There were no Ukrainian prisoners on board the crippled Il-76. Russians storm the USA illegally from Mexico

in ukraine •  8 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01," the speaker updates the audience on the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine and disputes Russian claims about Il-76 plane that crashed in Belgorod, Russia. The speaker reports on Russian attacks on Ukrainian positions and civilian infrastructure, resulting in civilian casualties and damages in various regions. They also mention a rumor about a "magic pipe" used by Russian forces and the continuation of Ukrainian efforts to fortify their positions. The speaker refutes Russian claims about the Il-76 plane carrying prisoners, stating that there was no evidence of this and that Russian planes are not entering Ukrainian airspace due to risk. The speaker also discusses tensions with Russia over military exercises and NATO's involvement in Eastern Europe. Additionally, there are discussions on diplomatic disputes between countries and the potential consequences of accepting Russian immigrants.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 На борту Ил 76 наших пленных не было. россияне штурмуют США не легально из Мексики," the speaker from Ukraine reports on the operational situation over the past day. According to them, the night passed relatively peacefully, but there were 73 rocket and aviation attacks from the enemy on Ukrainian positions and civilian infrastructure, resulting in civilian casualties and damage to various objects in Kyiv, Kyiv Oblast, Kharkiv, Pavlograd, Dnipro, Zaporizhzhia, and Nikolaev regions. The Russian Federation targeted numerous settlements in the north, east, and south, with active artillery fire against Ukrainian forces. The political situation includes new statements from the Belarusian leader with regards to which they will speak in the following segment. Despite the ongoing shelling, the situation remains stable and under control in the sectors of the Operational-Strategic Group of Forces in the north, with no significant changes. However, the enemy continues attempts to conduct diversionary activities and build defensive lines along the Ukrainian border. Ukrainian forces engage in counter-battery warfare to neutralize the enemy's firing systems. The Speaker also mentions an incident involving a rolled-over IL-76 aircraft near Belgorod Airport, but no further details are provided at the time. The front line remains unchanged, with minor skirmishes near Sininka, Jamplo-Torskoy, and Belogorodske. overall the situation is gradually stabilizing along the front lines.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01," the speaker discusses ongoing military conflicts in Ukraine, specifically in the Avdeevka area. The Russian forces have been attempting to gain control of a strategic hill, but have been unsuccessful due to Ukrainian defenses. The speaker also mentions a rumor about a "magic pipe" that the Russians may have used to move below the ground, but the information is still being verified. Additionally, there have been significant attacks on the Mariinka and Shyrokyne fronts, but no side has made significant advances. The Ukrainian forces are continuing to fortify their positions in Odesa. Overall, while there have been numerous attacks, none have been successful in gaining significant ground.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 On Board the Il-76, Our Prisoners Were Not Present. Russians Storm USA Illegally from Mexico," the speaker discusses the military actions in Ukraine and refutes Russian claims about a Ukrainian Il-76 plane that crashed in Belgorod, Russia. According to the speaker, the Ukrainian forces have inflicted significant damage on the enemy's troops, weapons, and communication stations over the past few days. However, rumors of Ukrainian prisoners on the Il-76 plane have not been confirmed, as they are based on Russian media reports. The speaker also points out that there were no remains or fragments of bodies found at the crash site, and the plane was flying at a high altitude, making it improbable that it was carrying prisoners. The speaker also explains that Russian transport planes are not entering Ukrainian airspace due to the risk of being shot down. Therefore, it is unlikely that the Il-76 was on a mission to transport prisoners.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 On Board an Il-76, Our Prisoners Were Not Aboard. Russians Storm the US illegally from Mexico," the speaker discusses the mysterious crash of an Il-76 aircraft near the Ukrainian border. The plane, suspected of carrying Russian S-300 missiles, was alleged to have exploded in mid-air or upon landing. However, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims as no video reveals an explosion or the sound of one. Additionally, no wreckage or bodies were found at the crash site. In addition to these theories, another version suggests that the Belgorod airport was being used as a cover for a clandestine flight. Yet another theory proposes that the plane was serving in the Middle East. The question of whether our prisoners were aboard the aircraft is also currently undetermined. Normally, Russian military detainees are held at occupied territories, and they are not transported away from such areas. There were plans for a prisoner exchange between the two sides, but it has not taken place as of now. The meeting between the prime ministers of Slovenia and Ukraine in Uzhgorod also took place, despite earlier statements by Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico that life in Kyiv was returning to normal after the shelling. The negotiations reportedly did not go as planned, with political statements made by Fico and Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk diverging significantly from their stated intentions while in office. The most intriguing aspect of this situation is the political statements made during the talks.