
in vyb •  3 years ago 

Facebook keeps track of people who don't have accounts. For example, one way they collect data is when you send an email invite to your brother to join Facebook. Even if he does not join, Facebook will collect your brother's email and put that in a Shadow Profile which is named whatever your brother's name is. They collect data of not just people on Facebook. It does not matter if you have never been on Facebook. It does not matter if you leave Facebook. You can delete your account but they will still have your information. Next up will be Meta Matrix or AKA the Brain Net. There will be shadow profiles of people built for Meta as well. Brain Net collects thoughts. Imagine what they can do with your thoughts. Meta will also attempt to gather the thoughts of those not plugged into Terminator's Sky Net.

But beyond that, even if you can't spend Bitcoin, that doesn't mean Bitcoin will never have value ever again. It will have even more value in the future after we get over these major wars and such. Globalism will either decline for 20 years or longer before rising back up again or it will take over and Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset will end most life on this planet as we know it. But assuming the good guys win this round, then crypto can help us out on the other end of this current storm in the new few years or decades. Think long-term.


Running on the winds of others throughout the wheels of time and such, changing, living.

Daring to walk in shoes of the road less traveled

March | 2022
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Screenshot at 2022-03-09 23:49:37.png

Resident Alien

Oatmeal Daily - 2022-03-09 - Wednesday | Published in March of 2022





In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.



INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


10:29 AM
Cryptocurrencies should be long-term as much as possibly, especially Bitcoin, Steven Crowder would be wrong to overlook hypothetical long-term potential. Specifically, I used the word hypothetical because there are no guarantees which is why people should buy up land, farms, gardens, animals, plants, canned foods, rain water, rocks, compost, soil, wood, gold, silver, essential vitamins, things they can trade with that other people would die for. Crypto is supposed to be a potential backup plan in the coming decades. My advice is you should not try to rely too heavily on crypto. I have some crypto. I would not want to depend too strongly on crypto. But that doesn't mean crypto cannot perhaps help some people in say ten or twenty years from now. But I imagine that there is too much happening right now to really make it work. You should not use fiat currencies like the dollar to convert into crypto and then back into dollar again. Some people do that but that is not generally the best thing you can do. Instead, you should buy crypto and wait ten years or long enough for crypto to become acceptable as legal tender in more countries. For example, Bitcoin is becoming the official currencies in some countries already.

If there is no power, you can still spend Bitcoin. One way is to keep a Bitcoin wallet on your phone. Have your phone connected to a solar powered charger or battery. You can connect phones and laptops and other devices up to each other. Bitcoin works without the international aspects of the Internet via peer to peer or direct interactions from device to device directly. You can also do offline transactions via a paper ledger as opposed to a digital ledger.

But beyond that, even if you can't spend Bitcoin, that doesn't mean Bitcoin will never have value ever again. It will have even more value in the future after we get over these major wars and such. Globalism will either decline for 20 years or longer before rising back up again or it will take over and Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset will end most life on this planet as we know it. But assuming the good guys win this round, then crypto can help us out on the other end of this current storm in the new few years or decades. Think long-term.

But until then, have backup plans, have multiple streams of income. Diversify investments and everything. Have redundancies and everything. You can invest long-term in crypto but don't live and die on crypto. Don't engage in excessive crypto day-trading, stock market day-trading, other types of daily trading, or better yet as little as possible or even better would be none at all generally speaking. Bitcoin has value but not necessarily right away. Crypto is not simply about the ability to spend money but rather the ability to hold it for many decades. That is the key. Don't put anything into crypto that you may need in the next 30 years. Whatever money you spend buying Bitcoin, you may not see for the next 30 years or longer. That is what your mentality should be. You shouldn't be focused on buying Bitcoin just so you can then spend it on pizza the next day. That is not the most important purposes or abilities that Bitcoin has. Bitcoin has a much greater purpose than a mere ability to transact right now. Think long-term while you still can. Find communities of like-minded individuals. Find solar powered walky talkies and other survival things. Find water filters. Make sure you can always boil water. Make sure you can make clothes somehow. You need to make blankets. Make sure you can build shelters, roofs. Make sure you have tents and tarps. You need to know how to survive in the mist of an unpredictable future.



2014-05-25 Me 01 FAV AVATAR.jpg


10:53 AM
My Brandon group on Facebook:
Admins in this group don't have to do anything they don't want to do. I say that to say some people probably should be admins here. That doesn't mean you are required to moderate. That's not the point. Rather, the point would be that you could step in to save the day someday if you felt like it. Admins and mods in this group should not be pressured or anything.

Hundreds of truth-tellers and patriots who joined this particular Brandon group on Facebook in 2021 and 2022 have declined invites to be admins and mods which is their right to decline. They have the freedom to say no, to turn down such offers.

