Accepting the Flow of the Universe

in universe •  4 years ago 

"You are not so small, for you are bigger than you think." ~ Buddha.

I've often been asked by friends and family, "What do you mean when you say, 'accepting the flow of the universe'?" The answer is very simple, but unfortunately, it gets misunderstood. Some people have a fear of change. They prefer to think that they can control the universe, or they think they have to be right in order to be right.


The truth is, there's nothing you can control. You can't decide when to accept something, you can't decide what to believe, and you can't decide whether or not to act on an idea. You can, however, learn to become focused on only those things that will help you get what you want out of life. What kind of person would that make you? That's what accepting the universe is all about.

When you're accepting something, it means you are allowing yourself to go with the flow. You aren't trying to stop it from happening. You aren't telling it what to do. You are simply allowing it to happen. Think about accepting it as the way nature does it - without much effort.

Nature is full of natural beauty and chaos. It just keeps doing what it's supposed to do. When you focus on nature, you will soon start to see that there are a lot more peace and tranquility that surrounds you than you ever thought possible. In fact, there is so much peace and tranquility, there is no room for anything else to occupy that space. And that is what accepting the universe is all about.

Another thing about accepting is that it allows you to get more done with your life. Many people complain that they don't get any done. And that's probably because they are so focused on the problem at hand. Accepting the flow of the universe means that you are giving it your complete attention. And that can only bring you great things.
Finally, accepting is a form of happiness. This is the most important thing about accepting. The more you let go of the ego, the more content you will be in life. The more content you are in life, the happier you will be. And the happier you are, the happier you will be with your entire being.

So what are you waiting for? Acceptance is a choice. Accept it now. The universe will work with you to give you exactly what you want. And the best part is... You get to choose how you react to it.
So how do you begin to accept? You simply start with accepting yourself. When you first accept yourself, you will actually begin to change yourself. Everything that you think, say or do will change as a result of your accepting yourself.

So what is acceptable? It's accepting who you are. Who you were created to be. And who you were designed to be.
So how do you do this? It's very easy. When you accept yourself, you start to erase all of the negative emotions, beliefs, and thoughts you have bottled up inside of you. Once you start to do this, your mind becomes clear.

This is where most people fail. When they try to focus on the negative, they get even more negative. And that's why they are unhappy. They are holding themselves back from accepting. Instead, they should focus on the positive. By focusing on the positive, you will start to see life more positively.

What does this mean? It means that you will attract exactly what you are looking for. Everything you focus on will come to you. Even if it's hard to believe at first. But this is true. When you focus on the positive, the negative disappears.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Beautiful... everything is One. The Truth is revealed on #blurtlove