What Do You think about Scott Ritter's comments on the Ukraine?

in ukraine •  2 years ago 

I just watched this video, shared by @arabisouri, it has some interesting perspectives in it and I am wondering what people think about the sentiment put forward by Scott Ritter.

Quotes from the Interview;

"we (NATO) do not care about you enough to die for you ... your job is to die for us as along as this war against russia is on Ukrainian soil" - Scott Ritter

"If you (Ukraine) loose the war against Russia, Poland will close its border to you considering your a pro-russian state, you will experience alienation from the west" - Scott Ritter


I have not been enjoying the news I have heard from the Ukraine on either side, if this is the case that we are not going to assisst in the case of ukraines loss, should we consider abandoning the Ukraine to Russia?

Are we NATO nations willing to send our own blood to spill for the Ukraine?

Are you willing to die for the Ukraine?

Lets discuss the divisive narrative about the future of the Ukraine.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

NATO is guilty for many things against russia and could very will be the main cause of this clown show.

As for what Scott Ritter says is unimportant to me. Energy goes where attention goes and they get power only when they have someone who obeys them blindly.

In every place in this cult ridden world, is facing their own problems in various degrees of tyranny.

Middle east is making their 15 minute slave cities in a line near the imaginary enforced lines. Ironically calling it, "the line". Will have two outer reflecting walls with the city inbetween. Is this where humanity will be forced to stay? What then when they shut the walls so none get out for "their protection"

The truth is, we are all living in a slave plantation field and where absolute freedom is an illusion.

Am I willing to die for Ukraine? What is that anyways? Why should I have to die for what the masses invest and impede upon themselves?
These are the consequences for turning a blind eye on the rulers that illegitimately be, and now the rest of the world has to sacrifice for their safety?

Dear Ukraine,
give up faith. Help is not coming unless the world sees they are in trouble too. And usually "help" if it comes from the "government" will only be self help. An opportunity to be the next throne sitting king. Not to, "protect" and "defend" its inhabitants but to take part in the opportunity to rape your lands.

Understand that the rest of the world is under mind control and obedient to their enslavers. The only aid you will recieve is that which keeps the war going untill there is no more profit from the creation of war. And right now, business is good.

The best way to help, imo is by not. Time to put hands in your pocket and hold off your own.

I don't like any bit about going to war or killing for that matter. It's too easy to kill.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...well summarised matey.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I really hope to see NATO defunded when some rational people are in control of that funding.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have no answers on that , i am not we , i am not NATO a NATO state or a emotional blue yellow flag waving snowflake living in a western NATO country . I only can give my own objective opinion as a independent sovereign entity .

I am me , i am against all war , war just does not bring any good to the fields . I will not die for any country , i will die for peace ,.. to finally find it .

Are we NATO nations willing to send our own blood to spill for the Ukraine?

I don't think they are , despite many yellow/blue lgtbq+ waving people are screaming to send in the troops , non of them is willing to give there own lives for it by actually joining the fight as a soldier .
250 of the ones that did are still buried under the rumble of there barracks , where they found out the hard way , posting selfies of all colorful badges on your uniform will activate a accurate Russian precision bombing . And that really messes up your ability to update your social media status .

If NATO send's in "the" troops from country's it rules , global war will start again , NATO only needs this narrative to keep the fear for this going among the people , to keep the weapon deals flowing . NATO is not ready for a global war ,. not yet .
Ukraine is just a sacrifice for the profit of just a few .

I agree one this with Scott R. , stop the war now and start peace talks , or loose it all . Send Zellenski on a one way trip to London and invite the Russians to the table . If it isn't already to late .

Peace to all .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Peace talks indeed!