valentine's Day : It is now a pressure for many

in valentine •  2 years ago 

Greetings to all,
I am back with another blog for everyone.

This one is about 14th feb, many people might be getting ready for that day. This blog can bother the lovers as it will be against the day coming tomorrow.



Valentine's Day, is celebrated on February 14th all around the world. It is a day that is traditionally associated with love and romance, and is often marked by the exchange of gifts, cards, and flowers between romantic partners.

However, there are some who believe that Valentine's Day should not be celebrated. Here are some reasons why:




Valentine's Day has become heavily commercialized in recent years, with many people feeling pressured to spend large amounts of money on gifts, flowers, and other tokens of affection.

This commercialization can detract from the genuine expression of love and affection that the holiday is supposed to represent.


Valentine's Day can be a very exclusive holiday, focusing mainly on romantic relationships and leaving out other forms of love, such as friendships and familial love. This can be hurtful and divisive for those who are not in romantic relationships or who do not have a partner.




The pressure to make Valentine's Day special and romantic can be overwhelming, especially for those in new relationships or those who are struggling in their romantic lives. The pressure to make the day perfect can lead to disappointment and even relationship problems.

Historical Origins

The origins of Valentine's Day are rooted in ancient Roman fertility festivals, and later, the Christian feast day of St. Valentine. However, the romantic association with the holiday did not become popular until the 14th century. Some people find the historical origins of the holiday problematic or irrelevant.


Valentine's Day can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes and reinforce the idea that women are objects to be won or conquered. It can also contribute to the idea that men are supposed to be dominant and in control in romantic relationships.


While Valentine's Day can be a fun and romantic holiday for some, it is not for everyone. Some people may prefer to express their love and affection in more personal and meaningful ways, rather than conforming to the commercial and cultural expectations of the holiday.

Ultimately, the decision to celebrate Valentine's Day or not should be a personal one, based on individual beliefs and values.

thank you

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