The situation in Avdiivka is difficult

in ukraine •  8 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses various ongoing issues related to the war in Ukraine, including fundraising efforts for drones for volunteer brigades, recent military confrontations in the Avdeevka region, and tensions with Russia's oil and gas industry. They also touch on political developments, such as Hungary's attempt to blackmail Sweden over NATO expansion and the ongoing status of missing military personnel from a Russian plane shot down in Ukraine. Additionally, the speaker shares personal experiences of growing up in the Soviet Union and contrasting it with the West. Military confrontations continue in areas such as Makievka, Serebranoye Lesничеstvo, and Vas'yukivka, despite heavy losses for the Russian forces. The use of drones in the conflict for reconnaissance and disrupting enemy plans has been effective, but the enemy continues to rebuild their forces. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) is targeting the oil and gas industry by attacking drones crucial for natural gas production, which has led to a significant decrease in exports. Hungary's Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, attempted to block Sweden's NATO entry but was dealt a significant blow to his reputation. Ukrainian civilians and military personnel continue to be held in Russian custody, and the construction of 4 new atomic reactors in Ukraine is pursued for energy security despite ongoing war and the risk involved.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the Ukrainian speaker begins by wishing President Volodymyr Zelensky a happy birthday and expressing their hope that he leads Ukraine to victory in the ongoing war with full restoration of territorial integrity and sovereignty. They then begin by reminding viewers of the ongoing fundraising effort for drones for volunteer brigades. The speaker shares a video showing the drone in action, finding an entrance to an enemy position and causing damage. They encourage viewers to donate and remind them that the war continues and their contribution is crucial to helping Ukrainian soldiers and defense forces in their fight against occupying forces. The night before had been restless with attacks in the districts of Primorsko-Akatarsk and Myascha-Chauda in temporarily-occupied Ukrainian Crimea, as well as an attack on Kharkiv using four S-300 missiles from the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation. Mobilized anti-aircraft units and air defense forces managed to repel the air attack, and 11 enemy drones were destroyed in the Odesa and Nikolayev regions. Sadly, there were casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure during the attacks.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses the violent events inflicting the regions in Ukraine, particularly in the area under the control of the Operational Strategic Group of the Ukrainian forces, specifically the Volynskyi and Slobozhanskyi directions. axis. Over the past few days, there were 58 military clashes on the frontline and the enemy launched 6 rocket attacks, 97 aerial bombardments, and 121 artillery shelling attacks against both military positions and civilian areas. As a result, civilians have been killed and injured, and civilian infrastructure such as residential buildings has been destroyed. Areas affected included Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk, and Mykolaiv. Despite ongoing conflict, the operational situation remains stable and controllable, with the enemy employing aircraft and artillery for attacks on Ukrainian territory and attempting to infiltrate with diversionary groups. The area of responsibility of the Operational Strategic Group of the Ukrainian forces begins with the Kupynsk direction, where despite some stabilization, intense battles continue, especially around Sinakovka. The enemy continues to attempt to capture this settlement, despite previous failures. Ukrainian forces maintain their positions and successfully repel all enemy attacks, with the Limanskyi direction seeing six unsuccessful enemy attacks. The First Tank Army, which operates mainly on the Kupynsk direction, has suffered significant casualties in personnel and equipment, but the line of defense remains unchanged.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses recent military confrontations in the Avdeevka region of Eastern Ukraine. Over the past few days, Russian forces have launched multiple attacks in the areas of Makievka, Serebranoye Lesничеstvo, and Vas'yukivka, but have been unsuccessful. The front line has remained stable, with five failed enemy attacks in the last 24 hours. Enemy forces attempted to surround Avdeevka and were met with strong resistance from Ukrainian forces, resulting in significant losses for the Russians. Despite the intense fighting, particularly around the contested heights near Klechyevka and Andreiivka, the front line has not changed. The Russian military is continuing efforts to advance on both the northern and southern fronts, with four attacks near Avdeevka and eight near Pervomaiske and Nevelske failed. The enemy did achieve partial success on the eastern front by utilizing a sewer system, but Ukrainian forces were able to repel them after three attempts. The situation in Avdeevka remains volatile, and it is unclear whether the enemy will continue to push for gains or focus on holding their current positions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses the effective use of