery systems. The troops are reportedly surrendering at a rate of around 150 per day.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", the speaker discusses the current situation at the front lines between Russian and Ukrainian forces, specifically in the Sumy region. Approximately 300 Russian prisoners are being held in a local prison near the city of Sumy. The Russian forces have destroyed three bridges on the Semy River, creating an "anklav" and a buffer zone along the Ukrainian border. The Ukrainian forces are building defensive positions and creating a system of fire coverage on the river to prevent enemy infiltration. If the Kornevo area falls under Ukrainian control, the next objective would be to move towards Rylsk due to its strategic importance as a transportation hub. The Russian forces suffered significant losses on Saturday, with over 1,100 enemy personnel, 7 tanks, and 71 armored vehicles destroyed. The overall operational situation remains tense along the front lines from Belgorod to Olesk and in the Kursk operational zone.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу," the speaker discusses the military activity on various operational directions along the Ukrainian front lines. The Russian forces have conducted over 4,600 artillery and mortar attacks, including 159 attacks using rocket launchers, targeting Ukrainian positions and populated areas in Sumy, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Herson regions. The most significant activity was observed on the Harkovske and Limanske directions, with the latter showing more stability in the Ukrainian defense lines. The Russian forces have launched over 14 probing attacks on the Kramaorske direction, likely to identify weak spots in the Ukrainian defense. The Tocherske direction has seen 24 attempted assaults, with the Russian forces focusing on two small sectors. Despite these attacks, the Ukrainian forces have managed to repel them, but there is no information on any significant gains made by either side. The speaker also mentions that the Russian forces may be in the process of regrouping for further offensives.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", the speaker discusses the challenging operational situations on the Pokrovsko and Kurakhovske directions in the ongoing conflict. The enemy has been attacking these areas consistently, with significant concentrations of attacks in the vicinity of Vorodvichenka and Novogrodovka. The enemy has attempted to change the direction of their main attack to the west, likely to reach the supply routes used by Ukrainian forces. However, they have been unable to make significant progress due to the difficulty of crossing the river without engineering support. The speaker notes that the Ukrainian defense has shown relatively good stability in this area, despite repeated attacks. The enemy has also attempted to capture populated areas, as they have suffered heavy losses when attacking Ukrainian positions directly. The speaker concludes by mentioning that the Russians have made four attacks on Ukrainian positions along the Pridniprovska direction but have not been successful in gaining a foothold.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу," the speaker discusses the current military situation along the Ukrainian-Russian border. The Russian forces have been attempting to build up their military potential and inflict damage on Ukrainian forces in the Pridnestrovian direction, but have retreated to their initial positions. The situation remains unchanged in the areas of Volynsk and Polesie, where Ukrainian forces have control and no signs of enemy formations have been detected. The speaker also mentions that there is no increase in enemy presence near the border and that all forces are remaining in place. Additionally, the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions, where the Ukrainian forces are conducting offensive operations and successfully advancing. The main focus is on expanding the platzdram in the Kurske region and securing control of the territory that separates the two sides of the river. The speaker mentions that the third bridge on the Seym River, which was expected to be destroyed, has not yet been officially confirmed as destroyed. The overall positive dynamic of the situation includes the capture of Russian soldiers in large numbers, with an average of 100-150 per day. The speaker also mentions that the Russian command has been quickly building defensive positions in the Kurchatov region, near the Kursk atomic power plant. The exact timeline and location of upcoming military actions are not specified, but the speaker mentions that there will be news about the Kurske military operation in the near future.