The SBU presented evidence of the Russian missile attack on the Okhmatdet Children's Hospital. The anniversary summit of NATO is open

in war •  3 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ предстaвило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт" the speaker discusses various topics, including ongoing WAR between Ukraine and Russia, humanitarian efforts, and international diplomacy. The speaker begins by mentioning a children's hospital, Ahmatdet, which has received significant donations and expresses pride in Ukraine's collective efforts to help. They also discuss the importance of supporting military personnel and their families, and show military equipment donated for their use. The speaker then provides updates on the military situation, discussing Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities, specifically in Kyiv, and the destruction of several buildings, including a children's hospital and a maternity ward. The speaker also mentions the evidence presented by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) that these attacks were military crimes, and that Russia is spreading false narratives about the attacks being caused by missile defense systems. The speaker also provides statistics on military activity along the front lines. The speaker then focuses on the military situation in specific areas, such as the "Купинское направление," where the enemy is attempting to advance towards a water reservoir to cut off Ukrainian forces. The speaker expresses concern about this advance and the potential for significant losses. The speaker also mentions the losses of Russian forces in other areas, such as Mariupol, where they are estimated to have lost approximately 5,000 soldiers. The speaker also discusses ongoing military exercises by Belarus and Russia, which have two main goals: testing the readiness of troops and demonstrating power and intentions. The speaker mentions that Ukrainian drones have targeted Russian regions, causing significant damage to military installations. The video also includes evidence presented by the SBU of a Russian rocket attack on the town of Ochamadite, which includes parts of the rocket that can be traced back to the launching aircraft. The speaker also mentions the involvement of two Russian military units in the attack on the children's hospital and the ongoing NATO summit, where leaders are expected to announce military aid for Ukraine. The speaker concludes by mentioning that Ukrainian officials will receive additional Patriot missile systems and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's efforts to broker a peace deal in Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker begins by reminding viewers of a legal firm offering free consultations to military personnel and their families regarding service and financial issues. They also mention a charity marathon to raise funds for a children's hospital, Ahmatdet, which has already received 250 million UAH in donations. The speaker expresses pride in Ukraine's collective efforts to help the hospital and its patients. Despite the primary focus on the children's hospital, the speaker acknowledges the importance of supporting the military, who have also been affected by the tragic events. They show a photo of military equipment, including snares and cumulative charges, with the inscription "for Ahmatdet," emphasizing the significance of donations for the production of drones to aid the military in retaliation against Russian military actions. The marathon will continue for another day, and the speaker promises to share the total amount raised at the end.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker discusses the aftermath of Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities, specifically in Kyiv, where there have been 38 deaths and over 190 injuries, with 62 of those injured being hospitalized. The speaker also mentions that several buildings, including a children's hospital and a maternity ward, as well as three residential buildings and three objects of energy infrastructure, have been destroyed in Kyiv alone. The speaker then goes on to discuss the evidence presented by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) that these attacks were military crimes, and that Russia is spreading false narratives about the attacks being caused by missile defense systems. The speaker also provides statistics on the military activity along the front lines, including 141 combat engagements, six rocket attacks, 51 rocket launches, and over 4,000 artillery attacks over the past few days. The speaker concludes by noting that the Russian commander of the Northern Group of Forces is attempting to create the illusion of a third placard in the Harkiv region, and that Ukrainian forces are successfully countering these attacks and pushing the enemy back.