Blurt Proposal - Seeking A Delegation From Blurt, To Bring Ulogging On Blurt.

in ulog •  4 years ago 

I would like to use this publication to propose to the Blurt household (and @socialgraph). I seek a delegation of 1,000,000 Blurt-power to help with growing 'communities' on Blurt. Where approved, i would like the delegation for an account called '@blurtulogs'. Where unapproved, i would not mind a small delegation to my main account '@surpassinggoogle', which will help me have more impact in reaching more people with my curation efforts on Blurt.

I am creating this proposal today because it is timely. Among other things, i have a physical hub rented in the Philippines where i intend to gather people daily, to build and move together. The hub hasn't started fully because internet setup has stalled due to a restoration of lock-down but that will adjust soon and the hub will set into motion. This will give me more impact.

I would like to help grow Blurt, especially because it rendezvous humans and incites them to evolve. According to me, the most testimonial use for blockchain is 'returning value to humans' and i want to help actively in that regard. 

One way i have done so till date is via the 'art of curation'. Via curation, i am able to pay attention to humans, in a bid to reach and celebrate them. 

I have also created a form of content called 'ulogs', a simple form of content that i am hoping becomes known to the world. Thus, i would like to bring the 'art of ulogging' onto Blurt, that people can ulog on #ulog.

Blurt fits with Ulogs because Blurt doesn't have a downvote button and Ulogs are plagiarism-free!

What are Ulogs?  A ulog is a form of content spanning across any topic or niche, that is created 'fresh' at every instance (i.e without resourcing from that internet), composed entirely of ‘excerpts of U’.

e.g when creating a ulog about 'cryptocurrency', each excerpt of your ulog, whether 'meme, image, photograph, gif, text etc', should have been created 'fresh', by YOU, without resourcing from the internet, born solely out of events, experiences, feelings, sentiments, moments derived from a particular day.

The art of creating ulogs is called 'ulogging'. Underlyingly, the art of ulogging is based on 'mining the human'.

A ulog can also be used in terms of 'a web-space made up of ulogs'. Similar to how one would say, "i have a blog" or "i have a vlog"; one can say, "i have a ulog". 

A ulog possesses tenets that allows content-creators to 'consciously evolve their human', while reshaping the internet.

The letter 'u' seen in the word 'ulog', is synonymous to 'you'. A ulog created today should not have existed anywhere on the internet yesterday. 

Here are some of the things i have done in the past, that provides me with some experience, applicable today in my bid to participate actively in Blurt growth:

  • I have created many successful tags (e.g #steemgigs #untalented #teardrops etc), starting on Steem, with one tag i.e '#ulog' emanating 50K posts and 179K comments after the first 6-months of its inception and used by more than 5500 steemians. (See some stat!)
  • I have held and managed a delegation on 500,000 Steem power for one year. With it, i was able to reach thousands of people. Here are old some stats capturing a few weeks during my delegation:

  • I was a witness on steem and hive for more than two years, with much of witness efforts directed towards 'community growth'. I have played a role in many communities e.g Nigeria, Philippines, USA, Venezuela, India etc. (I am now only a witness on Blurt, with 'surpassinggoogle'.)
  • I have been on Steem/Hive/Blurt for 4 years and stayed, whether bulls or bears.
  • I have met with steemians in various meetups and at Steemfest once, where i was privileged to speak:

My Focus For Curation On Blurt.

I will focus especially on growing #ulog and every ulog-based tag that i initiate e.g #cryptoulog, #ulog-blurt, ulog-gigs etc. 

At the start, my main focus is '#ulog', the umbrella tag. 

I will simply invite people outside of Blurt to come ulog on Blurt and create awareness among Blurt-users to the 'art of ulogging' on #ulog.

A good place to start at is from my discord server and my 'Ulogs' communities on Steem and Hive.

Some Background To My Curation Style, Why I Have Chosen To Curate #Ulog And Why I Would Like To Bring The Ulogging Movement On Blurt.

The content-base of the internet (i.e ‘blogs’ and ‘vlogs’) have a certain ‘perfection’ element to it. ‘Not everyone deem themselves capable of blogging or vlogging’. These tangible 'human activities' have barriers-to-entry, by internet-standards. It has not been for every(any)one.

