Ukrainian drones have destroyed the 67th GRAU arsenal of the Russian Armed Forces in the Bryansk region

in war •  14 days ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переносится?", the speaker discusses the ongoing military situation in Ukraine and Russia. The night saw three ballistic missile strikes on the Poltava region from the Russian Federation, and two drone s were shot down. The front line has seen increased military activity, with significant battles taking place in the areas of Pokrovsk and Kurakhov. The enemy targeted civilian areas in various regions with aerial attacks, and attempted to storm Ukrainian positions in Harkov. The enemy is persistently trying to find weak points in the Ukrainian defenses and will continue to attack in various locations along the operational front. The speaker also discusses the failed attacks by Russian forces on Ukrainian positions in the Oreховske and Dnepr regions, as well as ongoing military operations in the Volynska and Poleska regions. The situation in the Kurske region is particularly dire, with Russian air forces bombing villages and causing significant damage and civilian casualties. Despite these challenges, Ukrainian forces continue to hold the initiative and make gains in certain areas. The speaker also mentions the destruction of military bases and arsenals in the Russian Federation, specifically in the Bryansk region, and the unexpected challenges President Biden is facing due to Hurricane Ida in the United States, preventing him from attending a historic summit with Germany. The summit, which is significant as it marks the first visit of an American president to Germany in the last 40 years, is expected to determine the final outcome of the ongoing war and result in a joint decision between NATO and Ukraine. The speaker also discusses the increasing casualties in the Russian military, with over 33,000 injuries and fatalities per week, and the disruption of communication between drone operators and military command centers due to Roskomnadzor's restrictions on the use of Discord Messenger. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the ongoing military conflict and the challenges faced by both sides.

00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker begins by reminding viewers that a legal firm, Consultant, is available for military personnel and their families to seek legal assistance. The main focus of the video is the operational situation over the past 24 hours. The night saw three ballistic missile strikes on the Poltava region from the Russian Federation, and two drones were shot down. Harkov was attacked with a serious obstrelling, leaving 30 people injured. The front line has seen increased military activity, with 172 engagements reported. The most significant battles are taking place in the areas of Pokrovsk and Kurakhov, where the enemy is concentrating its efforts. The enemy also targeted civilian areas in Sumy, Kharkov, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions with aerial attacks. In Harkov, the enemy attempted to storm Ukrainian positions in the villages of Volchansk and Staritsa four times. The enemy also used drones extensively in their attacks.

00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the ongoing attempts by the enemy to advance towards an aggregated factory in the city of Harkovsk on the Harkov operational front. The factory, which is under full control of Ukrainian forces, has become a significant point of contention, with the enemy repeatedly trying to breach the Ukrainian defenses. Despite heavy losses, the enemy continues to gather forces and make attempts to penetrate the Ukrainian lines. The speaker also mentions that the enemy has managed to push Ukrainian forces back from some positions in the area of Stepanovka, but overall, the Ukrainian lines have remained unchanged. The enemy is also actively attacking on the Limansky direction, where the Ukrainian forces are holding the line against intense enemy fire. The speaker emphasizes that the enemy is persistently trying to find weak points in the Ukrainian defenses and will continue to attack in various locations along the operational front.

00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the military situation on various operational fronts in the ongoing conflict. The front line on the Limansky direction remains unchanged despite 19 attacks, with low military activity in the Ivan Daeve and contested areas. The enemy has attempted to attack in each of these two settlements, resulting in only two attacks overall. Elsewhere, there have been positional battles and artillery duels. The enemy has reduced the number of attacks on the Kramatorsk direction but expanded the geographical area of their attacks. No attack has been successful, and the front line remains unchanged. The enemy is actively using aviation near Torch and has launched 12 attacks, focusing on taking control of a mine in the heart of the city. Russian forces are attempting to dislodge them from this position. The enemy is constantly changing the direction of their attacks in an unsuccessful attempt to find weak spots in the defense. No attack has been successful, and the front line remains stable. The most significant concentration of enemy attacks was near Selidovo, where they have failed to make progress despite attempting to push through to Myrnograd and press against the defense on the flanks. The enemy is suffering heavy losses and is returning to their initial positions. There is no possibility of encircling Selidovo from the flanks at present.