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker discusses the military situation on the Ukrainian front, specifically focusing on the "Купинское направление." The enemy has identified a weak point in the Ukrainian defense, the populated area of Песчаная, and is attempting to advance towards the water reservoir to cut off Pinsk from the main forces and surround the area. The speaker expresses concern about this advance, as the distance is easily covered by the enemy's artillery and represents a deep penetration into Ukrainian defenses. Despite some initial success in stabilizing the front line, the proximity of the enemy and the potential for artillery fire raises concerns. The speaker also mentions that the enemy has attempted to attack in other areas, such as Лиманское направление, but has been unsuccessful. The Ukrainian forces have successfully repelled all attacks and caused significant damage to the enemy's forces. The enemy has also attempted to test the strength of the Ukrainian defenses by attacking along the entire front line, including in the areas of Григорьевка, Белая гора, and Андреевка on the краматорское направление. However, the Ukrainian forces have held their ground, and the enemy has suffered significant losses.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker discusses the losses of Russian forces on the front lines, specifically in the area of the clock tower in the town of Mariupol. The enemy is estimated to have lost approximately 5,000 soldiers in this area alone, which is equivalent to two full regiments or nearly two brigades. The Russian forces attempted to storm the area, but the Ukrainian defense line remains stable. Elsewhere, the Russians have made 19 attacks on populated areas such as Deevka, Sever Donetsk, and New York. The Russians have also attempted to dig tunnels to bypass Ukrainian defenses, and have succeeded in reaching the outskirts of a Ukrainian stronghold near New York. The speaker notes that the Russians have used this tunnel warfare before and the challenge is recognizing the locations of these tunnels. The Russians are digging at a fast pace and the tunnels are wide enough for soldiers to move through with equipment. The volume of excavated earth is significant and it is unclear where they are disposing of it. The Russians have chosen the Poprovsk direction as their main line of attack, and it is the area of highest military activity on the entire front line, from Harikov to Oleski.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian forces, specifically focusing on the area around the river Vovcha. The Russian forces have made periodic advances, pushing Ukrainian troops back several hundred meters. This retreat is due to the strategic decision to avoid allowing the Russian forces to gain momentum, as holding unfortified lines is much more difficult. The speaker also mentions that the Russian forces have faced a shortage of personnel and reserves, which has limited their ability to continue offensive actions. In the area around the river Vovcha, the Ukrainian forces have been able to hold their ground in the towns of Georgievka, Krasnogorovka, Proskoveevka, and Konstantinovka. The front line remains unchanged, with no significant losses on the Ukrainian side. The Russian forces have launched multiple attacks in the direction of Vodianovka, Konstantinovka, Urozhainyi rov, Novoselovka, and Makarovka, using both ground troops and aerial bombardment with unguided rocket systems. The range of these systems is limited, making it important for the Ukrainian forces to avoid exposing themselves to enemy fire.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker discusses the military situation in the Gulyay Pole operational direction in Ukraine. The enemy primarily conducted aerial attacks in the Mlechnyi settlement in the Zaporizhzhia region, but they did not achieve success in their offensives against Ukrainian positions. The Russian forces attempted ten shocks against Ukrainian positions, but all of them were repelled, resulting in losses and retreat for the enemy. The front line in the Gulyay Pole operational direction remains unchanged, with no significant losses reported on the Ukrainian side. The situation on the Orekhovske and Pridniprovsky directions also remains stable, with Ukrainian forces continuing to inflict significant damage on the enemy. Joint exercises between Belarusian and Chinese special forces have begun, with Chinese troops using Soviet aircraft and helicopters to simulate anti-terrorist operations. China's presence in Belarus is intended to demonstrate its military and economic influence in the region and potentially serve as a stepping stone for entry into the European Union.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between democratic countries and Belarus, with a focus on the military exercises being conducted by Belarus and Russia. The speaker explains that these military exercises have two main goals: testing the readiness of troops and demonstrating power and intentions. The conflict areas include the Chernihivska and Sumska regions, where Ukraine's forces have been engaging in anti-diversion activities and using their firepower to counter the enemy's attacks. The speaker also mentions that Ukrainian drones have targeted Russian regions, including Astrakhan, Voronezh, Volgograd, Belgorod, and Rostov, causing significant damage to military installations. The speaker does not provide specific details about the damage caused by these drone attacks.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) reported that airstrikes were carried out on an airport and power stations in southern Russia, specifically in the regions of Astrahan and Rostov, using drones. The SBU claimed that these attacks targeted a neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod (nefterefinery) in the Volgograd region and an airport in Ahtubinsk. