[2023-02-14] Daily English

in upvu •  2 years ago 

1 . News

Title : Looking for love online? New study shows mixed experiences

The overall number, which amounts to 30 percent, is unchanged since 2019, the last time the center took a broad look at online dating.

번역 : 30퍼센트에 달하는 전체 수치는 퓨리서치센터가 온라인 데이트를 광범위하게 살펴본 지난 2019년을 마지막으로 이후에도 변함이 없다.

기사 제공: The Korea Times

2. Words

  • amount to : If you say that one thing amounts to something else, you consider the first thing to be the same as the second thing.
  • look at : to examine or study (someone or something)
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