
in umbrella •  4 years ago 

Stupid Nose Masks. ISIS eats hearts, terrible monsters traffick women and children into America to rape, murder, eat, etc. They're giving vaccine passports to those who are ticking disease bombs. It is illegal to wear a mask and a gun at the same time in Texas, it's against the law there to carry a gun and a mask at the same time, it's against the law to cover up your face like that while carrying a concealed weapon. In the future, if the elite goes into caves, many of them may get sick if they're vaccinated, if they're down there for years. They'd go underground if things got bad enough, if meteors were falling from the sky, if there were terrible things happening all around world, natural disasters, etc. When they come back up to the surface, they'll try to murder the survivors who are actually tougher at that point. On the tombstones of billions of people very soon, "I survived Covid but not its vaccines. But I did it for the greater good." Why don't you get a Health Passport if you defeat Covid on your own without a vaccine? United Nations admits hundreds of millions of people in third world countries are on the verge of starvation due to the 2020 lockdowns which continue into 2021 and beyond, the UN and others have said lockdowns must end and yet they continue them and more and more people die as they are not allowed to sell, to earn money, to own land, to own animals, to own plants, to grow food, to make money, to buy food, and that leads to not having food which means starving to death.

Alcohol Prohibition Still

Alcohol prohibition is still in America in that they try to stop farmers from making their own Moon Shine or things made out of grain and other things which can be used to fuel tractors and a variety of things. Big Oil is probably happy about that. People will be dying all around you the next few years but they'll try to lie about why and how they died. They will try their best to cover up the fact that people are dying mostly because people taking the Covid Vaccines and also because they're already not healthy. Over 20 million Americans may be dead or close to it in the next few months especially because of the jab. Our job is to help people see these lies before people continue to die more and more to help wake up more and more people as millions to billions of people die before 2030 or even before 2025, these next few years, as cryptocurrencies rise so much in the 2020s especially. Hunger Games is based on Agenda 21, on what the globalists are doing in creating Super Cities, a Mad Max kind of world outside of the Walled Matrix Wall-E Smart Kingdoms. Circuit Judge Dale C. Cohen stole a child from mother MELANIE JOSEPH via a bad ruling. The mother was not wearing a mask. That is it.

Diamond and Silk call for the military to remove Biden from office and then "get to the bottom of what the American people saw in the 2020 election. We cannot forget or forgive that."

2021, March

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2021-03-26 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-26 - Friday
Published in March of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-03-26 20:42:05 Facebook put me on timeout for a day. I was a bad boy.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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People will be dying all around you the next few years but they'll try to lie about why and how they died. They will try their best to cover up the fact that people are dying mostly because people taking the Covid Vaccines and also because they're already not healthy. Over 20 million Americans may be dead or close to it in the next few months especially because of the jab. Our job is to help people see these lies before people continue to die more and more to help wake up more and more people as millions to billions of people die before 2030 or even before 2025, these next few years, as cryptocurrencies rise so much in the 2020s especially.

United Nations admits hundreds of millions of people in third world countries are on the verge of starvation due to the 2020 lockdowns which continue into 2021 and beyond, the UN and others have said lockdowns must end and yet they continue them and more and more people die as they are not allowed to sell, to earn money, to own land, to own animals, to own plants, to grow food, to make money, to buy food, and that leads to not having food which means starving to death.

Hunger Games is based on Agenda 21, on what the globalists are doing in creating Super Cities, a Mad Max kind of world outside of the Walled Matrix Wall-E Smart Kingdoms.

Circuit Judge Dale C. Cohen stole a child from a mother via a bad ruling. THe mother was not wearing a mask. That is it.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

People Dying All Around You

2021-03-26 - Friday - 02:22 PM - Covid Log - Gab

People will be dying all around you the next few years but they'll try to lie about why and how they died. They will try their best to cover up the fact that people are dying mostly because people taking the Covid Vaccines and also because they're already not healthy. Over 20 million Americans may be dead or close to it in the next few months especially because of the jab. Our job is to help people see these lies before people continue to die more and more to help wake up more and more people as millions to billions of people die before 2030 or even before 2025, these next few years, as cryptocurrencies rise so much in the 2020s especially.