On this basis, we have an internet whereupon many questions stay un-asked, whereupon so much information isn't documented, whereupon the same content stays relevant over the course of time. This suddenly means that we have evolved by virtue of an 'internet' (information) that isn't whole. Our internet, in the face of its advancement, has been underlyingly static.

If the internet today, serves you ‘the address to the nearest ATM’ for the search-query ‘money’, it may be labeled ‘a dumb internet’. By the current 'internet-standards' (based on blogs and vlogs), 'content is king'.

Alas, where the internet can begin to provide such human-driven dynamic answers, i see ‘advancement’; an internet now made up of 'blogs, ulogs and vlogs', whereupon 'content can be queen' too.

While everyone should have a blog or a vlog, not everyone does. By means of ulogging, every(any)one can now participate in the art of content-creation.

But how about 'content-curation and content-promotion'? Aren't these tangible content-related human activities too? Do these activities have 'barriers to entry' today?

Then came 'blockchain technology'; an accessible public ledger with a reward-distribution mechanism and it began to reveal, document and highlight the value of 'content-curation and content-promotion', not only as 'tangible human activities' but also in the evolution of the internet (information). Prior to its advent, much of the 'value' related to 'content' have been given to 'content-creation'.

Today's internet (made up of blogs and vlogs) has been modeled to celebrates content-creators, 'the perfect content-creator'.

Relegating the value of 'content-curation and content-promotion' in the evolution of 'content', blogs and vlogs have maintained a certain complex nature, neither curate-able or promote-able by everyone. For instance, not everyone can curate or promote a blog or vlog about 'cryptocurrency'. For many, 'cryptocurrency' is a complex topic; difficult to consume, let alone curate or promote.

On the other hand, a cryptocurrency-related ulog (i.e a cryptoulog) is curate-able and promote-able by everyone. Possessing of a 'U' (You) element; a ulog is relatable to any human, regardless of its topic or niche.

In eventuality, people curate and promote 'content' that has been deemed 'popular' by say 'millions' (people) as opposed to 'billions' and even algorithmically, we are left with an internet that is static, one filled with fewer humans; a complex ecosphere, whereupon humans can't relate and bots suddenly have more say.

It is not a coincidence either, that we have an internet, that constantly relegates 'humans' to the position of 'clients'; where 'blogs and vlogs' (information) constitute 'valuable product'. Alas, an internet, where 'bots, rich cats, virtual babies, pokemon' dominate.

Some can't find their place on today's internet, leaving it altogether or looking for outlets besides it.

Blockchain helped matters!

While blockchain technology can play a giant role in creating a dynamic internet, it is beginning to lose its potency in this regard.

Have we really managed to create a ‘new internet’ since the advent of blockchain, one that removes the ‘barriers’ present in our current internet?

One can quickly say “internet 3.0”, which is a great start but when you look more intently, even ‘internet 3.0’ is underlyingly static. Curbed it is by the same underlying ‘barriers’ inherent to conventional internet. Based it has been on 'blogs and vlogs', the basis for conventional internet.

Over the course of time, even in the presence of blockchain/cryptocurrency, we begin to shift back towards paradigms that the mainstream internet has deemed popular.

Yes, while we can now have an internet that is un-censorable by virtue of blockchain technology, we have maintained the content-base of the mainstream internet; that made up of ‘blogs and vlogs’, forms of content that is quite static.

Current internet seems to recycle information, constantly referencing information that has grown popular over time.

In general, i have interacted with the internet in a bid to identify what truly exists of it; the barriers, the illusionary barriers, its depth etc. I do this to eventually affect the advancement of the internet, using some of my innovations. Amidst a large span of barriers that have limited my interaction with the internet over the years, one being 'my IP-location', i began to develop unconventional ways of interacting with the internet ('surpassinggoogle') in a bid to remove these barriers for me and others and ulogging my way through, without even knowing the term 'blockchain', i found blockchain!

The first such blockchain that i had found was on '', a content-based social media platform.

Upon the Steem blockchain, my quest for a 'new internet' continued. According to me, a public ledger that rendezvous humans, possessing of a reward-distribution mechanism that incites humans to incessantly evolve must be 'powerful', powerful things than 'a revolutionary tech' or 'another comfort tool'.

