Hot bathing in the mountains on the Winter Solstice

in vlog •  2 years ago 

After a departure of some years from making films I will be dusting off the cameras again specifically to cover the subject of electroculture, but in the meantime I present you a day in the life of my family at a hot bath in the mountains on the Winter Solstice.


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Wonderful video!! I enjoyed your family having quality family time of course but I also enjoyed the scenery.

It was a fun day out for sure. Happy I decided in the end to upload this one. Paving the way for electroculture...

Thanks for watching!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Great video. Nothing like a natural thermal hot bath in the mountains of France. …. I spent 2 summers working on a dig in Southern France - St Bertrand de Comminges (Roman Lugdunum Convenarum) built around 1 BC that was the centre of a large Roman Bath complex including Temples, Forum, Theatre and several buildings that had natural Hot and cold Baths. King Herod was exiled to this small town after he crucified Jesus. Herod died there along with his wife…. Supposedly the Treasure of King Herod, including the Holy Grail and many other artifacts from 1st century Israel are hidden here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I remember you mentioning you had spent time here in France. Amazing to be involved in a dig! Now that must have been something. Pretty amazing to think they just built the hot water into the plumbing. Am really in love with this region! Things just fit together so perfectly. And cool to learn that the Holy Grail may be around here somewhere! Didn't know that. Fingers crossed we will dig it up in our garden ;)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It’s definitely there somewhere … or just over the hills in Spain, or maybe Italy…. It could be back in Safed by now . We I’ll find it some day.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Also, Subscribed to your YouTube Channel … I’m there too. offgridTV … started my channel back in 2006 to film my Offgrid adventures … mostly road trips here in Ontario and then eventual off the grid cabin ,…. but then decided it was too expensive for all the stupid expensive solar panels and batteries…. Maybe I can do it now with your electro culture batteries.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ah nice! I will check out your channel now...

Wow. You are very active there. That's great to see. Lola in the snow is the best :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I try to post a video from our walk each day. I love the music available on YouTube shorts. I’m Trying to get my kids to make their own shorts on their YouTube channels. It’s a great way to learn about music … and learn about telling stories with short film.