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу," the speaker discusses the military situation in Ukraine. The Ukrainian forces reportedly inflicted significant damage on the enemy, including the destruction of military bases, weapons, and communication centers. The losses for the occupying forces amounted to over 1,200 personnel, 15 tanks, 48 artillery systems, and 55 vehicles, among other equipment. The situation was tense on all operational fronts, with the Russian Federation experiencing unrest as well. In addition to the fighting, a fire broke out at the Combine Kaвказ in the Rostov region of Russia, a large oil storage facility that supplied fuel to the occupying army. The fire, which has been burning for several days, is difficult to contain due to the risk of spreading to nearby tanks. The electricity needed to operate the firefighting equipment is currently unavailable, making it challenging to control the situation. The cause of the fire is unknown, with speculation ranging from sabotage to technical malfunctions. The transportation sector has also been affected, as a power substation in the Kemerovo region of Russia was destroyed, halting train traffic on the Trans-Siberian Railway. The cause of the explosion and fire at the substation is also unclear, with the Russian prosecutor's office attributing it to a technical fault. The situation remains fluid and uncertain, with ongoing military action and infrastructure damage affecting both sides.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу," there is a discussion about the alleged involvement of Ukrainian citizens in the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea. The speaker explains that there are doubts about Germany's financing of military programs for Ukraine and that this situation has led to a discreditation of the program. The speaker also mentions that Russia is trying to involve the German prosecutor's office to accuse Ukraine of the crime. However, experts believe that the evidence presented is not convincing, and there are internal disputes in the German prosecutor's office regarding the investigation. The speaker also explains that it is impossible to sabotage the pipeline using a recreational yacht, as the required equipment is too large and the divers would need to spend hours on the seabed, which is dangerous due to the risk of decompression sickness. The speaker concludes by stating that the connection between the pipeline sabotage and the deterioration of relations between Germany and Ukraine is not clear, as the gas prices have since stabilized and even decreased on the European market.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", there is a discussion about the alleged cessation of German aid to Ukraine. The speaker notes that the information about the end of German support for Ukraine is a manipulation by certain mass media outlets. According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany's financial assistance will only be confirmed in November, and the amount of support for the following year will be known then. The German government had planned to allocate a similar amount of aid as in the previous year, which is around 4.7 billion euros. However, German politicians have criticized Berlin's plans to limit military aid to Ukraine. For instance, Norbert Rtke, an expert on foreign policy for the opposition party HDSP, accused the German coalition of behaving like Donald Trump and threatening to withdraw support for Ukraine. Despite these criticisms, the German government continues to promise military support for Ukraine while also trying to position itself as a peace broker. The speaker also mentions that Lukaшенко made a political statement to Russia 1 TV, where he showed Putin that he is using the money given to him personally and for Belarus, and that Putin ignores the Russian Constitution and is unable to protect Russia. Lukaшенко also demonstrated to Russians that Putin is weak and afraid.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

In the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko discusses the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the real threat he perceives from Russia. He reveals that Putin is urging for peace talks and a ceasefire due to Russia's dwindling resources for military operations. Lukashenko also mentions that Russia has moved over 1.5 million military personnel to the border with Ukraine and has taken supplies and equipment from Belarus. However, Belarus is unlikely to participate in the conflict due to its population's unwillingness to engage in a "bloody battle." The speaker also discusses the situation regarding military equipment provided to Ukraine by various countries, including Spain, Germany, and Canada, which is now considered their property and can be used by Ukraine at their discretion. The US, however, has not given permission for the use of American aircraft and long-range missiles on Ukrainian or Russian territory. Putin has gone to Azerbaijan on an official visit, aiming to bring Azerbaijan to Russia's side by offering membership in the Brics organization. Russia is interested in Azerbaijan's military capabilities as it could potentially help Russia bypass sanctions by exporting Russian gas to Azerbaijan and then to Europe. The speaker also discusses Putin's visit to Azerbaijan for health reasons and the forest fires ravaging Russia. He criticizes the Russian government for being unable to handle the crisis and notes the strange incident at the Arbatskaya metro station in Moscow, which may have been related to fears of a "dirty bomb" threat. A real event is discussed where soldiers from the 488 Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Russian Federation attempted to stop the advance of Ukrainian Armed Forces but fled after their first encounter, only to be taken as prisoners of war and receive medical assistance, food, and living conditions that adhered to the Geneva Convention. The speaker emphasizes the importance of surrendering to save lives and potentially lead to an exchange of prisoners or safe return home. The Russian government had proposed legalizing "guard units" in the Russian army. The speaker encourages viewers to subscribe to his channel, like the video, and consult a legal company for military and financial issues.