How Did Your Valentin's Special Edition Earnings Go?

in ulog •  4 years ago 

This is specifically for Valentin's Special Edition NFT from @risingstargame that turned out to be better in stats are harder to get than the earlier special editions made for the holidays. This was mainly due to the event running for a smaller time period. Today is the final day.

I was buying packs to see if I can manage to get a S14 Romeo card. It was not a success. I did not manage to get a card because they were much more expensive than their current price.

The prices have come down after the limited edition instruments have been minted. Congratulations to all who managed to get S14 Romeo because it is about twice as rare as the other seasonal cards:

I wanted to buy a card. But my liquidity was ruined thanks to @splinterlands and @leofinance getting their airdrops ready. At the end of the day they were all great investments. I'm happy with what I manged to get for myself so far within the HIVE ecosystem.

I'm currently at Level 61. You can start playing the game at

There Are Few More Days Left

If you are lucky, you can get your hands on some very rare crypto collectibles.

  • I Got One S15 Love Machine Card

  • I Got Multiple S15 Love Machine Cards

  • I Got One S16 Heart Beater Card

  • I Got Multiple S16 Heart Beater Cards

  • I Only Managed To Get S14 Romeo From A Pack

  • I Only Managed To Buy S14 Romeo

  • I Was Not Able To Participate In "All You Need Is Love" Mission

Answer the question at

Suggestion For BLURT

A decentralized polling DAPP could be a great addition to BLURT. I have seen some DAPPs that let users answer polls and earn tokens. Even dpoll on HIVE is not on anyone's radar except the a small group of users coming from the STEEM days.

I'm not a developer myself. But I don't think it will be too difficult to develop for BLURT. The code is already open source at

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