Strikes against Russian troops in Crimea and the Sea of ​​Azov

in war •  4 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," the speaker discusses the military situation in Ukraine, providing updates on recent engagements and losses sustained by both Ukrainian and Russian forces. The speaker also mentions the use of drones in attacks and the transfer of military technology and equipment to Ukraine. Additionally, the speaker touches on the political situation in Europe, including the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen and the potential impact on European countries' foreign policies. The video also highlights the ongoing military cooperation between Ukraine and France, with a licensing agreement for the production of artillery shells. The speaker emphasizes the expansion of the military-industrial complex in Ukraine despite ongoing political discussions about the end of the war. The video also mentions the sabotage and diversions on military-industrial plants in Europe, allegedly carried out by Russia.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that a legal firm, Consultant, is available to provide military personnel and their families with legal assistance in dealing with issues related to military service and financial payments. The speaker then shares some good news from the volunteer fund, which has released a new series of short stories about the defeat of enemy troops and equipment on Ukrainian territory, including drones. The speaker encourages viewers to donate to the volunteer fund, as the war is not yet over and the enemy is still on Ukrainian land. The speaker also notes that there have been no significant changes in the air attack situation on Ukraine over the past two days, with most military engagements taking place along the front lines and no drone attacks reported.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," the speaker discusses the recent military actions on the front lines in Ukraine. Over the past two days, there were 95 military engagements, with an average intensity that remained stable. The enemy has not made significant attempts to increase pressure or boost the intensity of battles on specific operational directions. The hottest spots include the Kramatoria-Pokrovska and Donetsk directions, where the enemy occasionally tries to attack Ukrainian positions. The situation on the front line and operational directions is generally under control by Ukrainian forces, although it remains complex in some areas. The enemy launched 94 airstrikes, using 33 drones and 1411 FPV drones, and conducted over 4,400 artillery shellings. Rocket systems were used sparingly, with most attacks carried out by artillery of various calibers. The situation on the Volynskyi Poleskyi front remains tense, with Belarusian troops continuing planned military drills and six battalions stationed near the border in a regular regime. Construction of missile complexes, such as Iskander, is ongoing in Osipovichi. Russia is reportedly trying to win Lukaшенko's loyalty by providing these weapons.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Европа остается приверженцем Украины," Belarusian President Lukashenko reveals that Russia has promised to transfer more missile launchers to Belarus to deploy a brigade of Iskander missile systems. Belarus is building hangars for the storage of these systems. Additionally, a secretive production of Su-30SM2 fighter jets is taking place at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant for the Belarusian military. Russia has also reportedly promised more modern and newly manufactured jets. However, Russia is currently unable to replenish its own aircraft fleet, raising doubts about the delivery of these jets to Belarus. The production of these jets requires the purchase of foreign components, and if Russia cannot produce them domestically, it is uncertain if Belarus will be able to obtain them. Despite political declarations, no official agreement or declaration has been made public. The video also discusses the historical lack of a clear border between Belarus and Ukraine, leading to economic intermingling, and the recent incursion of Russian forces into the Ukrainian village of Ryzhkova, which straddles the border.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," the speaker discusses recent military actions in the villages of Sumschina and Rakitное in Ukraine. The Russians attempted to probe Ukrainian defenses in the area of Rzhevka but were repelled, resulting in a "not so pleasant situation" for Ukraine as they were forced to defend themselves. The Russians suffered losses and were unable to make significant gains. The speaker also mentions ongoing battles in the Harkiv direction, with five engagements reported in the past day, primarily in the areas of Volchansk, Lipetsk, and Zavodskoe. Ukrainian forces successfully repelled all attacks and maintained their positions. The speaker also mentions an information and psychological operation conducted in a nameless Ukrainian village using a drone to drop a explosive device on an administrative building and a parking lot nearby. Ukrainian aviation also conducted airstrikes on enemy targets in the Rayonets area, causing significant damage to a command post and a munitions depot. The speaker notes that Ukrainian forces are now targeting enemy troops and rear areas up to 80 kilometers deep with their artillery and western partners' support. The speaker also mentions the Cuppinskoe and Limanske directions, combining them due to similar conditions in both areas.