Computer games based on extreme violence

in virtualreality •  last year 

I am a person who is completely not in favor of these Computer and Video games.

Why are so many computer games based on extreme violence?
These days anything that gives a sense of excitement sells faster then something which is slow paced. We in general have become so used to living in the fast paced world that we want everything around us also to be happening in fast pace. Action packed games means more excitement, the excitement of defeating, conquering, all of this gives some sense of satisfaction and a sense of achievement, which in real life may not be possible for the person. The player almost puts him/her self in the game and plays it as if it is happening in reality, so when they achieve something in the game they feel that achievement in real and want more and more.
This sells very easily so the market for it keeps getting bigger and better. The more action the more fun, is what is believed.


These games are like an addiction, once you start playing them, you just want to go on and on with it. The next level and the next level and the next one, and they are designed in such a manner that you cannot only get hooked onto it for days but probably months and years also. I have seen people on games even when they are outside with their family and friends, they are hooked onto the game rather then spending time with people around them.

But what makes them so comfortable?
Is it the desire to win and cross levels. Does it give a sense of achievement of crossing one level to another? Honestly I do not have very clear answer to this. But what I can say is that these games create a different kind of reality for the player and they very much enjoy this reality. The game becomes a important part of their life. The virtual reality, becomes more attractive and interesting then the real life. There is action, excitement in the virtual reality which gives an adrenaline rush. The virtual reality becomes almost as good as the living reality and one misses it when they are not into it.

Just like people who are used to living in nature, will not feel comfortable living in a fast paced life in cities, just the same way these people who are hooked to the games have created such strong reality of this game in their own life then when they come out of it they feel lost and they want to get back there as soon as possible, because that is their comfort level. Their mind feels good there. Specially the people who are low with their confidence levels, or introvert, they can get very easily caught up in these types of games. Because this is the place where they feel powerful, they feel good and they feel they have achieved something. It takes them into a complete different reality of filling up the empty spaces of life.


And with the lifestyles that are there in modern cities these days, this sells like a hot cake. As I said the more action, the more demand, because when one keeps crossing the different levels of action they then start looking for more, the level 1 does not interest them any more, they want more excitement and this is where the creator of the games play with the minds of the users. They keep making these games more and more action packed, fill up more violence, more levels, so that one is always hooked onto them.

It is difficult to quit on any type of addiction, be it smoking or games or any other type, because once the system gets connected with it there is a strong urge to keep going back to it again and again.

A little bit of gaming for fun is good to go with, but anything that keeps you pulling back to it again and again then becomes a matter of concern. Unless it is things like spending time in nature, because that is where the energy levels go up and does not drain.

To give a very different perspective all together. These violent games are also not good in terms of the energy of our planet. If we focus more on it, we are spreading out the same senses into the universe. We are spreading out the vibrations of violence, terror, unhealthy competition and what not.
Definitely not only unhealthy for us but very unhealthy for our planet Earth.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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  ·  last year  ·  

I appreciate you speaking out about your concerns regarding computer games based on extreme violence. It takes courage to express your opinion, especially when it goes against the mainstream. Your post highlights the potential negative impacts that these types of games can have on individuals, and even on our planet.

I hope that your post can bring attention to this issue and inspire more discussions on how we can create more positive and uplifting forms of entertainment that do not rely on violence and aggression. Keep up the good work of raising awareness and advocating for a better world.

  ·  last year  ·  

Most of these games are destructive, if not destructive they get you addicted and do almost the same harm to the brain. The kids nowadays guess are born with these things in their head, for them all of it is so normal and they enjoy it.