The CDC still supports mass murder, ignoring hard science!

in vaccine •  2 years ago 

The CDC is still defending the indefensible, and screaming from the rooftops that there is NO problem with the Covid vaccines! But the hard numbers, with these numbers having been highly washed to help their chosen result, say otherwise. BTW, falsifying numbers to get a desired result, is NOT the scientific method! So keep in mind that these videos are using known tainted data sets, and the results still show unethical , and possible criminal; recommendations from the CDC!

The preferred tool of mass murderers today:
With the gain of function research we paid the Wuhan lab to do, combined with the known Complications from undertested 'vaccines'; this weapon has murdered more people than Hitler did in the ovens, during be the Holocaust! Just because it is lab clean, never forget that Millions of innocent people were quietly murdered; just like the innocents in Germany! These are evil people, prostituting science ; to murder people they don't even know....

They are Still pushing vaccines, ignoring the science:
They had to push this one to Rumble (rapidly becoming my favorite platform) Because YouTube would Censor this real science! These Terrible numbers are using the washed data from the CDC, so they are intended to deceive; and deny this problem exists!

I expect to see that millions more will die as a direct result of complications from these under tested vaccines

Here the truth on the safety and effecacy is exposed:

Note that each new vaccination usage increases the spike proteins in the patient / victim! So the safest thing to do, is to stop all vaccines, to give the body time to fight off the vaccines insults. They have deliberately made vaccinated people into giant Petrie dishes, to ensure unlimited 'variants' of Covid!

They justify the large harm rate, by blaming the victims:

The working age adults are singled out in this video, by implying that they didn't get the sequential boosters! In the video above, this sequential booster choice is Causing massive harm to this specific age group!!!!

There were several avenues that would wipe out Covid, but the methods were attacked and in some instances were made illegal (ivermectin comes to mind) to dispense! It would have shut down the 'pandemic' and ruined all the millions of dead people...we can't have that.

So study, and become informed...they hate that!

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