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," the speaker discusses the current state of the front lines in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The situation in the Central part of the Donetsk region, specifically in the Kramaторsk direction, remains intense. The enemy has attempted to advance in the Ivanovsk region but has been unsuccessful. The front line has remained stable overall, with the Ukrainian forces managing to repel enemy attacks and inflict heavy losses. The most active areas have been around the settlements of Progress, Evgenevka, Novoalexandrovka, and Novopokrovka. The enemy has been attempting to advance towards Novoalexandrovka and Vozdvyzhenka, as these areas are strategically important due to their proximity to major supply routes. Despite some partial successes, the Ukrainian forces are taking measures to prevent further enemy advances and stabilize the front lines.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," the speaker discusses the current military situation in Ukraine, specifically focusing on the areas of Novoalexandrovka, Kurakhovo, Orekhov, and the Dnepr River. The Ukrainian forces have been able to hold their positions against Russian attacks, with the most significant activity occurring on the Kurakhovo and Orekhov fronts. The Russian forces have attempted to advance in these areas multiple times but have been unsuccessful due to Ukrainian resistance. The lines of defense on these fronts have remained stable, and Ukrainian forces have continued to inflict significant losses on the Russians. Overall, the military situation has not seen any major changes in the past two days, with Ukrainian forces maintaining control of their positions. The losses sustained by the Russian forces include over 1,190 personnel, 10 tanks, 51 artillery systems, several drones, and various other military equipment. The speaker also mentions that Russian forces have suffered heavy losses throughout the week, with over 8,700 personnel being killed or injured.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," the speaker discusses the losses sustained by Russian forces during the past week, including 104 tanks, 151 armored vehicles, 360 artillery systems, 600 special vehicles, and 15 surface-to-air missile systems. Additionally, the Ukrainian forces conducted several special operations, resulting in the destruction of Russian military bases and the loss of a Su-57 fighter jet at the Ahtubinsk airbase in Russia. The speaker emphasizes that the Ukrainian forces used drones to carry out these attacks and that the Russian forces were reluctant to bring their advanced Su-57 fighter jets close to the front lines. The speaker also mentions that the Su-57, which costs around 4.5 billion rubles, was destroyed by drone attacks on June 7, but was still intact on June 8, with damage from the attack becoming visible later. The speaker concludes by mentioning that Russian military sources report that the enemy's drones have also damaged a radar station, an S-300 air defense system, and a Pantsir S1 air defense system.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," the speaker discusses various military attacks in the region. A Russian SU-57 jet was damaged by drones and will not fly for approximately half a year. Ukrainian forces attacked a Russian buксиr and barge in the Taganrog Bay, causing minor damages and injuries. The Ukrainian military also successfully targeted one Russian S-400 missile division in the area of Dzhankoy and two S-300 divisions near Chernomorsk and Evpatoria. Despite claims that Russian air defense systems can intercept these types of missiles, the speaker argues that they are not effective against operational-tactical missiles and that Ukraine's success in these attacks demonstrates this. The speaker also mentions that several S-300 and S-400 missile defense systems have been removed from major cities in Russia, specifically Moscow, leaving them vulnerable. The speaker concludes by stating that Ukraine is systematically destroying these systems as they are being transported to the region.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Европа остается приверженцем Украины," the speaker discusses the supply of Russian missiles to Ukraine and the sinking of a Russian warship in the Azov Sea. The speaker explains that the US has not provided S-300 and 400 missile systems to Ukraine due to the large number of missiles produced in the US, some of which are stored in the US and others in the Ukrainian military. The speaker also mentions that there was initial information about the sinking of a large amphibious landing craft (BDC) in the Azov Sea, but later satellite images showed that the sunken vessel was actually a patrol boat, the T-152 Vasily Byk, which Ukraine had previously sunk. The speaker also mentions that the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has been using drones equipped with Grad systems to attack Russian positions in the area around Kinburn. The speaker concloses by discussing the military and political situation in the region and the theories of Putin's victory in the war.