Like i did with my internet-interactions, i began to interact with 'blockchain' in unconventional ways, using it too as 'CCTV into the true state of the world'.

Valuing the 'evolution of humans' (spiritual) incessantly documented on this bare, immutable blockchain, I began to see even spiritual revelations. By virtue of how i interacted with 'blockchain', the Steem blockchain and 'blockchain' in general was no longer 'a tech'. More testimonial and un-ordinary it can become, if applied as a tool towards 'returning value to humans'.

I set into motion!

First, 'content' (human data) and its related activities, which is at the core of 'blockchain', must leave the ranks of 'ordinary' and should be celebrated (rewarded) as such. That said, 'content' (mine and that of others) was 'un-ordinary' to me and i treated it as such.

Note that the Steem blockchain, rewards 'content' using a reward distribution mechanism called 'proof of brain', where 'upvotes' (likes) rewards 'quality content' and 'downvotes' (dislikes) removes rewards from 'content' deemed to be of low quality.

While others may have assessed my content as 'ordinary' and measured its quality in terms of 'financial rewards', i measured my content, in terms of 'real human growth' and applied my content-creation to that effect.

'Content-creation' constituted a spiritual venture to me, me attempting to marvel myself, exerting my human virtues, exerting my human senses, tapping into my deep aspects, tapping into my shine etc in a bid to incite evolution in others, appealing to their soft-spot, attracting even their spirit. Before knowing it, i was ulogging. This affected how i interacted with content from others and eventually, how i curated 'content' as i will highlight later.

You can't put a monetary price on a ulog; it is quite un-ordinary; it is quite human! It's priced in terms of 'mining the human'.

As a result, you can't celebrate/reward a ulog sufficiently/efficiently, using a 'proof of brain' reward mechanism, for a ulog is designed to prove other aspects of human, besides 'just brain'. Besides, if you measure its value using the same fanciful perhaps superficial standards for 'blogs and vlogs', you may consider it of low-quality.

Now, a 'proof of brain' model was fit for 'blogs and vlogs' but not everyone could blog or vlog and this became more evident, as i undertook the art of curation. If you look at some stats here, you will notice that i was able to reach thousands of people with 'a like' over the course of several years. However, curation for me, wasn't simply a means to 'like' content, predict its quality and improve its visibility. It was more powerful art!

Even manually, i began to evolve an unconventional style to curation called 'proof of tears'.

Considering content as 'un-ordinary', interested more in the 'u' (you) behind these content, i looked for things beyond 'quality'. I would seek out, celebrate and reward, other facets of 'content', than just its 'proof of brain'.

Yes, before the advent and establishment of 'proof of tears' as a reward-distribution model, that which now powers all my projects, i had began to implement this model within my simple art of curation, allowing me to reward 'content' (that another may have deemed 'low quality') for things like 'effort, passion, mentality etc'.

To me, humans are un-ordinary. As a result, 'content', that created by humans, is un-ordinary.

Based on my experience with curation, it became obvious that 'content-promotion' was an important aspect of content evolution. Besides, it was a tangible human activity. In my conscious effort to 'mine my human' using the art of curation, i would go a step further into promoting this content. In my approach, i could promote content, however complex because i was looking past 'quality'. On this note, i could consume content, regardless of its niche or complexity, enabling me to promote it. This isn't the case for many others.

It became established, even with the luxury of 'blockchain', not everyone experienced the luxury of participating in 'content-creation, content-curation and content-promotion'. These are tangible human activities that everyone should be capable of participating in, for 'knowledge' to be made whole. 'Ulogs' started to formulate!

Too, tangible human activities like 'content-creation, content-curation, content-promotion', can constitute avenues for humans to consciously 'mine their human' (ulogging).

While, 'proof of brain' (blogging or vlogging) forms the basis for the Steem blockchain's reward-distribution mechanism, it was obvious that even subconsciously, people where 'mining their human', exerting other human virtues besides 'the brain'. These blockchain users where gradually becoming reputable great minds too. To celebrate these tangible aspects of content too, the 'proof of tears' reward-model, started to formulate, seeking to reward activities that 'mine the human'.