However, an invite to be admin or mod is the same as being handed a key to a house or a car. When I try to hand you a copy to my house key, I'm not saying I want you to be the janitor, nanny, housekeeper, butler, parent, boss, manager, editor, publisher, or book-keeper.

The purpose of being an admin is that you could make me an admin of my own group someday if Facebook bans me again. Censorship is crazy and I've experienced it many times since like 2010 on Facebook and other websites too. I've had many accounts and channels and everything suspended, terminated, deleted, removed, erased, kicked off, banished, destroyed, killed, ended, shadow banned, disabled, etc.

Admins and mods of my groups are not required to do anything, period. I cannot imagine why people would decline invites to be admins. But hundreds of people have declined the offer. In some ways, it doesn't matter except for the fact that sometimes the wrong kinds of people end up becoming admins sometimes.

I encourage people to make their own groups, channels, etc, on Facebook, Snap Chat, YouTube, Twitter, other big tech apps, alternative social media platforms, their own websites, and all the rest, etc, etc, and please share and plug and promote them here and everywhere. We should try to support each other and build up communities as much as we can. Get together with like-minded soul-mates while you still can.





2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


01:43 PM
Rachel Zamstein, my request would be anything Ariana Grande as that is who you are. Ultimately, you are your own person. But your foundation and vibe is Ariana. I compared you to Justin Timberlake because I love his music. You could probably do Nicki Minaj too. You could probably do covers of any of the biggest artists of all time including Michael Jackson. Since I was born in 1985, I'm more a fan of the musicians from back then. So, I would probably prefer people like Britney Spears. But I still do like Ariana and some of the newer artist who were rising to fame in the 2010s. Another comment here mentioned opera which reminds me that I should recommend that Phantom of the Opera song if you haven't done that. That is one of my favorite songs of all time. It's so powerful and it stays with you forever.

01:56 PM
@ssssSTopmotion, How old was Kenobi supposed to be originally in the Clone Wars, did George Lucas ever say how old Kenobi was in New Hope and how many before ANH was the Clone Wars supposed to be? For some reason in the 1970s, they ended up with a pretty old actor to play Kenobi. To me, that actor looked like he was in his 70s. In Phantom Menace, the actor playing Kenobi looked 20 and yet that first movie is set 32 years before ANH. And 70 minus 32 is roughly 38. Kenobi would be 38 years old and not 20. Well, maybe Kenobi is supposed to be 60 or maybe even around 50 years old at the youngest in A New Hope making him roughly 18 in Phantom Menace assuming the 1st and 4th films are 32 years apart. Kenobi has white hair in New Hope and looks very old. So, perhaps he was either older than 50 or was aging faster or in bad health or dyed his hair white or something.

04:56 PM
​@stairwaytoholiday, perhaps a bunch of terrible things will happen to Kenobi in and after the Kenobi series to cause him to age 20 to 30 years in only 9 years.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

What Are You Doing Ruff Ruff 2015.jpg

The Gilded Age 107: Irresistible Change

2022-03-09 - Wednesday - 12:35 AM - 01:23 AM - The Gilded Age 107: Irresistible Change

Love the intro. Son wants to be an architect. Dad doesn't like that. Interesting interactions. Son says to his rich dad that he should find others to take over the family business and a better job at it. Thomas Edison and the turning on of the lights. They mention a black guy who may have had a better version. Perhaps he is not mentioned as often.

01:34 AM
The thing about racism in history is very complex. There was racism but it is not as simple as Critical Race Theory (CRT) would make you believe. There are so many things being conflated and more importantly weaponized. Racism was, is, and will always be nuanced and varied and a whole variety of things depending on when, who, what, where, why, how, through what, what for, with what, etc. You will see it in different degrees and at different levels. It can improve or decline over time. Black people can be treated unfairly. White people can be treated badly. Asian people are discriminated against when they try to get accepted at colleges for example. There is a war especially in the 2010s globally on white male fathers of families. We are taught white people are bad. All kinds of people have been slaves and still are slaves. White people are slaves. Black people are slaves. Yellow people are slaves. Children sex trafficking is bad. Consumerism can take over. There are different types of slavery. Debt is slavery. Addictions is a form of slavery. Lifestyles and habits can be a version of slavery. The worse types of slavery is the kind that you are not aware of. Many people are slaves and don't even know it. People are racist, sexist, etc. People are especially sexist towards men more than we are told. We are lied to more than we know. It is weaponized. It is our job to free the minds of too many people. History is not as simple as you think.

Would Kenobi's beard go from brown to white in 9 years if the series is 10 years after ROTS?

