A new world - post USA hegemony

in war •  last year 


I was sent a facebook link to the picture of Assange.

As I under-stand, a group of Democratic polis named ticians have handed a petition to Biden's crime syndicate, to drop all charges against the reporter known as Julian Assange.

It is pitiful that most people do not care what has happened to this man, for doing no more than exposing government crimes and emails/details, of official documents, a lot of which are no longer top secret anyway.
It is not until it is us that suffer the same fate that we seem to care.
I emailed government officials in the UK demanding the release of J/A to no avail, all you get is an auto response, but I tried.

This does lead me onto my title.

"A new world - post USA hegemony."

Since WW2 the USA has policed the world, sometimes invited, other times not, Iraq, Syria, the ongoing Afghanistan debacle etc. The UN-welcome intrusions are key to what is unfolding as I type.
The tipping point may well have been the freezing of all Russian owned central bank dollars, but the truth is, even though that signaled the end of trust in the $, it is only 1 of the reasons most countries no longer trust the USA.

"When currency is a weapon, no country will trust said currency." My quote......

Since the seizure of Russian assets worldwide-wide, yachts, bank accounts etc, and the endless sanctions (China, Russia, Syria to name a few) you may note if you are paying attention, countries are stepping into roles once played out via the USA. China managed to get Iran and Saudi Arabia talking, something which the USA has not only never bothered to try to do, moreover they did the opposite, possibly at the behest of Israel. (A guess not a fact....)

"4 Key Takeaways From the China-Brokered Saudi-Iran Deal..."


There is a list easily found, regards the amount of times the USA has tried to regime change in Syria.

A read if you have time, at your leisure. https://thewallwillfall.org/2021/10/28/75-years-counting-a-history-of-western-regime-change-in-syria-part-i/

Now take note regards what I stated above about countries doing things in a different way, and negotiating with pens, not bombs.

"Arab states seek to take 'leading role' in resolving Syria's internal conflict."

Source = https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/syria/2023/04/15/arab-states-seek-to-take-leading-role-in-resolving-syrias-internal-conflict/

Quote from said source. = "Foreign ministers of the Gulf Co-operation Council and Egypt, Iraq and Jordan agreed on Friday that the Arab world must play a leading role in efforts to broker a solution to Syria's war, following talks aimed at easing Damascus's isolation."

"The top diplomats from GCC members Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, along with those of Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, met in Jeddah at the invitation of Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan."

If you are watching the debacle going on 30 miles from me in the Ukraine, you can see why countries no longer trust the USA, they are pouring billions of $'s into the Ukraine, in cash and weapons, it is like pouring oil on a fire, and expecting the fire to go out.
For every Russian soldier that gets killed, 7 Ukrainians suffer the same fate. add in the mercenaries, and the number rises, on both sides.
I see them, the Americans that are being shuttled across via train, to fight, train or otherwise take part in the proxy war on my doorstep.
I have also seen first hand the train loads of tanks the west, though mainly the USA send over, most are the wrong colour/color and designed for deserts, so easily spotted in green terrain, but that matters not does it, got to get rid of them somehow. Since they were made for the middle east.

And herein again is that problem, the one that will not go away, trust issues, and the US of A.
It is hard though to trust a corrupt comedian turned poli-tician named Zelensky too. The Ukraine has had a bad reputation in Europe for decades regards corruption, money laundering etc.

Perfect bed partners?

"Zelensky sold arms and weapons worth billions to criminal gangs wreaking havoc on Europe..."
Source = https://tfiglobalnews.com/2022/11/03/zelensky-sold-arms-and-weapons-worth-billions-to-criminal-gangs-wreaking-havoc-on-europe/

I could post a dozen or more links regards countries doing DIY negotiations without bombs.


Why the bike picture? Well it is what I do to take my mind off the situation here, or 30 miles away, even then while restoring bikes I can hear them, the drones, a constant ringing in my ear, or more like the name, a boring drone of noise.
The media can say the Ukraine is winning as much as they like, but the truth is, there will be no winner in the Ukraine, the infrastructure has been wiped out, the power stations, the train lines, anything of real value has been looted, long ago.
And it goes full circle does it not to "trust issues" and the U S of A, as they could broker a ceasefire in seconds, instead of pouring out of date old tanks into the cauldron.
European countries have also sent old, broken down tanks and weapons into said cauldron, it gives them an excuse to buy new, but does anyone need tanks in this day and age, I think not.

"Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa said on Saturday (February 4) that Portugal will send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. He did not specify how many exactly would be shipped but added that Portugal was in talks with Germany to obtain parts needed for the repair of number of inoperable tanks with Portugal."

Source = https://www.wionews.com/world/portugal-to-provide-leopard-tanks-to-ukraine-says-pm-558809

Maybe just maybe it will take another country, China, Russia, the Saudis, or anyone else but the USA, to broker a deal to leave Julian Assange be, lord only knows his sentence has been served no matter the crime, or not.
How many years in the embassy? How many years now in the dire location that is a notorious slum named Belmarsh prison, a prison that most Brits have heard of due to the horrendous conditions inside there, it should have been knocked down decades ago, but it serves a purpose in the fact that it serves as a deterrent, as in, you do not want to get sent there.

I have waffled long enough, have a superb weekend, and if you have a moment, feel free to write to the crime ministers in the UK and demand the release of J/A........


Next up, BRICS/Saudis and ending the $ via trade without the $...

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  ·  last year  ·  




  ·  last year  ·  

Nice links bro.

  ·  last year  ·  


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Because children are not supposed to know how cruel the world is. till they grow up? Best guess.

  ·  last year  ·  
  ·  last year  ·  


  ·  last year  ·  
  ·  last year  ·  

My brother calls the war in Ukraine the meat grinder as it's just killing off people, another form of population reduction 😡

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

You have no idea bro, it is like all war, kill the poor.

  ·  last year  ·  

USA and Europe will fall , middle east , Asia and specific China will rise .
It's the for long (1890 somewhere ) laid out evil N.W.O. agenda and plan .

So Klaus Swajb and his deep state , traitors against the world people , still have a big smile on there ugly faces .

Still think we need some form of government ?
A group of shit-heads holding the monopoly on violence while controlling us all ?
If you do think government is needed ,. you might as well say ,..
I love to be under control of a unethical criminal organisation .
Or ,.. i need a evil master for my safety and daily needs .
Fucking midwith mediocre low intellect thinking to me if you do .

Fucking aliens gave us this bogus concept a long long time ago .

Break down the houses that claim to rule ,. deny their existence .
All the power they have is the power you give them .


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

And then, just like that, I made freedom coins.......


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Thank you kindly.