drones in the ongoing conflict in the Avdeevka area, specifically in the Marinское, Georgyevka, and Shakhtyorsk directions. Drone drops allow reconnaissance teams to locate enemy attack plans before they begin, saving valuable time for Russian troops as armor is brought up and soldiers form into combat groups. This strategic use of drones disrupts enemy infantry and shock troops, preventing attacks and inflicting significant damage. However, despite heavy losses in both personnel and equipment, the enemy continues tobuild up their forces and increase their firepower on the Left Bank of the Dnepr. Russian forces also continue to fortify their position on the Platìdarm near Odesa on the Hersonsk direction, with no major enemy attacks reported in the last day. The zone of responsibility for Ukrainian forces remains in the area of responsibility for the Operational-Strategic Group of Forces.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict in Ilovaisk and the discovery of a military training camp for drone operators in the area. The camp, run by the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR), was located near the town of Pokrovka. Ukrainian forces, using artillery systems such as the High Mars, reportedly launched an attack on the camp, resulting in 24 deaths and four injuries. This attack follows several others targeting concentrations of enemy troops, weapons, and military equipment. According to Ukrainian reports, total losses over several days reached about 950 enemy personnel, 30 tanks, 42 armored personnel carriers, 59 artillery systems, one anti-aircraft battery, two operational-tactical missile systems, 39 vehicles, and four specialized machines. The Spezialnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Ukrainy (SBU) also reportedly carried out a second attack on an enemy oil and gas infrastructure facility in Tuapse, causing significant damage.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses the strategic attacks on Russia's oil and gas industry by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU). The speaker explains that the primary target is the production chain, specifically in places like Auddeevka where the SBU destroyed drones that were crucial for the chemical process of natural gas production. The aftermath of these attacks led to a significant decrease in the export of oil and gas from Russia, as production had to be halted and new equipment imported for repairs. This disruption in the oil and gas industry could lead to a deficit of fuel for military operations, with each tank requiring nearly a ton of fuel. The speaker also mentions that the SBU has prioritized targeting objects that could impact the flow of military actions in Ukraine. While the speaker makes a promised future attack on Ukrainian territory, they also touch on the political situation in Hungary and the comments of its prime minister, Viktor Orban.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предбырной компании в рф," Hungary's attempt to blackmail Sweden over NATO expansion is discussed. Orbán, the Hungarian prime minister, had been trying to prevent Sweden's NATO membership and was later found to have been bluffing. He had been contacting European politicians, including Stoltenberg, the NATO secretary-general, to justify Hungary's stance on Sweden's entry into NATO. Orbán publicly declared that Hungary would vote in favor of a €50 billion aid package for Ukraine on February 1, proven that he had been dealt a major blow to his reputation and stance. The Israeli Minister of Economy, Nir Barkat, made serious headlines by declaring Iran a legitimate target for Israeli airstrikes, increasing tensions in the Middle East. Despite no new information being provided, this statement suggests that Israeli military forces could strike Iranian military targets at any moment. France surprised the world by providing two additional multiple launch rocket systems to Ukraine. The MLRS, M270 and M142 HIMARS, have six and twelve rockets respectively, making them significant additions to Ukraine's defense capabilities.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses the construction of new atomic reactors in Ukraine despite ongoing military conflicts. The Ukrainian military has received four new artillery pieces and is currently building four new atomic reactors at the Hmeльницka Atomic Power Plant, two of which will be built using Russian-made parts and the other two with Western technology. The Hmeльnicka site is planned to have six reactors in total and will enable Ukraine to export excess electrical energy. Currently, there are fifteen operational atomic reactors in Ukraine, providing a total capacity of 15 gigawatts. Ukraine plans to build four more reactors, increasing its capacity to 19 gigawatts. Meanwhile, over 88,000 Ukrainian civilians and military personnel are currently in Russian custody, with approximately 1,600 of them being civilians. Despite the ongoing crisis and the risk involved, the construction of these atomic reactors is being pursued to ensure energy security and independence.