[ESP+ENG] VLADIC (Relato/Story)

in vampires •  last year 

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Versión en español:


Sentado en la torre mas alta del castillo de su Ama y Señora, contemplaba con pesadumbre los últimos minutos de aquella negra noche, la penumbra iba perdiendo terreno y poco a poco en el horizonte comenzaban a asomarse los primeros rayos del rey sol, uno de sus enemigos naturales. Ese noche su dueña habia dado una gran fiesta en el castillo, plena de excesos, con vino, lujuria y sangre, no pudo determinar si fue una broma cruel de ella escoger esa fecha en la que hace exactamente 25 años en una noche tan oscura como la que estaba muriendo, el había perdido todo, tenía una vida tranquila, perfecta, pero esa negra noche la muerte que cabalga buscando insaciable a su próxima victima dio con el, desde entonces, el sigue a aquel Ángel de la muerte como alma en pena, sin descanso, sin amor, y sin vida.

Una vez fue un prospero hacendado Rumano, sin sangre noble, era hijo de un general que se caso con una mujer rica, pudo aspirar a mas, pero el eligió el amor, desposando a la bella hija del panadero de la aldea, que lo enamoro con sus bellos ojos y sus deliciosas tartas, aunque nunca le gustar matar, cuando una de tantas guerras comenzó atendió el llamado para proteger a su nación, habil con la espada, la pistola y el mosquete, su padre le habia enseñado bien el arte de la guerra, gracias a su valentía e inteligencia ascendió rápido de teniente hasta llegar a coronel, al finalizar la guerra unos 3 años después, el pudo seguir la carrera militar como su padre y ascender hasta el grado de general, pero una vez mas eligió el amor, retornando a casa en paz con su familia.

Esos fueron los buenos años, hasta que un maldito día arribo a su comarca una distinguida noble rusa, Oksana Kuznetsova, vino invitada por el conde que gobernada aquella región, como uno de los hombres mas prominentes y acaudalados fue invitado junto con su esposa a una fiesta de gala en el palacio, Oksana se encapricho con el, fue cortes y la rechazo, quizás ese fue su error, tenía 25 años repasando aquella maldita noche, si hubiera accedido a sus avances, el definitivamente seguiría maldito, pero tal vez, su familia lo hubiera logrado, lo dejo marchar a casa con su esposa con una sonrisa y un beso, pero esa misma noche, unas horas antes del amanecer fue atacado en su propia casa, se defendió luchando como un león, les disparo al corazón, nunca erraba, los corto con su espada, los vio sangrar, pero aquellas cosas no morían, ya estaban muertas.

Fue reducido por los que ahora son sus hermanos de sangre, Oksana ordeno que le sostuvieran la cara para que no volteara hacia otro lado, nunca habia sentido tanto dolor e impotencia!!!, luego fue maldecido con el regalo de la vida eterna, su Ama y Señora lo convirtió en uno mas de sus lacayos, a pesar de todo el tiempo que había pasado lo recordaba como si hubiera sido ayer, tenía mas de un año elaborando su plan, la fiesta de aquella noche tal vez fue un chiste cruel, otro broma macabra de Oksana, pero el había elegido esa fecha desde hace mucho tiempo.

Cuando sintió el calor y su piel comenzó a chirriar quemándose, tomo su espada era hora de empezar, bajo por las escaleras en forma de caracol hasta el piso superior, de allí al interior del castillo, entre penumbras siguió descendiendo hasta lo mas profundo, iba rumbo a las catacumbas, su nueva familia dormía allí a esas horas, Oksana su Ama y Señora en el medio, como una reina rodeada por los ataúdes de sus súbditos, cuando al fin llego a la cámara su sarcófago ya no estaba, Palé había cumplido con su parte del trato, un herculino esclavo africano, que ademas de cuidar del sueño de su Ama y Señora, era el amante humano de Oksana, Palé había sido comprado en un puerto por un puñado de monedas de oro, tenía 10 años con ellos, todavía era joven, no fue muy difícil convencerlo de que solo le esperaba la muerte y la desdicha si seguía con ella.