01:16 PM
Star Wars Theory - Where Malgus Fits into the Star Wars Timeline - Old Republic Explained

01:32 PM
Does that mean there were no actual Sith before roughly 5,000 BBY? I'm asking because I wonder what kind of stories there may be of the Jedi assuming there has been Jedi in the Star Wars universe going back many thousands of years. It looks like the dark Jedi would eventually become what was later known as the Sith. So, in other words, it could argued that the Sith or at least the dark side of the force or dark Jedi and what have you went back even farther than 5K BBY. Darth Malgus does seem to be a cool story that would possibly rival or compete with Vader and Bane and even possibly Darth Lazer of the world of Oatmeal Joey Arnold going back to like 1997 or whenever it was on Yahoo and AOL IM.

05:56 PM
Overlord DVD - Obi Wan Kenobi Trailer Review | Breakdown and Analysis!

I agree, we need more Vader.

06:08 PM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know Darth Vader was going to not only change his gender but also his race, how diverse is that, now I can die a happy Oatmeal.

06:10 PM
Tim Pool - Timcast IRL - Youtube Flags "Ukraine On Fire" Documentary w/ Ryan Long & Danny Polishchuk

08:00 PM
Did you know people who are not on Facebook are on Facebook, they're called Shadow Profiles.

08:49 PM
Where do you align politically?
Minimalism. Conservatism. Partly anarchism. Classical liberalism. Libertarianism. Anti-leftism. Anti-globalism. Anti-authoritarianism. Anti-communism. Free-markets. Private property rights. Crypto. Minimize aggressive centralized government. I align mostly with Luke and probably a lot with Tim Pool. I like what Ian and the Freedom Toons guy says too. Also the girl who is pressing the buttons, I like what she says too.

How did you get here?
While watching Tim Cast I usually do after watching Alex Jones, Steven Crowder, Joe Rogan, Geeks + Gamers, etc, each day, as I usually do, I decided to go look for the Chicken City live stream which I thought would be on YouTube. Well, still looking for that and I must have gotten lost and fell into the vortex of Reddit and clicked on a Discord link randomly and ended up here.

09:03 PM
Chicken City - Chicken City Live Stream

In a world where you have nothing, yeah, you would pay a lot of money even for bottled air. Never mind chickens. You'd paid money for bottled laughter.

Tell me there is a Cat City somewhere on YouTube.

I just saw a video of Ian from 2006. I am kind of impressed.

A Cat City would be a decentralized anarchy mess.

Sounds like your simping Ian.
I bought Cow Mouse around like 1998. Before I knew it, I had Mouse City stuck in the tree. They froze to death and fell off.

09:34 PM
Facebook keeps track of people who don't have accounts. For example, one way they collect data is when you send an email invite to your brother to join Facebook. Even if he does not join, Facebook will collect your brother's email and put that in a Shadow Profile which is named whatever your brother's name is. They collect data of not just people on Facebook. It does not matter if you have never been on Facebook. It does not matter if you leave Facebook. You can delete your account but they will still have your information. Next up will be Meta Matrix or AKA the Brain Net. There will be shadow profiles of people built for Meta as well. Brain Net collects thoughts. Imagine what they can do with your thoughts. Meta will also attempt to gather the thoughts of those not plugged into Terminator's Sky Net.

Resident Alien 207: Escape From New York

2022-03-09 - Wednesday - 11:22 PM - 12:07 AM - Resident Alien 207: Escape From New York

Other alien is dead it appears. Male Goliath got pregnant with a human baby. Meanwhile, the mayor's wife is pregnant too. Garage sale. Cops. Gym. Bar. Fight. Birthday party as the egg cracks. Kind of funny ending.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

Resident Alien 207: Escape From New York

2022-03-09 - Wednesday - 11:22 PM - 12:07 AM - Resident Alien 207: Escape From New York

