Abuse - What's That?!

in viewpoint •  4 years ago  (edited)

This text is a unique ViewPoint
and may includes Sarcasm.
No rules without exceptions!

Abuse - by Wiktionary.com

Abuse is so common that most humans are not even aware any more of what they're doing or supporting... and all that starts at the birth of a human!

Yeah, with birth you're given drugs, names, some are mutilated and all that in the name of society, ruled by the government called "God"! And that is only the beginning.

Jon of @guysofcannabis wrote this once in an intro:

"In life there are undeniable rights granted at birth, such as eating, and drinking. When one comes into age, it is then up to the individual on how they choose to live."

And with that he just hit the nail on the head, as they say in German. That is the most important thing we should just live everyday, consciously, and we would have peace. This is so simple that most humans can not believe it, so they continue to abuse themselves and others. That's what they know, that's what's "easy"!

Being abused became the tradition and part of the culture. Fine-tuned to an extent that most people are saying this is natural, this is life.

Since i'm able to think and understand i know in the depth of my soul, that this is wrong. And i asked the questions you should not ask. Not even your parents. My way was a problem for society and so they started abusing me more. They tried with drugs, doctors, punishments and so on... we gonna get him "straight", just the way we want/need!


Do you see the wrong doing here?

I'm born a free human, but someone or something does not want me to be free. All of us are slaves! The Matrix was right about many things... maybe we aren't batteries but we are abused so a system can do what it want. And there are just a few who decide what that may be! If you don't comply, they send the Mr. Smiths after you and it will most certainly end bad, especially for you!

But why am i writing about this, when most folks do not understand or are unwilling to see?

It is because i'm right away triggered when i come along some abuse and that is just a real pain in the ass. It happens everyday, often too many times, more and more. Like the whole control pandemic crap going on right now. Not only, but it amplifies the abuse to a limit, that it becomes unbearable to me and the trigger is pulled to quick.

Today communication is full of abuse!

The talk around "Free Speech" is coming to a point where this so called free speech is imposed onto everyone, without being asked if we are interested to even hear. That is abuse at it's finest. And when you ask to please leave yourself out of it, you got aggressed with foul language or even better, they say you should be ashamed of acting like that. That you are against free communication... ha what a joke! This expression just shows the incompetence of the one telling you to be ashamed.

I am living free expression and know for fact, that it is most necessary for a peaceful living together. But when does it become abuse? Ha, just asking this question shows the profoundness of this illusion implemented in most minds. If you do something to another without being asked to (imposing), it is abuse! In the example of "Free Speech" this is the point when you start giving me a hard time when i'm asking you kindly to leave me out of it. You continue and it is automatically abuse! You abuse my free will, my ears, my consciousness, my nature.

Civilization illnesses

Since we are constantly abused from birth on, a lot of humans become sick in many different ways. All starting in the mind! And a sick mind is a dangerous mind. Especially if the person is believing to be fragile/weak. To free that pressure of negative energy and find the balance to go ahead in these times, people look out for the one they think are even more fragile and start "hitting" on them. Family, neighbours, strangers... that gives them power and the war is on! Energy-Vampires!

The ones "ruling" the world, the ones with all the "power" they need to shape the history books and our life as they wish, these creatures are most certain happy this is going on. It always was, is and will be on their agenda. Using the slaves to get the power and then do what they want. Check that fact with a open mind! If you can't see that, at least you have found proof that your mind is washed for the only purpose that you'll be the "battery" to run their system as they wish.


Conclusion?! For now:

Pretty Please, next time you talk to a human, make sure you'll Be Impeccable With Your Word. For One is All and All is One! We all share the one and same consciousness. Start healing yourself today! Thank you for being awesome!

BTW, i'm the Dude
i always do what i want, when i want and how i want!

All content is my own intellectual "property" otherwise you'll see a source indicated...

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

PReach it brother!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

hehe, just saying....