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko discusses the real threat he perceives from Russia and the ongoing situation in Belarus and Ukraine. He reveals that Putin is urging for peace talks and a ceasefire, as Russia's resources for conducting active military operations are running low. Lukashenko also mentions that he has sent a third of his military forces to strengthen the border, but Russia's intelligence suggests that this is not the case. Instead, the military is likely preparing for a mobilization by readying their equipment and troops for transfer to the front lines. It is uncertain whether this mobilization will be announced openly or covertly.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", the speaker discusses the military involvement of Russia and Belarus in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The speaker notes that Russia has moved over 1.5 million military personnel to the border with Ukraine, and has taken supplies and equipment from Belarus for repair and restoration. However, the speaker argues that Belarus is unlikely to participate in the conflict due to its population's unwillingness to engage in a "bloody battle." The speaker also accuses Russia of being a fascist state and suggests that the West's plan to weaken Russia includes taking control of its nuclear arsenal. The speaker also notes that Putin is hesitant to use the term "war" and instead refers to the situation as a "counter-terrorist operation" to avoid international condemnation and potential sanctions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", the discussion about a "dirty bomb" threat has subsided as the West showed no reaction. Good news came from Spain, Germany, and Canada regarding military equipment they provided to Ukraine, which is now considered their property and can be used by Ukraine at their discretion. The US, however, has not given permission for the use of American aircraft and long-range missiles on Ukrainian territory or Russian territory. Russia, on the other hand, is using American rockets to attack targets in the Kurszkaya oblast and European Russia, but is not granting similar permission to other countries like Britain or France. Putin has gone to Azerbaijan on an official visit, aiming to bring Azerbaijan to Russia's side by offering membership in the Brics organization. Azerbaijan, a powerful military nation, has been strengthening its army and now produces a full range of ammunition from pistol cartridges to reactive shells for Soviet-era weapons. Russia is interested in this as Azerbaijan could potentially join the Brics and help Russia bypass sanctions by exporting Russian gas to Azerbaijan and then to Europe.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу.", the speaker discusses the official and unofficial parts of Putin's visit to Azerbaijan, where he is expected to meet with Israeli doctors due to his deteriorating health. The speaker expresses surprise that Israeli specialists have agreed to consult Putin regarding his health. The conversation then shifts to the forest fires ravaging Russia, particularly in Tyva and Yakutia, where over 300,000 hectares of land have been affected. The speaker criticizes the Russian government for being unable to handle the crisis and notes that the army, which traditionally comes to the rescue, is currently engaged in Ukraine. The conversation also touches upon a strange incident at the Arbatskaya metro station in Moscow, where someone pulled the emergency handle to close the hermetically sealed doors, triggering the station's filtration system. The speaker speculates that this may have been done in response to discussions about a "dirty bomb" and the fear of a nuclear attack.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.08 Река Сейм, все мосты взорваны. Лукашенко выпрашивает переговоры для пу," the speaker discusses a real event that took place in one of the areas of the Kursk Operational Zone. Soldiers from the 488 Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Russian Federation attempted to stop the advance of Ukrainian Armed Forces. However, after their first serious encounter with Russian forces, they panicked and fled, leaving their positions. In their absence, an Ahmat unit opened fire on them. Realizing they would be shot if they didn't return, the soldiers retreated and surrendered. They were taken as prisoners of war and received medical assistance, food, and living conditions that adhered to the Geneva Convention. Interviews and documentation were taken for standard procedure. The speaker emphasizes that surrendering saves lives and may lead to an exchange of prisoners or safe return home. The Russian government had proposed legalizing "guard units" in the Russian army, similar to what Stalin did in December of the first year. The speaker thanks the audience for their time and attention and encourages them to subscribe to his channel, like the video, and consult a legal company for military and financial issues.

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