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 09:00 AM, 2 plus 7 hours of sleep. Breakfast, 09:39 AM. Lunch to 1 or something. Hard Floppy log project. Copying. Disk number 80. Compost. Vacuum. Dishes. Recycling. Mail. PCH thing is ok but also a waste of time. hard to make account if I can't create a password. Just email. Contact info. Sweep. mop. Dinner, 07:55 PM. Food log: Breakfast: banana, orange, coffee, 09:39 AM. Lunch: rice to like 1. Dinner: green beans, 07:55 PM. Footnote: You can find my blogs hosted and mirrored on different websites. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on Ecency, then PeakD and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into Ecency links meaning you will not see actual links to PeakD or Hive Blog via Ecency. PeakD did this too but not any more last time I checked. Also, Hive Blog does not do it either. Currently, I'm only seeing Ecency change PeakD and Hive Blog links into Ecency links. But there may be others that do it too. Click here to see a more complete and thorough list of the different places where you may find my blogs, diary, journals, articles, posts, etc. My Oatmeal Daily posts can be found via different websites on the Internet. For example, here is a list of a few of those places as follows: Ausbit . Dev: https://hive.ausbit.dev/@joeyarnoldvn. Blurt Blog: https://blurt.blog/@joeyarnoldvn. Blurtter . com: https://blurtter.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Dream-Real . com: https://dream-real.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Ecency . com: https://ecency.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Esteem . App: https://www.esteem.app/@joeyarnoldvn. Hive Blocks . com: https://hiveblocks.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Hive . Blog: https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn | https://hiveblog.c0ff33a.uk/@joeyarnoldvn. Leo Finance . IO: https://leofinance.io/@joeyarnoldvn. Online Buzz . com: https://onlinebuzz.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Staging-Blog Hive . IO: https://staging-blog.hive.io/@joeyarnoldvn. Stem . Open Hive . Network: https://stem.openhive.network/#!/@joeyarnoldvn. Peakd . com: https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn | https://beta.peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Personal . Community: https://personal.community/?hive=joeyarnoldvn. Read . Cash: https://read.cash/@joeyarnoldvn. Steemd . com: https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Steem KR . com: https://steemkr.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Steemit . com: https://steemit.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Steem World . Org: https://steemworld.org/@joeyarnoldvn. Stem Geeks.net: https://stemgeeks.net/@joeyarnoldvn. Sub Stack . com: https://joeyarnoldvn.substack.com. Waivio . com: https://www.waivio.com/@joeyarnoldvn. Weed Cash . Network: https://weedcash.network/@joeyarnoldvn. Google Search: https://www.google.com/search?q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn. Duck Duck Go Search: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn&ia=web. And feel free to add to this list or to make your own, have fun and good luck. Are some of the links not working? If some of my links don't work, it's probably because I've not written or published those pages, posts, etc, etc, yet. Yeah. Not yet maybe. Still working on it. Think of it like a website that is under construction. But a really big website. I literally include links to future articles and much more, to be continued as always. If some of my links are broken, you can let me know or you can come back later and try again. I've linked to future articles, posts, web-pages, websites, URL links, which I've not written yet or have not published online yet. But you can also try swapping out the domain name part of the link with a different one. For example, the domain I'm currently focused on (as of 2020) is Hive . blog. That is not case-sensitive meaning it can be hIVe . blog or HivE . BLoG. In other words, it doesn't matter which letters are capitalized (uppercase) or not (lowercase). Also, the domain has no spaces in it, meaning hive . blog becomes hive.blog. Depending on the website, following the domain can be the username. So, in this case, it's forward-slash at (@) username. My username is joeyarnoldvn. Some websites skips that at symbol part (generally if they're not a blockchain-style site, they skip the at symbol part in the URL) and goes directly to the username. Some websites may include the web-page section of the link first followed by the domain name. With Hive Blog, it begins with Hive.blog, it follows with the username, and then it ends with the web-page link or section which is generated based off the title of the post. So, if my link doesn't work, try swapping out hive.blog for example peakd . com or ecency . com or steemit . com or you can try other domain names and websites and pages and URLs and sites and links and hyperlinks and everything and anything else you can imagine too, as well. You can also try googling or searching via Duck Duck Go, Bing, Yandex, Yahoo, Google, other search engines, the title of the post in quotation marks, add a space followed with a plus-sign (+), add another space followed with my username in quotation marks. If that doesn't work, you can remove the quotation marks and try other keywords and combinations therein. Be creative and try many different search engines and different domain names. Also, feel free to host, mirror, copy, paste, download, steal, share, etc, any of my posts, videos, photos, memes, articles, links, anything that I publish, post, share, upload, etc. Group Promotion Hub: find and share your favorite groups, communities, clubs, networks, charities, organizations. religions, cults, parties, meetups, gathering, protests, rallies, unions, town halls, debates, schools, live events, etc. CATEGORIES. SUBJECTS. OTHER. EVERYTHING. AND MORE. SORRY. THANKS. My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold. ABOUT | SOCIAL | GOOGLE | BING | DUCK | YAHOO | AOL | Ask | Baidu | Facebook | Twitter | Yandex | YouTube | BLOGS: | Blurt | Dream | Ecency | Hive | Peakd | Read | Serey | Steemit. HOW-TO FIND-ME ONLINE. FIND | FOLLOW | Broken | Contact | Disclaimers | Resume | Search. HOW YOU CAN FOLLOW ME. HOME | ACCOUNTS | DIRECTORY | GROUPS | TIMELINE | Breaking World News. Can't Censor Truth | Free World News TV | Check out these videos. FIND ME ON VYB. YOU CAN FOLLOW ME ON VYBRAINIUM. FIND ME ON FLOTE. 09:25 PM. Sally Dunn, phones have bookmarks, when you make one it shows up on one of the pages of your phone.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Keep it up Joey 👍 👏 👏
Got some great links here.
Kind regards. 😎🥓

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