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Levanto su espada dando comienzo a su danza de la muerte, fue abriendo uno a uno los ataúdes de su familia, Brovich, Kyle, Leticia, Tasya, en un solo movimiento les atraviesa el corazón con la espada, para luego cortarles sus cabezas, tomandolas y arrojandolas al fuego de la inmesa chimenea que alumbraba el lugar, estaba molesto por no poder acabar con ella por su propia mano, pero le estaba prohibido, -no puedes acabar con el que te convirtió!!!-, era una de las reglas, tantas reglas, malditas reglas, pero había que seguirlas si quería vengar la muerte de su esposa y sus hijos, hace 25 años tuvo que observar como Oksana degollaba a su esposa y a sus niños, solo por diversión, estaba obligado a seguir las malditas reglas, ya no estaba vivo pero si quería perdurar estaba condenado a seguir al pie de la letra cada una de ellas.

Luego de terminar de decapitar a todos sus hermanos de sangre regreso por las escaleras, hasta llegar al nivel del suelo, ya habia amanecido completamente, tuvo que sortear con cuidado para evitar los rayos fulminantes del sol que penetraban como cuchillas por las rendijas de las ventanas cerradas que daban al patio interior del castillo, dolían como una bala y quemaban su piel hasta arder, su contacto era como recibir un corte lacerante multiplicado con fuego, algunos cortes recibió cuando aun podía caminar bajo el sol, entre los vivos, verifico que todas las ventanas estuviesen bien tapiadas, con maderos y clavos hundidos hasta el fondo, luego subió al segundo piso y repitió la operación, finalizada la revisión se coloco a un costado de la ventana mas grande, la única que faltaba por tapiar, con la hoja de su espada abrió solo un poco, desde allí podía ver perfectamente como Palé terminaba de cubrir el sarcófago de su Ama y Señora con madera y fardos de paja, cuando termino vertío aceite sobre el sarcófago, terminada su labor miro hacia la gran ventana del segundo piso, el gigante africano pudo observar como una antorcha encendida arrojada desde lo alto caía sobre el ataúd labrado prendiéndolo en llamas!!!.

Palé corrió hacia adentro, faltaba cerrar y sellar las puertas que daban acceso al patio, habia que ser rápidos su Ama y Señora no tardaría en reaccionar, el herculino africano se apuraba en clavar los tablones para sellar la entrada, su Ama y Señora no moriría sin luchar, el fuego y el humo hicieron su parte, unos pocos minutos después al tomar mayor fuerza las llamas el ataúd comenzó a resquebrajarse, -AAAARRGGG!!!-, los gritos de dolor de Oksana eran ensordecedores, la princesa rusa de mas de 200 años, salía de su descanso ardiendo en carne muerta!!!, busco donde esconderse, pero el patio interior estaba al descubierto, los rayos abrazantes e incandescentes del rey sol la quemaban causándole mas dolor que las llamas que la cubrían, Oksana embistió con todas sus fuerzas contra las puertas de madera del patio, pero del otro lado Palé después de tapiar la entrada interpuso un inmenso tronco como cuña que sostenía como si la vida le fuera en ello, y le iba si su Ama y Señora lograba entrar estaría muerto.

Las fuerzas de Oksana se agotaban, -AAAARRRGGG!!!- sus alaridos de dolor daban terror, cuando vio la ventana grande del segundo piso entre abierta, tuvo una última esperanza, con la poca energía que le restaba pego un gran salto, ya no podía volar, allí a tan solo unos pocos metros esta su salvación si lograba guarecerse de los rayos del sol podría recuperarse, pero justo antes de penetrar por la ventana, esta se cerro de golpe, la princesa rusa se estrello contra la ventana de madera, estaba acabada, ya no tenía fuerzas, termino desparramándose por la pared hasta llegar el suelo, ya no había nada que hacer, sus gritos se ahogaron, sus carnes se desprendían, sus huesos se derritieron, termino convertida en un cúmulo de cenizas, había muerto al fin su Ama y Señora, era libre ya no tenía dueño.