Many other things became clearer too as more history formed. To gain unadulterated feedback leading up to the establishment of '#ulog', I had started '#untalented', with an introductory contest called Who Are You and for among the first times in the history of the Steem blockchain, this contest produced more than '1000 post-entries'. Everyone could participate. Without promise of financial rewards, people simply wanted to 'mine their human'. Less complex, easy-to-consume, within a few days, i was able to curate these 1000 post-entries too, reaching each of 1000 humans, with a timely heartfelt, even spiritual 'like' as the concept of 'ulogs' was formed, with especial insight from above.

When ulogs are involved, curation had more directional potency. With that simple 'like' action, you can encode a directional message, caring in the process about the 'u' (You) behind the content. Caring to spark 'evolution' (mining the human) among recipients of your vote, you begin to care about how you deliver your vote, factoring other tangible elements into your 'vote' like 'timeliness', interaction (vote + comment), celebration (vote + promotion) etc.

As mentioned earlier, on the Steem blockchain, there is another vote action called a 'downvote'. This is an important element of the 'proof of brain' model, modeled for 'blogs and vlogs' (forms of content measurable today, in terms of 'quality'.). This was the conventional (popular) solution for things like 'plagiarism, copyright infringement etc'.

Even though i was in the midst of this comfort (downvote) tool, an easy-to-use boolean button for say 'plagiarism' etc on the Steem blockchain, i had decided to 'mine my human' as i formulated a solution, an approach that has led to the formulation of 'ulogs'. Blurt fits with Ulogs because Blurt doesn't have a downvote button and Ulogs are plagiarism-free!

In eventuality, we have created a blockchain-born innovation called ‘ulogs’, a content-form that can spearhead the basis for a 'new internet'. (Read more about my unconventional interaction with blockchain here!)

In the grand scheme of things, ulogging is an entire paradigm, an entire culture, premised around 'mining the human'. This way humans, can tap into their shine and emit the resulting light. Then, we can reward the resulting 'breakthrough in human' using a 'proof of tears' model and an eventual digital currency called 'TEARDROPS'.

Read more!

My Approach To Curation

My approach focuses on 'returning value to humans' and accomplishing this entails that i spread my curation efforts across a wide span of unique authors. 

I also make use of a 'directional curation-style', one that takes into account other factors like 'timeliness, effort, value etc.' besides just 'content quality'. My curation also involves 'comments, reblurts, promotion etc.'

Others things i would do besides curation:

  • Dynamically create directional ulog-related initiatives and contests, to incite action, create buzz, emanate the shine of humans, celebrate humans.
  • Dedicate specific contests to incite participants to celebrate the people behind Blurt, incites them to become true fans of what Blurt represents.
  • Explore and propagate other forms of 'rewards' besides 'just money'.
  • etc.

Why I Think I Will Make A Good Curator On Blurt?

Besides my experience with curation on Steem/Hive as reiterated earlier, i know the unique value of Blurt's 'proof of brain' to the overall success of Blurt. Mostly used as a reward-distribution mechanism, curation can also be used as a mentality-adjuster. It can be used to reward 'value', bigger things than 'just content'. When used right, curation can play out entire curriculums, incite the innovation of unique Blurt-born innovations/initiatives, stir a network effect, provide insight into the underlying voice of the community etc. Where used aright, curation can also used to stir autonomous 'Blurt growth', one that stems from the inside out and that is organic and long-lasting.

I have used and explored the 'art of curation' to all the aforementioned effects, with great impact. One of my applications for the Blurt blockchain is 'returning value to human' and my explorative use of the 'art of curation' enables me to do just so. I love to curate, whether bulls or bears, for also by its means, i can reach humans. Via my simple art of curation, i want to reach as many humans as possible on Blurt.

What I Seek?

I seek a delegation of 1,000,000 Blurt-power to help with growing 'communities' on Blurt. Where approved, i would like the delegation for an account called '@blurtulogs'. Where unapproved, i would not mind a small delegation to my main account '@surpassinggoogle', which will help me have more impact in reaching more people with my curation efforts on Blurt.

Your Boy Terry


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I really like the ulog concept and think that a lot of my content follows this because it consists of fresh pictures I take each day as well as my daily thoughts and activities. I usually post this under #actifit.