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has not yet commented on these reports. However, the SBU previously reported a mass drone attack in the north of the Astrahan region, and the town of Znamenske saw a red critical level of terrorist danger. The SBU reportedly shot down 38 drones, but it is unclear what was exploding at the nefterefinery if all drones were shot down. The SBU also reported that power stations providing electricity to military objectives and the nefterefinery in the Volgograd region, as well as the airport in Ahtubinsk, were hit by drones, causing explosions. Despite Russian claims that Ukrainian PVO (air defense) was responsible for the attack on a children's hospital in Ahmatu, the SBU presented new evidence, including the discovery of the remains of the H-101 missile at the site of the tragedy, which they claim was fired by the Russian Federation. The SBU also presented video evidence of the missile's flight path, which contradicts Russian claims that a Ukrainian PVO shot down the missile. The SBU also noted that the missile was intact and did not show signs of damage from PVO systems, suggesting that it had successfully bypassed Ukraine's air defense systems.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) presents evidence of a Russian rocket attack on the town of Ochamadite. The SBU has recovered parts of the rocket, including the engine, control surfaces, and central part, which all bear serial numbers and can be traced back to the launching aircraft. The rocket, a 9M55R S-25 missile, is said to have carried significantly less explosive material than the Ukrainian anti-missile system it targeted. The SBU also claims to have identified 95 military personnel involved in the attack, including technical personnel, pilots, and commanders. The head of the SBU, Vasily Malyk, vows to bring those responsible to justice. The SBU's experts have concluded that the evidence points to clear signs of a military crime, and Malyk promises that Russia will feel retribution for its actions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker discusses the involvement of two Russian military units, 0670 and 33310, in the attack on the children's hospital in Ochamadet, Ukraine. The speaker also mentions that these crimes do not have a statute of limitations and warns viewers that they have already collected personal information of the pilots and crew members involved. The speaker also mentions the ongoing NATO summit in Washington D.C., where leaders are expected to announce details of a military aid package for Ukraine, including Patriot missile batteries and a possible commitment to provide F-16 fighter jets. The summit is expected to conclude by the end of August 2024.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker discusses the quick and irreversible nature of Ukraine's entry into NATO, which is taking place at the 75th NATO summit in Washington. The speaker notes that India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, met with Putin and did not sign the final declaration at a previous summit in Switzerland. India, a significant buyer of Russian weapons, has demanded the return of all Indian citizens fighting in the Russian military and the cancellation of military contracts due to Russia's actions in Ukraine. The speaker also mentions that Germany has provided Ukraine with significant military aid, including three Patriot missile systems, radar systems, and various types of ammunition and weapons. The Netherlands has also pledged to provide Ukraine with a Patriot missile system.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," Ukrainian officials announced that they will receive additional Patriot missile systems from their partners to strengthen their air defense. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who is currently presiding over the European Union, has been actively engaging with Russia, China, and the United States to broker a peace deal in Ukraine. Orbán believes that Putin still holds onto the belief in the Minsk agreements, which he sees as a potential basis for a ceasefire. However, European Union officials have strongly criticized Orbán for his unilateral actions and lack of authorization to represent the EU's interests. Orbán wrote a closed letter to the EU ministers, urging them to push for Putin's narrative of Ukraine's capitulation. The letter was leaked to the media, causing controversy and raising concerns about Orbán's actions.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In the YouTube video titled "9.07 СБУ представило доказательства ракетной атаки рф на Охматдет. Юбилейный саммит НАТО открыт," the speaker discusses ongoing geopolitical issues, including concerns about Hungary's EU presidency and Orban's visits to Moscow and Beijing. He also shares reports of Russian soldiers being buried in mass graves near the Luhansk region in Ukraine, with estimates suggesting catastrophic losses for the Russian military. The speaker expresses anger towards Russia for burying civilians and enemies in Ukrainian soil and urges listeners to help raise funds for a volunteer foundation producing drones for the Ukrainian military. He encourages viewers to donate and promises that the drones will be used to attack Russian enemies and liberate Ukrainian land. Throughout the video, the speaker continues to express gratitude to sponsors and supporters of his channel.

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