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Contemplo su final asomado por la rendija, soporto estoicamente el pequeño halo de luz que penetraba por ella, fue un dolor que disfruto plenamente, esta vez tampoco aparto la mirada, su creadora moría convertida en un montón de humo y cenizas, el halo de luz cortaba su piel como una navaja ardiente, pero no le importaba su cuerpo, sanaría la próxima vez que tomara sangre fresca, ¿las heridas de su alma? , esas tampoco ya importaban, hace 25 años que la había perdido, aquella maldita y negra noche que perdió a su familia cuando fue convertido, pero era hoy el día que realmente nacía Vladic, el mas cruel y sanguinario vampiro sobre la faz de la tierra.


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In English:


Sitting on the highest tower of his Mistress and Lady's castle, he contemplated with sadness the last minutes of that black night, the gloom was losing ground and little by little the first rays of the sun king began to appear on the horizon, one of his natural enemies. That day her owner had given a great party in the castle, full of excesses, with wine, lust and blood, she could not determine if it was a cruel joke of hers to choose that date exactly 25 years ago on a night as dark as the one who was dying, he had lost everything, he had a quiet, perfect life, but one black night death that rides insatiably looking for its next victim found him, since then, he follows that Angel of death like a soul in pain , without rest, without love, and without life.

Once he was a prosperous Romanian landowner, without noble blood, but the son of a general who married a rich woman, he could aspire to more, but he chose love, marrying the beautiful daughter of the village baker, who fell in love with him with her beautiful eyes and her delicious cakes, although she never likes to kill, when one of many wars began she answered the call to protect her nation, skillful with the sword, the pistol and the musket, her father had taught her well the art of the war, thanks to his courage and intelligence he quickly rose from lieutenant to colonel, at the end of the war about 3 years later, he was able to continue a military career like his father and rise to the rank of general, but once again he chose love, returning home in peace with his family.

Those were the good years, until one damn day a distinguished Russian nobleman, Oksana Kuznetsova, arrived in his region, invited by the count who ruled that region, as one of the most prominent and wealthy men he was invited along with his wife to a gala party at the count's palace, Oksana fell in love with him, he was courteous and rejected her, maybe that was his mistake, he was 25 years old replaying that damn night, if he had agreed to his advances, he would definitely still be cursed, but maybe , his family would have made it, he let him go home with his wife with a smile and a kiss, but that same night, a few hours before dawn, he was attacked in his own house, he defended himself, fought like a lion, shot them at heart, he never made a mistake, he cut them with his sword, he saw them bleed, but those things did not die, they were already dead.
He was reduced by those who are now his blood brothers, Oksana ordered them to hold his face so that he would not turn the other way, he had never felt so much pain and impotence!!!, and then he was cursed with the gift of eternal life, His Mistress and Lady turned him into one more of his lackeys, despite all the time that had passed he remembered it as if it had been yesterday, he had been preparing his plan for more than a year, the party that night was perhaps a cruel joke , another macabre joke from Oksana, but he had chosen that date a long time ago.

When he felt the heat and his skin began to squeak burning, he took his sword, it was time to start, he went down the spiral-shaped stairs to the upper floor, from there to the interior of the castle, in the shadows he continued descending to the depths he was heading to the catacombs, all his new family slept there now, Oksana his Mistress and Mistress in the middle, like a queen surrounded by the coffins of her subjects, when he finally reached the chamber his sarcophagus was gone, Palé had fulfilled his part of the deal, a herculine African slave, who in addition to taking care of the dream of his Mistress and Lady, was Oksana's human lover, Palé had been bought as a slave in a port, he was 10 years old with them, he was still young, he was not very difficult to convince him that only death awaited him if he continued with her.

