Recognizing and Preventing Abuse in Relationships: A Guide for Single Women

in violence •  25 days ago 


Just recently, I spoke with a young woman who had been brutally abused and on the verge of death by her husband. She explained to me that it began as simple slapping during their courtship, but she chose not to see it as a warning sign because, like her Christian friends in the church, she was gung-ho about getting married. Her current goal is to escape her murderous spouse before she is slain. individuals alone, The fact that the majority of battered wives began as battered girlfriends or fiancées is regrettable but true.

In a marriage, you will continue what you permit during the courtship! My Dear Single Sisters, you don't need a prophet to inform you that your fiancé has the potential to beat your wife if he frequently loses his temper and threatens to hit or slap you while you're still courting. Even if a man is an apostle, he will undoubtedly carry out his threat of beating you in marriage if he has an uncontrollable temper, is harsh with you, shows no regard for you, or makes such threats. Before you finally connect your destiny with him, give it some thought. A man who threatens to beat you is harboring a spirit capable of beating a woman because "the mouth speaketh from the abundance of the heart." Matthew 12:34.

Instead of becoming a source of intimidation, a guy should show women love, concern, and strength. In marriage, he will beat you if he slaps you during courtship. Avoid creating a grave for yourself. Happy Singledom and Living Is Better Than Hurrying Into Marriage and Losing Your Valuable Life Too Soon. Don't marry out of sympathy, believing that your marriage will make things better. You Won't Be Made Fun of by True Love! In any case, it won't mistreat you. Love Keeps You From Crying! Your tears should come from joy, not sorrow! There is a problem in the relationship if the only emotions you have for this person are pain, fear, and sorrow!

Greetings, single ladies there is no emergency in a marriage or relationship! Nothing about do or die Is true! Avoid being squandered by a man who doesn't recognize your value due to blind love, age, fear of finding another partner, or pressure from family and friends. Since you cannot ask someone to live for you and marry your husband on your behalf once you are married.


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