埃隆马斯克在推特上的喜剧现在是合法的// comedy is now legal on twitter by Elon Musk

in upvu •  2 years ago 

Hello guys look what I just saw on the popular Elon Musk twitter handle the CEO of Tesla company world wild, you know recently he but the twitter media platform.
So he posted that the platform has now activated comedy section for it user just like facebook, instagram and tiktok media platforms, this is a great wow and it's also interesting too.

You can check his verified twitter handled to see for yourself

大家好,看看我刚刚在流行的 Elon Musk 推特上看到的特斯拉公司 CEO 世界狂野,你最近知道他可是推特媒体平台。所以他发帖说平台现在已经为它的用户激活了喜剧版块,就像facebook、instagram和tiktok媒体平台一样,这真是太棒了,也很有趣。

Dàjiā hǎo, kàn kàn wǒ gānggāng zài liúxíng de Elon Musk tuī tè shàng kàn dào de tè sī lā gōngsī CEO shìjiè kuáng yě, nǐ zuìjìn zhīdào tā kěshì tuī tè méitǐ píngtái. Suǒyǐ tā fātiē shuō píngtái xiànzài yǐjīng wèi tā de yònghù jīhuóle xǐjù bǎnkuài, jiù xiàng facebook,instagram hé tiktok méitǐ píngtái yīyàng, zhè zhēnshi tài bàngle, yě hěn yǒuqù.
Nín kěyǐ chákàn tā chǔlǐ de jīngguò yànzhèng de tuī tè, yǐ qīnzì chákàn

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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