[2023-02-01] Daily English

in upvu •  2 years ago 

1 . News

Title : Na Kyung-won passes on PPP's leadership race, Ahn Cheol-soo to benefit

Ruling People Power Party (PPP) leadership hopeful Na Kyung-won on Wednesday said she will not run for the party's chairman election slated for March 8, after ongoing discord with the presidential office and President Yoon Suk Yeol's party loyalists.

번역 : 집권여당인 국민의힘의 유력한 당 대표 후보인 나경원 전 의원은 대통령실과 윤석열 대통령 핵심 관계자들과의 계속된 갈등 이후 3월 8일로 예정된 당 대표 선거에 출마하지 않을 것이라고 수요일 밝혔다.

기사 제공: The Korea Times

2. Words

  • ruling : having control and power over a country, area, group, etc.
  • hopeful : 유력한 후보
  • run for : …에 입후보하다
  • slated for : to arrange or plan for something to happen, someone to be chosen, etc.
  • discord : lack of agreement between people, ideas, etc.
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