Nuclear explosion in Iran / Trump asked Putin what to do with Ukraine

in war •  16 days ago 

00:00:00 - 00:50:00
In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец," the speaker discusses various geopolitical issues, including the potential construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan , the involvement of Russia in providing advanced weapons to Iran and its allies, and the historical conversation between former US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding Ukraine. The speaker also touches upon the changing demographics of the world and the potential implications of Joe Biden's foreign policy in the Middle East. Regarding Kazakhstan, the speaker expresses concerns about the proposed atomic power plant, which could lead to significant environmental contamination and economic consequences. The speaker argues that the project is a political maneuver by Russia to gain control over Kazakhstan's government and economy. The speaker also mentions the involvement of Russia in providing advanced weapons to Iran and its allies, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, as a response to US support of Ukraine. There have been reports of a rocket launch from Hezbollah with a speed exceeding the speed of sound by two times, which could potentially target US aircraft carriers in the region, and Russia is in direct contact with Hezbollah, suggesting they may be supplying them with such advanced weaponry. Furthermore, the speaker discusses a conversation between Trump and Putin during their first meeting in 2017, where Trump allegedly asked Putin for advice on whether the US should continue to support Ukraine militarily. Putin reportedly advised Trump against helping Ukraine, and Trump appeared to be open to Putin's suggestions. Finally, the speaker touches upon the changing demographics of the world and the potential implications of Joe Biden's foreign policy in the Middle East, emphasizing the importance of Ukraine and expressing support for Ukraine's armed forces.

00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец", the speaker discusses the controversial referendum held in Kazakhstan regarding the construction of a new atomic power plant. Despite the lack of a significant energy deficit in the country, the speaker suggests that Russia's involvement in the project could be politically motivated, as Russia may be seeking to secure resources amidst its ongoing aggression in Ukraine. The speaker also mentions that Russia's reliance on oil exports, which have been decreasing due to falling global prices and reduced demand, has added urgency to this project. The speaker notes that during one of Tokayev's early visits to Moscow after becoming president, Putin had already agreed to build the power plant, and its construction was seen as a way for Russia to support its ally during a difficult time. However, the speaker also suggests that the project has caused delays and complications, as the economic situation in Russia has worsened due to decreasing oil revenues. The speaker cites various analytical agencies reporting that Russia's oil exports have significantly decreased in recent months, leading to a substantial drop in Kremlin revenues from oil taxes. The speaker also mentions that Gazprom, Russia's largest natural gas company, is facing a crisis.

00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец", the speaker discusses the financial struggles of Russia due to decreasing oil and gas revenues. The Russian budget was heavily reliant on these resources, and the collapse of Gazprom UK, a British subsidiary of Gazprom, which reported a profit of $4 million, led to significant losses. This situation forced Russian authorities to consider increasing taxes on the oil and gas industry to compensate for the losses and continue funding the war in Ukraine. At the same time, a story about Tokayev's visits to Moscow in 2019 emerged, where he was reportedly asked to build an atomic power station. Many experts argue that this power station is unnecessary and former Kazakh Energy Minister Mukhtar Ablyazov, considered an enemy of the state, claimed that Kazakhstan has an excess of electricity. However, this surplus is quickly consumed due to cryptocurrency mining, which is thriving in Kazakhstan. The speaker also mentions that other sources, such as hydroelectric power and natural gas, could be used to generate electricity instead. The most concerning issue is the proposed atomic power station near a lake, which could lead to significant environmental contamination.

00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец", the speaker discusses the potential construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan and its negative consequences on the environment and economy. The speaker recalls the history of nuclear testing in Kazakhstan during Soviet times, which had a devastating impact on the region for decades. If the power plant is built, people living within a 100 km radius will have to evacuate, and the affected area will become a dead zone, with no economic development or fish sales from Lake Balhash. The speaker argues that building the plant is a political maneuver by the Russian Federation to gain control over Kazakhstan's government and economy, especially during a time when Russia is facing challenges on the Ukrainian front. The speaker also mentions that other countries, including the United States, Japan, South Korea, and France, had initially expressed interest in the project but eventually withdrew, leaving Russia as the only viable option. The speaker suggests that Russia may offer Kazakhstan a loan to finance the project, which would leave Kazakhstan with significant debt.

00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец", the speaker discusses the geopolitical implications of a nuclear power plant project in Kazakhstan. The speaker argues that China, which already has significant influence in Kazakhstan, will likely be the de facto owner of the plant despite Russia's involvement. The speaker suggests that Russia may use the project as a cover for receiving massive Chinese aid in bypassing sanctions. The discussion also touches upon a recent referendum in Kazakhstan regarding the project, which was manipulated by the government, and the potential impact of the project on Central Asia and the geopolitical struggle between Russia and China. Additionally, the speaker mentions a seismic event in Iran that could not be explained as a natural earthquake, leading to speculation about a possible nuclear test in the region.

