Vancouver is Dying - Aaron Gunn

in vancouverisdying •  2 years ago 

#1 Documentary in Canada

Vancouver is Dying

What is happening to the city of Vancouver?

Who is responsible for the surge in violent crime?

And is the introduction of a “safe supply” of toxic drugs, including heroin and cocaine, really the solution the city needs?

There is a clear disconnect between the Mayor Kennedy Stewart and the Police, this stems from the mayors woke beliefs that all police are racist. The mayor of Vancouver has driven a wedge between enforcement and city hall with her rhetoric. The police have their hands tied, they are not the police makers, Canada's politicians favor a catch and release cycle. This allows violent criminals to serve little to no jail time, in a perpetual cycle of violence.

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We have these exact issues in our cities here in the US. Big time!!! Need a huge problem to explain the huge crackdown on us all....for....our.....SAFETY! (said with a Nazi accent)

This drug issue/program is the repeat of LSD in the 60's which was a literal program. It was distributed on purpose to create chaos and destroy mainly the men. Remember, they have multiple programs running at the same time. The more they can get you to "do it to yourself" the better. I have noticed this pattern. It's either control or death. They are sick and choose the most heinous ways to kill people.

They want this to be so bad the people beg for "help". Then......we all turn into China. No surprise Fentanyl is coming in. Tons of it. Imagine being clever enough to turn people against themselves. Welcome to addiction. It's evil and these people in local governments are evil too and why not make money on it just like the hokey pokey. It's exploitation.

This is my point of view on this. This is happening in too many places for it not to be on purpose.

PS: I have the flu and a pretty good fever so forgive me if I'm not making as much sense or babbling.

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