A few words about the national flower Shapla

in ulog •  4 years ago 

Image source@Shagor AhamedCanal-beel, haor-baor, doba, dighi, pond country in Bangladesh. The name of the flower that grabs the attention of the people of rural Bengal in these water bodies is Shapla. This water lily is our national flower. Almost all the countries of the world give special status to one or more flowers. Cherries with Japan and roses with Iran have become almost united. Some countries have identified flowers as national flowers. Such as the rose of England, the lotus of India. Similarly, white water lily has got the status of national flower in Bangladesh.

Image source@Shagor AhamedIn Bangladesh, haor-baor-beel, dighi, ponds are all over the place during the monsoon season. Shuffler is abundant in the rainy season. However, water lilies can be seen in different ponds throughout the year. In winter, the water lilies die in the beel-bamore and merge into the ground. Only the original survives. As soon as it rains, new trees grow from the roots and in the rainy season, the tip of the shuffler grows with the water and this handsome water lily grows on the water.
Image source@Shagor AhamedShapla is a lotus flower. It blooms on the bar.

These flowers and stamens have a few petals, with yellow pollen in the middle.

A few thin stalks come out from the same root and match the huge green leaves on the water.

There is no region in Bangladesh where water lilies are not seen.

When innumerable water lilies bloom in the crystal clear water, they can be compared to twinkling stars.

Many people like to eat shuffler stalks as vegetables.

Shapla flowers are full of canals, ditches and ponds.

Shapla has been considered as our national flower as it has illuminated Bangladesh with its unique beauty

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