Paid to interview at McDonald's?

in us •  3 years ago  (edited)

Yes, that appears to be the case. A McDonald's restaurant in the Tampa Bay, Florida in the US offers you 50 USD for just showing up to interview for a job. And I must say 50 USD is not nothing even to somebody who, like yours truly, on occasion had jobs that paid twice that per hour.

That notwithstanding, the restaurant is not seeing a crown of people winding around the block to be interviewed. Quite the opposite: it is having trouble getting anyone to come in. The business is booming, according to the management, the customers are a-plenty, but hardly anyone wants to work at the joint. Why would that be?

Well, for one thing government payments - unemployment compensation, stimulus, etc. - likely had a role to play. Also perhaps we need to acknowledge something important - namely, that in the Western world we have reached a point where even the poor are considerably better off than the survival on a bare minimum which was the standard for the majority of the world's population for centuries. As a result of that, all classes of the population, statistically, are no longer expected to just accept a job that pays - they have an option of basically not being productive and still living at a level of comfort which, while perhaps suboptimal, is not that of starvation. And yes, I am aware of those who may be desperate but due to some disability or other, physical or mental, are not able to be productive at any job - but those are likely a minority small enough not to affect the picture to a significant degree.

So what is the solution to this dilemma? Personally, I am not sure - but I do believe that the search for a solution needs to start with an honest assessment of the situation. And we should stop pretending that the model based on a shutdown of the economy due to one select threat (COVID-19) and illusion of wealth created by distribution of fiat funds by the government can ever be a durable solution.


Florida McDonalds Will Pay $50 To Interview, NO Takers — Want Fries With That? (video)
The David Knight Show, 26 April 2021

South Florida McDonald's offers $50 just for people to come in for an interview
Michael Holan, Fox News, 20 April 2021

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