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 На борту Ил 76 наших пленных не было. Россияне штурмуют США не легально из Мексики," the premiers of Slovakia and Hungary held a meeting in Uzhgorod where several topics were discussed. Slovakia would not hinder Ukraine's purchase of weapons and technology from Slovakian businesses. The premiers agreed to cooperate in the defense sector between Slovakia and Ukraine, and even allow Slovakian construction companies to participate in building Ukraine's defensive borders. Additionally, Slovakia would support Ukraine's efforts towards European integration. The United States announced they would provide an additional $11.8 billion to help cover Ukraine's budget deficit. Farmers in Poland began protesting and were bringing their tractors and other machinery to over 150 cities to demand the unrestricted importation of agricultural products from countries outside the European Union, like Ukraine, not complying with European standards. There were also developments in Minsk, Belarus, where they expressed anger over NATO's military exercises, which did not invite Belarus and failed to notify them, violating international agreements. The purpose of the exercises was to contain Russian aggression.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01On Board an IL-76: Our Prisoners Weren't There. Russians Storm the USA illegally from Mexico," the speaker discusses the violation of international agreements regarding military exercises by Russia. According to the speaker, there were supposed to be observer teams from neighboring countries present for these military exercises, as per agreements between the US and Russia. However, Russia disregarded these agreements, and the speaker notes that Belarus, who was a signatory to the agreement, did not invite Polish observers when they held their own exercises and created a migrant crisis on Polish borders. The speaker then expresses Russia's frustration as a result, comparing it to a child who was denied something they wanted. Now, Belarus will have to adapt to a status as an outcast nation, while Moscow, Minsk, Pyongyang, Tehran, and possibly others have formed an alliance. NATO is also holding military exercises in Baltic countries, and Poland is preparing for ground operations. The speaker notes that if Russia wants peace, they should prepare for war. Turkey's parliament has ratified Sweden's accession to NATO, but Erdogan's signature is still needed for it to take effect.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 On Board the Il-76: Our Prisoners Were Not on Board. Russians Storm the USA Illegally from Mexico," the speaker discusses the ratification of Sweden's entry into NATO and Hungary's delay in signing the protocol. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expressed his intent to meet with the Swedish prime minister to discuss the conditions of ratification by the Hungarian parliament. However, the Swedish prime minister, through his foreign minister, declined Orbán's invitation without mentioning any negotiations. Orbán had suggested imposing conditions on the countries ratifying the protocol; however, the protocol does not allow for such ultimatums. The speaker then mentions a diplomatic dispute between Sweden and Hungary, with Sweden reminding Hungary that threats are not appropriate. Further, The Economist reports that in 2023, along the southern border of the United States, there was an increase in apprehensions of undocumented immigrants, with 43,000 Russians being apprehended, compared to 4,100 in the previous year. The focus here is on the significant rise in the number of Russians trying to illegally enter the US.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 aboard an IL-76, our prisoners were not on board. Russians storm the USA not legally from Mexico," the speaker answers questions from viewers. The first question is about why Russia cannot shoot down their missiles when they bomb Harkov, while the Russians report having shot down our missiles. According to the speaker, these are not missiles, but reactive shells, which can be theoretically intercepted by one system, the "Iron Dome," but Russias Ministry of Defense does not have such a system. Therefore, it is unlikely that they can intercept reactive ammunition. He admits that there may be a percentage of success in shooting down drones or tactical complexes with air defense systems. However, if these were reactive shells, it would be impossible for them to intercept or shoot them down, as Russia does not have such a battery or even one "Iron Dome" type system that could theoretically protect Harkov. The speaker then questions the purpose of nuclear weapons if, during an attack on countries allied with NATO, Russia or someone else does not immediately use weapons that are supposed to serve as a deterrent, and instead consults and possibly conducts ground operations. He concludes by stating that in the case of a nuclear attack, the only protocol prescribed in NATO agreements is that both sides immediately use nuclear weapons on each other.