Waiting is an Inevitable Part of Life

in waiting •  4 years ago 

Waiting is a part of life that everyone has experience in. Waiting is everywhere and despite our efforts to move towards a society that is efficient, digital and efficient. We are always told to wait, watch a loading screen or indefinitely delay. It's simply part of life.

Yet we can also divide types of waiting too. Splitting these two into inaction and action based waiting is an interesting way to frame the notion of waiting. The former may relate to something that changes the state of our lives or the world while actioned waiting is something that is consciously carried to achieve change. They are both still forms of waiting.

As I write this post, I await my thoughts to align and the words to come out on the screen. Finally punching in my last piece of punctuation, waiting again for this to be stamped on a blockchain. Waiting.

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