Activation of Russian troops in the Toretsk operational direction

in war •  12 days ago 

In the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker commemorates the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Second World War and discusses recent military actions between Russia and Ukraine. Russian forces reportedly launched attacks on critical infrastructure targets in Ukraine using missiles, drones, and ships, resulting in power outages and damage to energy infrastructure. The speaker also mentions ongoing military conflicts on various fronts and the efforts of countries like the Netherlands and Hungary to provide military support to Ukraine. The speaker then shifts to discussing potential military cooperation between Russia and Vietnam following Putin's visit to the country, noting the potential risks for Vietnam in collaborating with Russia militarily and economically due to the possibility of US sanctions. The speaker concludes by reminding viewers of the legal assistance available to military personnel and their families and expressing support for Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that their legal firm, Consultant, is available to assist military personnel and their families with legal issues related to military service and financial payments. The speaker then transitions to commemorating the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Second World War on June 22, recalling the historical significance of the day when Adolf Hitler initiated the invasion of the Soviet Union, known as Operation Barbarossa. The speaker notes that over 8 million soldiers, including Ukrainians, lost their lives during the war, and that Europe has been experiencing another bloody conflict under the rule of a dictator. The speaker then shifts to discussing the recent military actions, explaining that Russian forces launched a combined missile strike on critical infrastructure targets across Ukraine using aircraft, ships, and land-based missiles, as well as drones. The speaker concludes by mentioning that 16 missiles and 13 drones were used in the attack.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker discusses recent military actions in the Azov Sea and the Black Sea. Russian forces reportedly used three ships in the Azov Sea, each carrying up to 24 Kalibr cruise missiles, to launch attacks from a safer distance. The missiles had to leave the Azov Sea and travel through the Black Sea to reach their targets in Novorossiysk, where a base for rearming submarines and surface ships was relocated. The Russian military also used 13 Shahed 131 and 136 unmanned aerial vehicles in the Primorsko-Ahtarsk region of the Federation and Crimea. During the attacks, the Ukrainian Air Force reportedly shot down 25 aerial targets, including seven cruise missiles and four Kalibr missile launchers. The Ukrainian Ministry of Energy reported damage to energy infrastructure in the southern and western regions, resulting in power outages and the need to adjust power generation schedules. The Russian military launched over 3,600 artillery and mortar attacks, 91 air strikes, and 1,150 drone attacks along the front lines. No significant changes were reported on the Harkov front, but both sides continued to engage in artillery and drone attacks.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker discusses the military situation on the Cuppy and Liman fronts in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The Cuppy front, located in the Sinakov Steppes area, saw an increase in hostile engagements, with 14 attacks launched by the enemy. Despite the intensity of these attacks, the line of defense remained unchanged, and the enemy retreated with losses. The Liman front, where the enemy aimed to advance with up to 10,000 personnel and 450 units of armor, was thwarted by the Third Shock Separate Shock Brigade, which inflicted a significant defeat on the enemy forces. The speaker also mentions that the enemy has suffered massive losses and remains on their initial positions. The Siversky front witnessed ten attacks, primarily in the Verkhnekamsk area, but all were repelled. The situation remains tense, with the Ukrainian forces focusing on stabilizing the situation and reinforcing their defensive lines.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict in the region, specifically in the areas of Shumy and Sever. The Russian forces are facing difficulties in urban warfare and have been unable to make significant progress against the enemy's defense. The enemy has made partial advances in these areas, and Russian forces are retreating strategically while maintaining communication with their allies. The enemy has intensified their pressure on the city of Torezk, attempting to split the Russian forces' grouping and force them to withdraw. The speaker also mentions that the situation is most tense on the Pokrovskoe direction, where the majority of military engagements are taking place. Despite a slight decrease in the number of attacks, the situation remains volatile, with the most significant activity coming from the area around the settlement of Ocheretina, where the enemy has made a partial breakthrough with the support of aviation and artillery. Russian forces have been forced to abandon some positions in response.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker discusses the ongoing military conflict on the eastern Ukrainian front, specifically focusing on the Curahov and Orekhov operational directions. The Russian forces have been attempting to advance and infiltrate Ukrainian positions, but have been unsuccessful in making significant gains. The Ukrainian forces have repelled all attacks and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy, including personnel, tanks, artillery systems, and drones. The speaker also mentions the activation of Russian forces on the left bank of the Dnieper River and the destruction of several enemy command and control centers and artillery positions by Ukrainian forces' air and missile systems. Overall, the military situation has remained largely unchanged, with no significant shifts in the front lines. The speaker notes that most of the fighting has occurred during nighttime hours and that more details on today's events will be provided tomorrow. Additionally, two advanced Russian zeniтная ракетно-арtyллейская система (ZRS) or S-1 anti-aircraft systems were destroyed, each mounted on a single chassis with a radar system, command post, and artillery component.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker discusses the efforts of various countries to provide military support to Ukraine. The Netherlands are mentioned for having gathered parts to create a Patriot missile system for Ukraine. Hungary's involvement in this mission is uncertain, with Viktor Orbán stating that Hungary will not participate in NATO's military mission in Ukraine. Orbán also expresses hope that Trump will win the US elections and prevent NATO from forming and deploying a military mission in Ukraine. The video also mentions ongoing nuclear disarmament talks between the US and China.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker discusses the potential military cooperation between Russia and Vietnam following Putin's visit to the country. According to the speaker, China has expressed concern about the possibility of nuclear weapons being used in the Taiwan conflict and Vietnam's neutral stance, but Russia sees an opportunity to sell modern weapons to Vietnam, which has historically relied on Russia as a major arms supplier. The speaker also mentions that Russia is experiencing difficulties in fulfilling its promises to provide weapons to the Federation due to its own production limitations. Despite this, Putin is seeking allies and has promised to provide Vietnam with large quantities of weapons and even nuclear technology, while also requesting military aid from Vietnam. The talks between Russia and Vietnam focused mainly on economic aspects, but the underlying theme was defense and security. Vietnam is cautious about revealing the details of potential deals to avoid raising concerns in the West and the possibility of US sanctions. A Russian-Vietnamese company called RusVet has been established to facilitate the trade of technology and resources between the two countries, but its activities are recorded under the guise of geological exploration and oil and gas extraction in remote areas of Russia where verification is difficult.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker discusses the potential risks for Vietnam if they continue to collaborate with Russia militarily and economically, as both countries could face increased sanctions from the United States and its allies. The speaker also mentions recent attacks on Ukrainian oil facilities and the potential consequences for those involved. According to the speaker, the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) is closely monitoring the restoration of Russian oil facilities and will take action against them if they continue to operate. The speaker also encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel and like the video.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.06 Активизация войск рф на Торецком ОН. Что привез путин из Вьетнама," the speaker reminds viewers that a legal firm is available to provide assistance to military personnel and their families in resolving issues related to military service and financial payments. The first consultation is free, and contact information for the legal firm can be found in the video description. The speaker expresses gratitude to the video's sponsors and those supporting the channel. The discussion then continues with a focus on the defense of Ukraine and the eventual victory for Ukraine, with the phrase "Glory to Ukraine."

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