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 On Board the IL-76 Our Captives Were None. Russians Storm the USA Illegally from Mexico," the speaker discusses the threat of nuclear war and the concept of mutually assured destruction. He explains that intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching space with a separating warhead are a real threat, and their hypervelocity speed is a significant factor in deterring the use of nuclear weapons. The speaker notes that Russia's missile system, the Kinzhal, is not a hypersonic missile and that any use of nuclear weapons would result in a devastating response. The speaker emphasizes the importance of deterrence, stating that not using nuclear weapons first is the only way to avoid a retaliatory attack. He also mentions that while Russia is attempting to use nuclear threats like during World War II, the United States still holds the upper hand thanks to its collective missile defense system, early warning systems in Baltic countries and Poland, and long-range radar systems like AWACS.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 On Board the Ilyushin 76, Our Prisoners Were Not There. Russians Storm the USA Not Legally from Mexico," the speaker discusses the use of aerostats for military surveillance and compares it to using drones. The speaker explains that aerostats are difficult to mask and have a high chance of being shot down if launched from behind enemy lines. Instead, they are often placed far behind front lines, equipped with cameras and able to detect enemy troops, technology, and vehicles up to 10 km away. The speaker then brings up the involvement of Belarusians in the current conflict and accuses them of serving as mercenaries for the Russian Federation. The speaker expresses that if the information about the Belarusian mercenary is confirmed, the Russian Federation and Belarus will receive a diplomatic note of protest from the Russian government. The primary goal is to ensure the mercenary's information reaches the Hague International Criminal Court and is included in the ongoing case against the Russian Federation. The speaker also mentions that they have captured one of the mercenaries and must decide whether to transfer him to the International Criminal Court or hold him in custody until he is presented at the trial.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 On Board the IL-76 Ours Were Not Prisoners. Russians Storm the US Illegally from Mexico," the speaker discusses topics including trolling, language bans, and Russia's involvement in Europe. The speaker criticizes Orbán's behavior towards Putin and the use of the term "Twit order" which originated during Trump's presidency. They also mention a potential conflict with China and the need for Russians to learn only two phrases in Chinese instead of the entire language. The speaker then addresses the misconception of Russia's invincibility and the consequences of war, before discussing the now-lifted ban on the study of the Bashkir language in Russia and recent Russian military actions in Belarus. There are no plans for a prisoner exchange in Belgorod, according to an insider's information. Additionally, the speaker suggests that the Chinese will demand Russian households to give up their wives and live in Chinese homes if they continue their current path.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.01 На борту Ил 76 наших пленных не было. россияне штурмуют США не легально из Мексики," Russians discuss the consequences of accepting ethnic Russians into their nations. They warn that if nations accept Russians, they may face war in defense of the Russian population. The people calling for this are encouraged to assimilate under the local ethnicity. Those changing their stance towards Ukrainians are invited to fight on Poland's behalf instead. The Russian speaker criticizes the Russian leadership for losing touch with the people and concocting a plan reminiscent of convulsions of a deceased man. Rumors circulate that the Russian Ministry of Defense falsely claimed an Il-76 plane carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners for prisoner exchange had crashed, but the truth is that only three people, including the crew and guards, were on board, and the plane was transporting zeno-guided missiles. This unofficial version suggests that the plane was completely destroyed, and no bodies were found on the site. The Russians make allegations of Russian forces damaging a railway bridge near Mariupol with military equipment, which was purportedly supplied by Russia. In summary, tensions between Russia and Ukraine continue, with false claims and accusations being made against each other.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the YouTube video titled "24.01 На борту Ил 76 наших пленных не было. россияне штурмуют США не легально из Мексики," the speaker discusses several current events. They mention the heavy losses Russia has suffered in the battles near Avdeevka, equal to those experienced by the Soviet Union in the Afghanistan war over a four-month period. The speaker also touches upon the Turkish parliament's approval of Sweden's application to join NATO and Hungary's invitation to the Swedish prime minister for negotiations. Despite Hungary's official invitation in May 2022, the Swedish prime minister noted that there was no need for such talks, as the invitation had already been extended. The speaker expresses gratitude to Ukraine's military, offers condolences for the fallen, and concludes the video with an appeal for viewers to like, subscribe, and support Ukrainian defense efforts, asserting "перемога наша слава" (victory is our glory).

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