Listen to what Congressman Crenshaw has to say about his experience of woketard Republicans. The woketard left and right look the same - they are mirror-images of each other. The same unjustifiable, yet deep facade of deeply felt entitlement; the vicious contempt of others; and the ultimate use of coercion.
Navy SEAL Mindset | Congressman Dan Crenshaw | #286
Such coercion comes in many forms, depending on the situation and the level of manifest power, from silencing and deplatforming, to more physical acts, or even threats, of imprisonment, torture and, ultimately, termination. But notice that these are not some necessary tactics towards some more benevolent ultimate aim, but they are expressions of the endgame - ultimate power. Full spectrum control means exactly what it says.
This point needs driving home. This is not some Machiavellian "the means justify the ends". The means are the ends! You are not being punished because disobedience is a bad thing; you are being punished purely for your disobedience. Indeed, many live inside Kafka's Trial, where they do not even know what is their transgression.
Even Machiavelli, in true Machiavellian style, urges rulers to adopt a high moral ground, whether true or not, as that is the only way to justify their tyranny, so that the rather unfortunate manifestations of said tyranny are mere blemishes on a pristine state. Far, far too many such fetid humans creating a putrid planet - your home.
So, let's add to our lexicon the term "libertard" and add it in the same cell as libtard and woketard, so they can be bedfellows. After all, they all claim to be forms of liber-ness.
A long quote from Peterson:
So imagine you're virtuous, and so now you have a stellar reputation and the consequence of that is that your nervous system views your positioning in the hierarchy as a consequence of that reputation, and decreases your stress.
So then, when you go after someone's key beliefs, the things they stand for, hypothetically, you're threatening their reputation, and then you threaten their position in the hierarchy, and then you threaten their emotional regulation - that's the chain.
The problem with all that is it can be gamed, [...] we pay attention to people who have a good reputation because there's nothing more important than reputation. People are motivated and willing to take shortcuts to attaining it. That's the issue with virtue signaling.
And so you say, well, you can point to an injustice suffered on your behalf and that elicits people's sympathy and then you can claim to be a moral crusader, whether or not that's true, and then you adopt the cloak of reputation, and then you ratchet yourself up in a manipulative manner up the hierarchy of social security and esteem, and that's the narcissism, Machiavellian, psychopath game - and it's a game that threatens societies all the time it always has.
It always will... until more of the masses elevate their perceptions. I cannot think of an example where this has happened en masse. It only happens one person at a time.
I can sympathize...
I choose not to often 🥓
It's no proof, but it is an indication... It's a bit smelly IMO...
The IM is WEF light....
If he isn't already bought, he will be - sooner or later... IMO.