00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец," General McKenzie expresses his suspicions that Iran's repeated announcements and leaks about having nuclear weapons are part of a ploy to put pressure on the West and negotiate politically. He notes that Iran was reportedly close to acquiring an atomic bomb, but the timeline is unclear, with some sources suggesting it was only a week away and others 12 months. The general emphasizes that while intelligence agencies have some reliable information, they cannot fully trust it, and events can change rapidly. He also recalls a recent visit to London by British officials who were certain that a decision had been made in Washington to lift restrictions on Ukraine's use of rockets, but the plan did not come to fruition. The general adds that events in the White House depend on the final decision of Biden and the person who last met with him, making it difficult to predict the outcome. Additionally, Putin is expected to meet with the Iranian president this week, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец", the speaker discusses potential meetings between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the president of Iran, as well as Russian arms deals with countries like Houthi in Yemen. The speaker suggests that Putin may be planning to meet with the Iranian president twice, once on October 11 in Ashgabat and again on November 22 in Kazan, during a BRICS summit. The speaker also mentions that Iran is in a critical situation and that Putin will coordinate Russia's actions or inaction regarding the country, which is part of the "axis of evil." A delegation from Houthi recently visited Moscow to purchase automatic Kalashnikov rifles and ammunition for $10 million. It is unclear if this information was obtained from intelligence sources or if it is speculation. The speaker does not provide any significant new information beyond these details.

00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец", the speaker discusses the potential involvement of Russia in providing advanced weapons to Iran and its allies, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, in retaliation for US support of Ukraine. The speaker mentions that there have been reports of a rocket launch from Hezbollah with a speed exceeding the speed of sound by two times, which could potentially target US aircraft carriers in the region. The speaker also reveals that Russia has been in direct contact with Hezbollah, suggesting that they may be supplying them with such advanced weaponry. The implication is that if the US eases restrictions on the use of its military's rockets in Ukraine, Russia will respond by arming its allies with even more advanced weapons.

00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец", the speaker discusses a report from The New York Times and The Independent about a conversation between former US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin during their first meeting in 2017. Trump allegedly asked Putin for advice on whether the US should continue to support Ukraine militarily. The speaker notes that Trump's position on Ukraine changed after he became president, as he saw Biden as a potential political rival and wanted to undermine his campaign. During their meeting, Putin reportedly did not hesitate to answer Trump's question, and Trump appeared to be open to Putin's suggestions. The speaker suggests that this exchange could be seen as an attempt by Trump to curry favor with Putin regarding Ukraine.

00:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец", Russian leader Putin advised Trump against helping Ukraine as it was a corrupt country and would ask for more, according to three unnamed officials. Trump, who was at the G20 summit in Hamburg, did not respond but instead brought up the topic of building Trump Towers in Moscow and other Russian cities. Trump's son, who led the organization, was reportedly told by Putin that he should not trust Ukraine and should not give any assistance. Putin's message was that Trump should not help Ukraine despite his request. Michael Moore, a well-known Democrat and analyst, predicted that Trump would lose the presidential election, and a woman, allegedly a black woman, was preparing to deal Trump a blow on election day with a sudden, explosive impact. The situation was unlike anything seen in recent decades. Privately, people whom Moore respected warned him of a significant development.

00:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец", the speaker discusses the new era where a white person is just one of the options and the world no longer exclusively belongs to them. This idea is based on the observation that immigrants, particularly those from China, India, and the Soviet Union, are prioritized in education and research. The system favors those who excel in natural sciences and humanities, leading to a selection process where some students go on to prestigious universities like Harvard, while others end up working in McDonald's. Michael Moore made a philosophical observation that immigrants are the future of the country and those from the elite are not contributing to it. Trump lost the election based on internal polls, but Trump is a master and can come back from even the most unlikely situations. The biggest problem identified in this new era is the Middle East, specifically the war between Israel and the Muslims, who unfortunately are represented by terrorist organizations and live in significant numbers in Michigan.

00:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "Ядерный взрыв в Иране / Трамп спросил Путина, что ему делать с Украиной / Казахстан АЭС /№828 - Швец," the speaker discusses the possibility of Joe Biden's foreign policy in the Middle East regarding Israel and its enemies. The speaker notes that Trump lost the election in Michigan but still became the President of the United States, and the outcome hinges on Biden's current and future policies. The speaker emphasizes the importance of Ukraine and warns that the enemy will be defeated and victory will be achieved for the viewers and themselves. Despite the thin line between success and failure, the speaker intends to share more in the video, repeating "Slava Ukraine" (Glory to Ukraine) and expressing support for Ukraine's armed forces.

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