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф.," the speaker discusses the status of missing military personnel believed to be on board an Il-76 Russian plane that was shot down near Harkov, Ukraine, on January 25, 2023. The speaker notes that the Russian administration is not responding to contact regarding the identification of the disappeared personnel, making it difficult to determine their fate. A possible explanation for the airliner's downing is friendly fire, as the plane was in the air during an intense bombardment of Harkov. Ukraine had proposed an international investigation into the incident but was met with opposition from Moscow, represented by a spokesperson named Peskov. Meanwhile, French leader Emmanuel Macron was scheduled to preside over a UN Security Council meeting the following day, possibly explaining Russia's sudden acceptance of the investigation. However, no concrete actions have been taken by Russia to facilitate the probe. Thespeaker expresses concern over the missing soldiers and regrets that they were not on the ground instead of in the aircraft. Ultimately, the Russian Federal Service of Executive Penal Institutions issued a decree stating that the convoy on the plane should consist of 110-120 individuals, implying that approximately 50 people were aboard.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses the crisis in Avdeevka and the issues with the convoy transporting military prisoners. The convoy was supposed to carry 30 people, but only three to four bodies were found, leading to speculation that the prisoners may not have been on board. The speaker then shifts the topic to Russia's ongoing predatory campaign and the impact on the housing and communal services (ЖКХ). The reduction in funding for housing and utilities due to the war against Ukraine has resulted in mass power and heating outages in regions during the winter, prompting the Kremlin to offer additional funds for their repair. However, local authorities have been slow to allocate resources towards ŽKH, leaving residents without basic necessities and facing the threat of mold and disease as temperatures start to rise. Another issue arises from the failure to maintain the sewage system, leading to potential flooding and the need for expensive repairs. The speaker further highlights the dire situation in Orenburg, where a gas explosion at a sewage treatment plant resulted in one death and several injuries, exacerbating the already tenuous situation and requiring emergency measures to restore essential services.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses the labor crisis in Russia following the start of the war against Ukraine. The lack of qualified specialists, particularly in the military-industrial complex, has resulted in unguided missiles landing in fields and villages instead of their intended targets. This issue, among others, needs to be addressed, but resources are allocated towards the front instead. The speaker also answers a question from a viewer about their perceived hatred towards Russia and the Soviet Union despite serving in the Soviet military. The viewer asks if the speaker's Ukrainian sovereignty was established at that time, and the speaker shares their personal story of growing up in Soviet Ukraine and having access to Western media despite living in the Soviet Union.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker shares his personal experiences of growing up in the Soviet Union and encountering a different way of life when he visited East Germany. He explains how the absence of shortages and long lines in East German markets was shocking to him, and he contrasts the living conditions in the Soviet Union with those in the West. The speaker admits that he had harbored dreams of an independent Ukraine during the Soviet era but notes that there were repressions against those who advocated for it. He recounts the events leading up to Ukraine's independence in 1991 and the mass exodus of people from the Soviet Union to Western Europe. The speaker expresses his frustration with the Russian government and its actions but ultimately accepts that Russia is a recognized federation in Europe. He asserts that his dislike for Russia stems from fascistic tendencies and calls the Russian government fascists.

01:00:00 - 01:50:00

In this YouTube video titled "25.01 Кризис в Авдеевке. Проблемы предвыборной компании в рф," the speaker discusses various topics related to military capabilities and geopolitical conflicts. The first part revolves around a past incident in which a Chinese aerostat flew over US territory at a high altitude, requiring US forces to shoot it down using rockets. The speaker also talks about the range and refueling capabilities of Russian long-range bombers and their current use during city battles to create smokescreens using piles of auto tires. The speaker later discusses the ongoing crisis regarding the transfer of weapons from Russia to separatist forces in eastern Ukraine and the dilemma faced by Russia in terms of using existing weapons or restarting the military-industrial complex. They also criticize the West for actions that have perpetuated the conflict rather than bringing a swift end to it and express doubts about Russia's lack of effective air defense systems to intercept short-range ballistic missiles. Another section of the video discusses the Russian Federation's use of the Kaliningrad region as a potential threat against NATO and the speaker's criticism of the German government for not recognizing it as their territory. Lastly, the speaker discusses the importance of having not just ammunition but also proper weapons and a trained army to successfully conduct offensive operations and restore the integrity of Ukraine. Throughout the video, the speaker expresses their hope for Ukraine's victory and encourages support for their volunteer fund to produce drones for Ukrainian brigades.

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