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He raised his sword beginning his dance of death, one by one he opened the coffins of his family, Brovich, Kyle, Leticia, Tasya, in a single movement he pierced their hearts with the sword, to then cut off their heads, take them and throwing them into the fire of the immense fireplace that lit the place, he was annoyed at not being able to kill her with his own hands, but it was forbidden, -you can't kill the one who converted you!!!-, it was another rule, so many rules, damn rules, but they had to be followed if he wanted to avenge the death of his wife and children, 25 years ago he had to watch Oksana slit his wife and children's throats, just for fun, he was forced to follow the damn rules, because He wasn't alive but if he wanted to survive he was condemned to follow each of those damn rules to the letter.

After finishing beheading all his blood brothers, he returned down the stairs, until he reached ground level, it had already fully dawned, he had to walk carefully to avoid the withering rays of the sun that penetrated like blades through the cracks in the windows. closed windows that overlooked the inner courtyard of the castle, they hurt like a bullet and burned his skin until it burned, his contact was like receiving a lacerating cut multiplied with fire, he received some cuts when he could still walk in the sun, among the living, I verify that all the windows were well boarded up, with boards and nails sunk to the bottom, then he went up to the second floor and repeated the operation, once the inspection was finished, he placed himself on one side of the largest window, the only one that remained to be covered up, with the sheet of his sword he opened only a little, from there he could see perfectly how Palé finished covering the sarcophagus of his Mistress and Lady with wood and bales of straw, when he finished he poured oil on the sarcophagus, finished his work he looked towards the large window of the second floor, the African giant was able to observe how a burning torch thrown from above fell on the carved coffin setting it on fire!!!.

Palé ran inside, he had to close and seal the doors that gave access to the patio, he had to be quick, his Mistress and Lady would not take long to react, the African herculine was hurrying to nail the planks to seal the entrance, his Mistress and Lady would not die without fighting, the fire and smoke did their part, a few minutes after the fire started the coffin began to crack, -AAAARRGGG!!!-, Oksana's cries of pain were deafening, the Russian princess over 200 years old , came out of her coffin burning dead flesh!!!, she looked for a place to hide, but the inner courtyard was exposed, the embracing and incandescent rays of the sun king burned her, causing her more pain than the flames that covered her, Oksana charged with all her forces against the wooden doors of the patio, but on the other side, Palé, after walling up the entrance, interposed an immense log as a wedge that he held as if his life depended on it, and if his Mistress and Lady managed to enter, he would be dead.

Oksana's forces were running out, -AAAARRRGGG!!!- her screams of pain were terrifying, when she saw the large window on the second floor half open, she had one last hope, with the little energy she had left she jumped, no longer He could fly, there just a few meters is his salvation if he managed to shelter from the sun's rays he could recover, but just before entering through the window, it slammed shut, the Russian princess crashed into the wooden window, she was finished, she no longer had strength, she ended up scattering down the wall until she reached the floor, there was nothing left to do, her screams were drowned, her flesh fell off, her bones melted, she ended up turned into a riot of ashes, she had died finally his Mistress and Lady.

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The man contemplated his end peeking through the crack, he stoically endured the small halo of light that penetrated through it, it was a pain that he fully enjoyed, this time he did not look away either, his creator died turned into a pile of smoke and ashes, the halo The light cut through his skin like a hot razor, but he didn't care about his body, it would heal the next time he drank fresh blood, the wounds on his soul? Those didn't matter either, it had been 25 years since he had lost her, that damn black night he lost his family and was converted, but today was the day Vladic was really born, the cruelest and most bloodthirsty vampire on earth.


@bigbdp 19.05.2023

#bigbdp #BigVERSO #Vladic #Vampiros #Vampires

Las imágenes de la portada y la catacumba fueran creadas por mi en Starryai.com

Las cenizas de Oksana Kuznetsova es una imagen de uso gratuito de Phxere.com

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