Lockdowns Murder People

2021-03-26 - Friday - 03:14 PM - Covid Log - Gab

United Nations admits hundreds of millions of people in third world countries are on the verge of starvation due to the 2020 lockdowns which continue into 2021 and beyond, the UN and others have said lockdowns must end and yet they continue them and more and more people die as they are not allowed to sell, to earn money, to own land, to own animals, to own plants, to grow food, to make money, to buy food, and that leads to not having food which means starving to death.

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08:41 PM - Facebook put me on timeout for a day. I was a bad boy.
09:16 PM - Is it foodist if I were to say I like eating oatmeal and tacos?

Shoplifting is legal in California?

2021-03-26 - Friday - 09:26 PM - Globalism Log - Facebook

Xel Lent, California has these crazy laws regarding how much in value a person has to steal before the stores are allowed to press charges legally. It sometimes depends on the judges, the laws, the police. They will sometimes say that the people are so poor and we have to be nice to them if they stealing less than like a thousand dollars worth of items or the exact number may be different in different places. Walmart can handle it but it is one of the things that has been pushing many businesses towards bankruptcy for many years now, and that is before the lockdown in 2020 as well.

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01:00 PM
Alcohol prohibition is still in America in that they try to stop farmers from making their own Moon Shine or things made out of grain and other things which can be used to fuel tractors and a variety of things. Big Oil is probably happy about that.

Water & Power

11:25 PM - Hive

Would it be possible for you to get solar power or water power or anything else that could be alternative like a backup or as a primary source for electricity?

Finding Water Inside SOuls

11:41 PM - Hive

You're an inspiration, the best kind of people are always moving like a river staying fresh, we are just like water and that is always exciting.

When water sits still too long, it becomes too warm, stale, old, lukewarm, dirty; people are like that and I love how you said people who knew you may not know you are now.

I've gone through changes in my life and it is kind of like climbing a mountain, your post here is a beautiful one for too many reasons, inspiration attracts people; and life is exciting when we are moving like rivers.

That is why I love how you say life is too short to not have fun. There is so much you bring to the world, you are on fire. I can write forever myself. I mostly love oatmeal. I also eat raw garlic because it is super. And I want to be super hahahaha but seriously yeah.

Business & Priorities

11:51 PM - Hive

In regards to number six, it is crucial to at least be aware of the rotten apples as a starting point, to write down, to pray, to tell a friend, to meditate, or something. Breathing in and out slowly can help when taking the time to evaluate people and problems.

Sometimes, you have to step back in order to assess priorities in life and it may not always be that we should run away from the bad apples but more so we should be running towards the kinds of people we want to invest in. Oh, by the way, I love number seven, that word lubrication is funny and on point, I love it.

Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Umbrella Academy

2021-03-26 - Friday - 02:09 AM - 02:56 AM - The Umbrella Academy 205

Pogo Monkey trials. Pogo goes to space. Pogo was like a son to them. He shanked his heart. Daddy didn't like how bad he smelled. Gypsy girl is attractive. One of the things I like most about this show is when they are dancing. My favorite character might be Seven or at least when she is dancing and her style.

2021-03-26 - Friday - 03:00 AM - 03:48 AM - The Umbrella Academy 206

They paint white men as monsters chasing the black girl. No more number one, number two, etc. It is now Team Zero. I am a fraud. They all say it as he started the cult. Dad knew the youngest was really the oldest or was the most sensible one.

