Media: in Venezuela, cryptocurrency miners began to be disconnected from the power grid

in venezuela •  4 years ago 

Venezuela's state-owned electric company Corpoelec is disconnecting bitcoin miners in the state of Carabobo from the network on the orders of the authorities. This information is provided by the local publication Criptonoticias with reference to the source.

"Over the weekend, I received a message that people in Corpoelec are disabling farms. I don't know anyone in Carabobo who still has a farm," the miner, who asked to remain anonymous, said.

According to him, representatives of Corpoelec and the authorities intend to meet with miners today to discuss the procedure for their connection and tariffs.

"If we do not come together, we will not have enough strength to defend our rights," he wrote in an address to colleagues. "Only together can we move forward."

Earlier, Venezuela established a national mining pool for legal cryptocurrency mining. Whether its participants were affected by the latest actions of Corpoelec or whether they only applied to unofficial miners is unknown.

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