00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the intense fighting on the Kurakhov operational direction in Ukraine, where Russian forces launched over 170 attacks in one day. The speaker notes that this was the most active area of attack along the entire 1,200 km front line. Russian forces targeted several populated areas, including Ekaterinovka, Antonovka, and Kroymilianovka. Despite heavy resistance from Ukrainian forces, the Russians managed to capture a few settlements and made some progress in the region. However, the Russians have since shifted their focus and are now attempting to push back Ukrainian forces in the Nevelsky protrusion area. Their goal is to even out the front line and eliminate the Ukrainian presence there. The Russians have not made significant progress in this area yet, as the Ukrainian forces are putting up strong resistance. The speaker notes that the Russians are currently focusing their efforts on trying to cut off the Ukrainian forces in the Nevelsky protrusion rather than advancing towards their main objective of taking Pokrovsk. The Russians have also been unable to quickly and effectively eliminate the Ukrainian presence in this area, preventing them from releasing their forces to continue their advance towards Pokrovsk.

00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дrones SBU Burned Down 67 Arsenal of GRAU RF in Bryansk Oblast. Is Ramstein Being Transferred?", the speaker discusses the ongoing military situation in various regions, specifically focusing on the failed attacks by Russian forces on Ukrainian positions in the Oreховske and Dnepr regions. Despite numerous attempts to advance, Russian forces have not been successful in making significant gains, and Ukrainian forces continue to hold their positions and inflict damage on the enemy. The speaker also mentions ongoing military operations in the Volynska and Poleska regions, as well as the heavily contested border between Chernihiv and Sumska oblasts, where Russian forces are using artillery and aviation to bombard Ukrainian territory. The situation in the Kurske region is particularly dire, with Russian air forces bombing villages and causing significant damage and civilian casualties. Despite these challenges, Ukrainian forces continue to hold the initiative and make gains in certain areas. However, humanitarian situations for civilians trapped in Russian-controlled territories remain a concern, with Ukrainian forces unable to provide adequate assistance due to Russian refusal to allow humanitarian corridors.

00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the losses sustained by the Russian forces on various operational fronts in Russia, including the destruction of military hardware and personnel. The speaker mentions that in one region, the enemy had concentrated personnel and weapons, and this area was targeted, resulting in the loss of 1,150 occupying personnel and over 100 military vehicles and artillery systems. The speaker also mentions ongoing fires at a oil base in Feodosia, Crimea, which local authorities are allowing to burn as it is not possible to put out the fire with the available resources. The speaker expresses hope that the fuel tanks will explode and the base will be destroyed. Additionally, Ukrainian drones attacked a Russian military airport in the city of Yeysk, causing explosions in the area. The speaker warns viewers to stay away from windows due to flying debris.

00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the destruction of military bases and arsenals in the Russian Federation, specifically in the Bryansk region. Despite Russian officials reporting that 47 drones were shot down, mysterious explosions occurred at a strategic arsenal, the Third Arsenal of the GRAU (Glavnoe Raketno-Artilleriyskoe Upravlenie or Main Rocket-Artillery Directorate), located in the city of Karachev in the Bryansk region. The arsenal, which housed weapons supplied by North Korea, was reportedly a hub for a group of troops under the command of the Leningrad Military District. The speaker also mentions that two other arsenals, near the Ukrainian border, were also destroyed, leaving the military with a potential fuel shortage. The speaker then goes on to discuss a special operation to capture collaborators and the importance of the destroyed arsenals being located near the Russian border.

00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the destruction of two Russian military arsenals in the Bрянsk region, which supply groups of troops in Belgorod and Kursk areas. The speaker also mentions the Ukrainian parliament's recent decision to ban mobilization of men under 25 years old, making it difficult for Ukraine to mobilize troops if needed. The speaker also touches upon the ongoing geopolitical events, including the US elections, Hungary's delay in extending EU sanctions against Russia, and Ukraine's continued supply of Russian gas to Hungary and Slovakia. The speaker criticizes Ukraine's political leadership for prioritizing pro-Russian policies and sacrificing national interests to keep supplying gas to Hungary and Slovakia.

00:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", Hungarian Minister of Finance Mihály Varga expressed hope that the question of extending Russian sanctions should be resolved after the US elections. Orbán, the Hungarian Prime Minister, suggested focusing on issues of ceasefire and peace instead of military confrontation. Hungary and Slovakia, considered Russian satellites, were criticized for being willing to trade their territory with Russia for peace in Ukraine. The European People's Party, the largest faction in the European Parliament, labeled Hungarian presidency in the EU Council a failure. Trump reportedly had seven secret contacts with Putin since leaving the presidency, and allegedly provided Putin with US covid-19 tests for personal use. The US and European leaders are expected to hold a summit on the 12th, where they will discuss various issues, including the future of NATO and the situation in Ukraine. Biden cannot travel to Europe due to a hurricane.

00:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the unexpected challenges President Biden is facing due to Hurricane Ida in the United States, preventing him from leaving the country and attending a historic summit with Germany. The summit, which is significant as it marks the first visit of an American president to Germany in the last 40 years, is expected to determine the final outcome of the ongoing war and result in a joint decision between NATO and Ukraine. The meeting will likely be held in the format of the Quad, and while military and technical assistance to Ukraine continues, the United States is no longer providing direct budgetary support. Instead, they are offering a $50 billion credit line, with Europe contributing an additional $35 billion. These funds will be used for the functioning of the Ukrainian government and the purchase of weapons for military actions. The summit is anticipated to provide clarity on Ukraine's victory in the ongoing conflict against a Russian dictator. Additionally, Ukraine is currently receiving weapons from Germany, with six IST systems expected to be delivered by the end of the year. The difference between the two variants, SLM and S-LM, lies in their capabilities.

00:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the capabilities and effectiveness of the SLM system, a Russian anti-aircraft defense system. The system has a range of up to 40 km in distance and 20 km in altitude, making it effective against aerial targets. According to the speaker, the system has a high success rate, with a nearly 100% chance of hitting a target with one missile. However, the system is primarily used as a tactical anti-aircraft defense and is less effective against mobile targets like drones. The speaker also mentions that Russia and the United States have split allegiances in the upcoming presidential elections, with Russia supporting Trump and Iran trying to prevent his victory. The speaker also mentions that September 2020 was the deadliest month for the Russian military in Ukraine since the beginning of the war, with an average of 1.71 soldiers killed or injured daily, surpassing the previous record in May.

00:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the increasing casualties in the Russian military, with over 33,000 injuries and fatalities per week. These injuries include both those who can return to duty within 14 days and those with longer-term injuries or disabilities. The rise in casualties is linked to the expansion of military operations in the Kharkov and Kursk regions, as well as the intense fighting on the front lines. Russia's invasion of northern Kharkov and attempts to repel Ukrainian advances have resulted in over 1,000 casualties per day. John Forman, the British defense attaché in Moscow, predicts that Russia will continue its attacks without pause throughout the winter. Additionally, Russia has had to halt production of Su-57 fifth-generation fighter jets due to sanctions and a lack of components. Putin has announced the creation of a buffer zone along the Russian border, with residents of certain areas being relocated to new housing. Communication between drone operators and military command centers has been disrupted due to Roskomnadzor's restrictions on the use of Discord Messenger. Alternative methods, such as pigeons, are being used for communication.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the destruction of a Russian military communication and command center in Bryansk Oblast using drones. The operator of the center is believed to have been fully liquidated, but it is uncertain if the center can be restored. The speaker notes that some Russian military personnel still have unblocked IP addresses, which are being blocked by Roskomnadzor. With the destruction of the center, Russian military forces are left without their main means of transmitting video footage from the operator to the command center. The speaker concludes by thanking viewers for their time and attention, encouraging them to subscribe to his channel, and expressing gratitude to the video's sponsors and supporters. The video then shifts its focus to the Ukrainian armed forces.

01:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "9.10 Дроны СБУ сожгли 67 арсенал ГРАУ ВС рф в Брянской области. Рамштайн переноситься?", the speaker discusses the destruction of a communication and command center for Russian military forces using drones. The operator of the center is believed to be fully liquidated due to the efforts of Roskomnadzor, but it is unclear if the center can be restored. The speaker also mentions that some Russian military personnel are still using unblocked IP addresses and that Roskomnadzor is blocking only those addresses. The Russian military forces are left without their main messenger for transmitting video footage from the operator to the command center. The speaker then thanks the viewers for their time and attention and encourages them to subscribe to his channel, like the video, and contact a legal company for assistance with military service and financial payments. The speaker also expresses gratitude to the video's sponsors and those who support his channel. The video continues with a focus on the Ukrainian armed forces.

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