2021-03-26 - Friday - 03:48 AM - 04:34 AM - The Umbrella Academy 207

Seven goes to 1982 to kill the board who meet at secret places and times. It looks like he did it, he killed the fish man last. Ben has style. He used a cow disease as an analogy for how homosexuality is a disease. He aint wrong. But not exactly a disease. Seven was told to kill the board and get freedom back. They were given 90 minutes to come together so they can go back to 2019. They didn't all make it back in time. Kind of like Back to the Future two and three when Doc missed the jump twice, one per movie.

Health Ranger

10:46 AM - Situation Update, Mar 26, 2021 - Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs

They're giving vaccine passports to those who are ticking disease bombs.

The silly nose masks.

If you want to die, just eat donuts and get vaccinated.

Somebody in response to that is giving people free gym membership if they refuse to get the Covid Vaccine.

Vitamin D halts 4 out of 5 Covid death.

It is illegal to wear a mask and a gun at the same time in Texas, it's against the law there to carry a gun and a mask at the same time, it's against the law to cover up your face like that while carrying a concealed weapon.

In the future, if the elite goes into caves, many of them may get sick if they're vaccinated, if they're down there for years. They'd go underground if things got bad enough, if meteors were falling from the sky, if there were terrible things happening all around world, natural disasters, etc. When they come back up to the surface, they'll try to murder the survivors who are actually tougher at that point.

Be ready to live without power very soon.

Strong healthy people cannot go back to college, only weak vaccinated retarded people can get back into school the fall of 2021.

Debris. Aliens.

Black people in California getting free money like $500 a week or month and white people nope.

Plumbers, electricians, booked for months or longer, a waiting list as few are willing to work, free money encourages people not to work.

Miscarriages are up after the Covid Vaccines in England especially.

People will be dying all around you the next few years but they'll try to lie about why and how they died. They will try their best to cover up the fact that people are dying mostly because people taking the Covid Vaccines and also because they're already not healthy. Our job is to help people see these lies before people continue to die more and more to help wake up more and more people as millions to billions of people die before 2030 or even before 2025, these next few years, as cryptocurrencies rise so much in the 2020s especially.

02:31 PM
Taking the Covid Vaccine increases your risk of death by over 100 times. You increase your chances of living via essential vitamins, zinc, etc, by so much. Many people have trouble understand math, percentages, statistics, meaning this kind of information can go in one ear and out the other.

On the tombstones of billions of people very soon, "I survived Covid but not its vaccines. But I did it for the greater good."

Why don't you get a Health Passport if you defeat Covid on your own without a vaccine?

Ron Gibson


Moderna Arm is when you get the Moderna Covid Vaccine and your arm almost dies, almost falls off.

They don't want to admit they were conned.

ISIS eats hearts, terrible monsters traffick women and children into America to rape, murder, eat, etc.

United Nations admits hundreds of millions of people in third world countries are on the verge of starvation due to the 2020 lockdowns which continue into 2021 and beyond, the UN and others have said lockdowns must end and yet they continue them and more and more people die as they are not allowed to sell, to earn money, to own land, to own animals, to own plants, to grow food, to make money, to buy food, and that leads to not having food which means starving to death.

Pakistan, eating people literally.

03:20 PM
Hunger Games is based on Agenda 21, on what the globalists are doing in creating Super Cities, a Mad Max kind of world outside of the Walled Matrix Wall-E Smart Kingdoms.

04:33 PM
Cuba was doing so good but communism killed that. Same thing with Venezuela.

Biden will never get my guns, I keep them upstairs.

05:18 PM
Money may go the way of the music world and how that changed around 2000 with the Internet and the technology that was able to compete with how music was previously distributed.

