Russia attack ukraine

in war •  3 years ago 



Two loud explosions were heard in central Kiev early Friday, an AFP reporter said.

Explosions were heard as Russian troops closed in on the Ukrainian capital in an invasion of its Western-leaning neighbour.

The Ukrainian army said Russia shelled the civilian area of ​​Kiwv but Ukrainian air defense systems repelled two deadly attacks, according to a post on a verified Facebook page.

Kiev mayor Vitaly Klitschko said three people were injured and one in critical condition after missile debris hit a residential building.

Russian missiles and gunfire rained down on Ukrainian cities on Thursday (2/25/2022) after President Vladimir Putin announced a ground invasion and full-scale air strikes, forcing civilians to take shelter in subway facilities.

Russian troops pushed deep into Ukraine as the deadly fighting reached the outskirts of Kiev and the West responded with various sanctions.

On Thursday, Russian paratroopers seized control of Gostomel airfield on the northwestern outskirts of Kiev, after entering by helicopter and jet from the direction of Belarus.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned Friday that Russian saboteurs had entered Kiev and urged citizens to remain vigilant.

Sebanyak dua ledakan keras terdengar di pusat kota Kiev pada Jumat (25/2/2022) pagi, kata seorang wartawan AFP.

Ledakan terdengar saat pasukan Rusia mendekat ke ibu kota Ukraina dalam invasi ke negara tetangganya yang condong ke Barat itu.

Tentara Ukraina mengatakan, Rusia menembaki wilayah sipil Kiwv tetapi sistem pertahanan udara Ukraina menangkis dua serangan mematikan, menurut unggahan di halaman Facebook yang diverifikasi.

Wali Kota Kiev Vitaly Klitschko mengatakan, tiga orang terluka dan satu dalam kondisi kritis setelah puing-puing rudal menghantam sebuah bangunan tempat tinggal.

Rudal dan tembakan Rusia menghujani kota-kota Ukraina pada Kamis (25/2/2022) setelah Presiden Vladimir Putin mengumumkan invasi darat dan serangan udara skala penuh, sehingga memaksa warga sipil untuk berlindung di fasilitas kereta bawah tanah.

Pasukan Rusia menekan jauh ke Ukraina saat pertempuran mematikan mencapai pinggiran Kiev dan Barat menanggapinya dengan berbagai sanksi.

Pada Kamis, pasukan terjun payung Rusia merebut kendali lapangan terbang Gostomel di pinggiran barat laut Kiev, setelah masuk dengan helikopter dan jet dari arah Belarus.

Presiden Ukraina Volodymyr Zelensky pada Jumat memperingatkan bahwa kelompok sabotase Rusia telah memasuki Kiev dan mendesak warga untuk tetap waspada.

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