Funeral. Tank

in ukraine •  last year 

On Saturday, May 6, 2023, we are going to a funeral in the village of Demkivka, Haysynskyi district, Vinnytsia region. We drive to Uman along the Odesa highway. Of course, like most roads from Kyiv, this road brings back memories, for example how I once went to Butsky Canyon, how I went to Uman, and to Cherkasy region. Unfortunately, now there is a completely different reason for traveling.

Vitaliy Ivanovych ROZNYUK - "Tank" - sergeant under contract, sapper instructor of the 1st branch of the 2nd special purpose reconnaissance combat group of the separate special purpose unit "Azov". Died in Azovstal, a year ago...

A lot of people came to the hero's funeral, scouts from Azov also came, and maybe people from neighboring villages... the closest relative was a brother. Tank's parents were no longer alive, and he did not create his family... the fact that the best people, the bravest, die without having children is very bad. This is part of the genocide carried out by the russian federation. It is terrible when the best die, and the worst remain and then will return to Ukraine, will demand rights and compensation, will strive for power and control over resources...

Around the road from the house to the cemetery, people knelt down and threw flowers under the hearse. I walked right behind the coffin with the flag, and I heard the occasional crunch of flowers under my boots. Trampled flowers - yes, I thought, it could be called a novel or a cycle of short stories. But then, in order not to cry, I turned my thoughts to other topics, I thought about revenge. About revenge as a phenomenon and about some scum, who are just shit as people, but I often have to see how Ukraine loses the best people. And it's hard, even if I didn't know them personally.

Koryk handed over the flag, Edward gave a speech, and this time I read the "Prayer of a Ukrainian Nationalist". I read it well, Edward told me this and I felt it myself. That's good, now there will be 1 less reason to worry for the future. As one acquaintance told me: "Why should I respect you? For the fact that you sit in Kyiv and deal with funerals, you envy those who are in the trenches..." well, I try not to be jealous or offended at all because it is not constructive and often makes no sense at all. And funerals, are just a small part of what I do... but what depresses me the most is that I can't do anything for the fallen heroes or their families...

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