05:34 PM
I am not going to say other cryptos cannot ever do better than BTC Bitcoin, meaning I disagree with Max Keiser in the speculation of the future, but I agree Bitcoin is still the biggest. BTC may not be the best in every way but it appears to be very good for many things and yet there has been a debate between BTC and Bitcoin Cash and others. I agree people whom are new to cryptocurrencies should most likely start with BTC as a good starting point and they should probably consider investing long-term as opposed to excessive day-trading between coins, currencies, cryptos, stocks, etc, people should invest in BTC and hold onto it for ten years or a long period of time, maybe even longer than ten years before selling, before using the money, before spending any of it or too much of it in transactions. Can quantum computers try to hack into encryption? Secret alien tech perhaps but not really anything that the general public is aware of could as of right now is how it looks or it would take thousands of years for large computers to crack the codes they say, it appears to be very difficult to crack the encryption. BTC appears to be very safe and very hard to hack into if not impossible. Perhaps if you had trillions of dollars, you could make giant computers to hack in in order to get like a thousand dollars out of somebody's wallet. But why lose money to steal a smaller amount of money? But Mike Adams is right in the value of land and other things.

Circuit Judge Dale C. Cohen stole a child from mother MELANIE JOSEPH via a bad ruling. The mother was not wearing a mask. That is it.

Hookers die in spas in Atlanta.

Judge Cohen told mother Melanie Joseph she must wear a mask in her own home or she cannot have custody of her own daughter.

The Umbrella Academy

2021-03-26 - Friday - 09:48 PM - 10:34 PM - The Umbrella Academy 208

Seven is in like jail. She is being questioned or held or whatever. They try to make the FBI look good and bad at the same time. They try to go after communism but in a crazy bad way. Communism is bad but the way they display it in this show would make you question and doubt that. The Commission video. She ends up causing the end of the world again. JFK does not die on that timeline but thought USSR attacked. So, America fired back causing a nuclear war which means just like the time the dinosaurs went bye bye or so they say kind of thing. I love the violin in the credits during the closing theme song, the violin comes in near the end of the song and it is so good.

2021-03-26 - Friday - 10:42 PM - 11:22 PM - The Umbrella Academy 209

Will they save the world? Stay tune to find out. Vonya. Ben enters her. The autistic boy deflected the bullet. FIve killed my parents. No. Your fake mom did. But she accuses Five of being the puppet master which she actually is which must be how Soros and others get their puppets to do things. The dad turns out to be an alien. He attacks or possibly eats us the deep state people involved in killing JFK. The leader of time says we are going to war.

Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

The Umbrella Academy

2021-03-26 - Friday - 02:09 AM - 02:56 AM - The Umbrella Academy 205
2021-03-26 - Friday - 03:00 AM - 03:48 AM - The Umbrella Academy 206
2021-03-26 - Friday - 03:48 AM - 04:34 AM - The Umbrella Academy 207

Health Ranger

10:46 AM - Situation Update, Mar 26, 2021 - Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs

Ron Gibson



06:36 PM - IGP5 00226 — JFK JR. IS STILL WITH US

The Umbrella Academy

2021-03-26 - Friday - 09:48 PM - 10:34 PM - The Umbrella Academy 208
2021-03-26 - Friday - 10:42 PM - 11:22 PM - The Umbrella Academy 209


2021-03-26 - Friday - Chores Log

Dear diary, got up at 10:35 AM. My dream probably had something to do with The Umbrella Academy. I'm having trouble remembering it right now. Dishes, vacuum, compost, around 11 AM to 01:30 PM, then was hooking the living room VCR DVD combo player to the combo player recorder in my room as I was having issues yesterday, see yesterday for more details, it's now 1:38 PM. Spread fertilizer outside, other side of this wall where peas were across from potatoes which I marked with rocks like as if they died there I joked, that was around 1 PM or so. Dishes around 7 or so. Continued my VHS to DVD project all day.

Food Log

2021-03-26 - Friday - Food Log

Breakfast: oatmeal, banana, 10:45 AM. Lunch: soup stuff, chicken, 3:40 PM. Dinner: more soup, 8 PM. A bagel.


03:30 PM, I got an envelope back, it said return to sender for postage. It had a stamp. Same thing happened a few months earlier. I don't know what is happening.

Videos to DVD

I worked on this project today, off and on all day, see log for more info.

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