Some of the Actifit posts are minimal efforts and thus this tag has been eliminated from curation by some people. I was just wondering what your thoughts were about mixing ulog and actifit?

I do hope you get your delegation it is a wonderful concept.

That all works. Actifit was one of the tags that incorporated actifit. Normally, there used to be ulog-subtags under the umbrella tag #ulog. Yes, people always post their actifit posts to #ulog. On hive and steem though, i shifted to communities since they started the community feature. So i curate on the ulogs community but here, since it is still tags, i will curate #ulog. Even if i don't get delegation, i will curate it still as my power grows but a delegation will help me be more impactful in having others ulog. Yes, i see your posts. I call those ulography but all that will pan out when eventually ulogs have their own platform. Thank you for your feedback as well. Currently i am posting something about a project i am trying to work on. I am on part 5 now, here on blurt. If you read it, you will understand better what ulogs are. It is still in draft form, so i will still edit it into one giant article to make it concise, then create like a paper out of it

Thank you alot again. I hope 'ulog' become popular even as a word. Many things will come out of it, even something eventually like say terry.ulog, similar to how there is

Hi @lightsplasher, how are you? I would like to ask a special and very timely favor of you. I have written a provisional colorlesspaper for 'cryptoulogs' and i would like you to read it. It is 65 mins read and you can find it here:
Please be invested in reading it, as i would like you to consider providing me with feedback in a video. This require some self-sacrifice on your part, towards me.
Particularly, i will like your feedback on the 'tokenomics' among other things. As especially, i would like you to ask as many questions as possible about the project, which i will answer you in turn, in a response video.
I would appreciate a video response primarily, that i may better peer into your insight.
I say 'timely favor' because among other things, i am very ill and i take care of my dad (24/7) who is ill. I treasure this project as it is valuable in the scheme of my affairs, leading up to my 'primary projects', which i will need to recover in health to undertake.
I will value your feedback ginormously and i won't forget it. I will look to help you in return.
Assuming you are public figure, you can do a video that doesn't show your face. If 'audio' isn't an option, you can write a publication and send me the link.
To provide me with a copy of the video, you can send it via google-drive to '[email protected]'. I will be adding your video to a compilation of videos, combining my response to it. When published, you can find it on UloggersTV (
In your participation, 'timeliness' is of most pertinence. Incase, you don't understand portions of the post, perhaps because of my 'ulogging' approach to writing it, kindly ask as many questions as you have, which i will answer in a return-video.
Your boy Terry
You can also send this memo to others, who you think can participate.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I believe #ulog and #blurt make the perfect fit.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Sounds like a great initiative. I do not have as large a following on blurt as I do on the other two platforms, but I will try and mention your initiative in my next publication, and use the tag #ulog. This could potentially help a lot of users.

Hi bro, how are you? I would like to ask a special and very timely favor of you. I have written a provisional colorlesspaper for 'cryptoulogs' and i would like you to read it. It is 65 mins read and you can find it here:
Please be invested in reading it, as i would like you to consider providing me with feedback in a video. This require some self-sacrifice on your part, towards me.
Particularly, i will like your feedback on the 'tokenomics' among other things. As especially, i would like you to ask as many questions as possible about the project, which i will answer you in turn, in a response video.
I would appreciate a video response primarily, that i may better peer into your insight.
I say 'timely favor' because among other things, i am very ill and i take care of my dad (24/7) who is ill. I treasure this project as it is valuable in the scheme of my affairs, leading up to my 'primary projects', which i will need to recover in health to undertake.
I will value your feedback ginormously and i won't forget it. I will look to help you in return.
Assuming you are public figure, you can do a video that doesn't show your face. If 'audio' isn't an option, you can write a publication and send me the link.
To provide me with a copy of the video, you can send it via google-drive to '[email protected]'. I will be adding your video to a compilation of videos, combining my response to it. When published, you can find it on UloggersTV (
In your participation, 'timeliness' is of most pertinence. Incase, you don't understand portions of the post, perhaps because of my 'ulogging' approach to writing it, kindly ask as many questions as you have, which i will answer in a return-video.
Your boy Terry
You can also send this memo to others, who you think can participate.