[2023-02-10] Daily English

in upvu •  2 years ago 

1 . News

Title : Families of Itaewon victims on collision course with Seoul City

Politicians, religious leaders, survivors of the Itaewon crowd tragedy and bereaved family members who lost loved ones in the disaster last October gathered at the National Assembly on Sunday.

번역 : 정치인, 종교 지도자, 이태원 참사 생존자 및 지난해 10월 참사로 가족을 잃은 유가족들이 일요일 국회에 모였다.

기사 제공: The Korea Times

2. Words

  • bereaved : sad because a family member or friend has recently died
  • tragedy : a very bad event that causes great sadness and often involves someone's death
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