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," analysts from the Institute for the Study of War explain that Russia's military strategy involves continuous offensive operations to prevent Ukraine from launching successful counteroffensives and winning the war through exhaustion of Ukrainian forces. The analysts note that Russia's last significant success was in Avdeevka, but it was not due to an expansion of troops or superiority in numbers or technology. Instead, it was the configuration of the front lines around the populated area of Avdeevka that forced Ukraine to abandon it. The analysts also mention that Putin's vision of victory is based on the assumption that the West will withdraw support for Ukraine, which could end the war within 2-3 months. However, the analysts point out that Ukraine has shown that when it is well-equipped, it can prevent Russian forces from achieving even minor tactical gains and initiating counteroffensives that liberate valuable territory. The analysts note that Putin may dream of more, but time is working in Ukraine's favor as it continues to receive military aid and technology, while Russia's military capabilities are dwindling. The video also discusses the potential entry of American-made aircraft and rockets into the conflict, which could have significant implications for the outcome of the war. Overall, the analysts suggest that Putin may not fully understand the situation, as evidenced by his recent change in military strategy, and the long-term costs of the war for Russia remain uncertain.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," Ursula von der Leyen, the European Commission President, won her re-election despite some changes in the European Parliament's composition. The European Parliament will now have a left-leaning majority, which could affect the balance of power in various European countries. In response to these preliminary results, French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the National Assembly and called for early elections, hoping to increase his party's presence and influence the country's foreign policy. However, given Macron's political career nearing its end and his party's poor performance in previous elections, it remains uncertain if he will be able to change the situation significantly. Meanwhile, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo also resigned due to his party's loss in the European elections. Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, has not made any significant statements regarding the political shift, and Germany is expected to maintain its interests and political course. Additionally, the Franco-German Rheinmetall defense company is expanding its presence in Ukraine by establishing subsidiaries.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцем Украины," Ukrainian and French company representatives signed a licensing agreement for the production of artillery shells using the French company's technology. President Zelensky announced that Ukraine now has the license to produce 155mm artillery shells for French Caesar guns. Although the shells have the same caliber and aerodynamics, the propelling charges are different due to NATO's standardization of artillery charges. Ukraine also received permission to create a service and repair center in Ukraine for the French company's weapons and use 3D printing technology to manufacture spare parts. Despite ongoing political discussions about the end of the war, the military-industrial complex is already expanding in Ukraine, with France leading the way. A recent explosion at a Polish arms factory, Skarżysko-Kamienna, which produces weapons and ammunition, including portable zenith-rocket systems, is not considered an isolated incident. Russia is reportedly carrying out a large-scale campaign of sabotage and diversions on military-industrial plants in Europe, particularly in countries supporting Ukraine.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In the YouTube video titled "10.06 Удары по войскам рф в Крыму и Азовском море. Europa остается приверженцеm Украины," the speaker discusses Ukraine's military situation and the imbalance in high-precision bombs between Ukraine and Russia. The speaker also mentions hacking incidents and the recruitment of foreign students and workers into the Russian military, who are being forced to sign military contracts under threat of deportation or visa non-renewal. The speaker shares first-hand accounts of encountering these students on the Harkov frontline. Additionally, the speaker discusses the presence of the so-called African corps in the Russian army, which is being reinforced through the recruitment of students and compulsory enlistment of contracts with the Russian Federation. These students receive training in the use of reactive grenade launchers, and there have been concerns about their understanding of the instructions. The speaker also mentions an increase in the number of foreign fighters, particularly Africans and Nepalese, among the Russian mercenaries.

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