The Russian invaders advanced in Avdeevka. New air defense/anti-missile systems in Ukraine that shoot down everything

in ukraine •  8 months ago 

00:00:00 - 00:40:00
In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy Advances in Avdeevka. New Complexes of PVO/PRO, which shoot down everything," the speaker discusses ongoing battles along the Ukrainian border and unexpected enemy encounters. The Russian enemy is attempting to build defenses along the border, and there have been heavy losses on both sides as the battle for control continues. The speaker also talks about the arrival of new PVO and PRO systems in Ukraine, the potential prolonged blockade by Polish farmers, and the assistance from the Czech Republic in acquiring artillery shells. Additionally, there are discussions about Bulgarian President Rumen Radev's veto of certain armored transport vehicles, France's acknowledgment of the death and injury of foreign volunteers, and the US airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq. Former Polish President Donald Tusk speaks optimistically about Europe's continued support for Ukraine in the war.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy Advances in Avdeevka. New Complexes of PVO/PRO, which intercept all," the speaker, who is from Ukraine, begins by sharing that the night passed uneventfully but with continuing attacks from Shahed drones, specifically 136 and 131 types, towards PrIMEMerko-Ahtarsk and Myss Chauda, which are Ukrainian territories. The enemy also launched two missile strikes from the Belgorod region and targeted energy infrastructure in Dnepropetrovsk. The speaker notes that the Russian forces, or RoshCha, have shifted their focus to areas near the front lines and military objectives. The Ukrainian forces have destroyed nine drones across several regions over the past day. The front line has expanded, and there have been 77 battles, 2 rocket and 86 aerial attacks, as well as 46 artillery barrages. Civilians have been killed and injured, and infrastructure damaged in areas like Harkov, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson. Additionally, over 100 settlements were hit by artillery fire, with the front line stretching across Chernihiv, Sumy, Harkov, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Dnepropetrovka, and Nikolayevka. The situation in the northeastern sector remains stable, and the border is continuing to be fortified. However, the enemy maintains a presence in border regions and conducts active diversionary activities to prevent the displacement of Ukrainian forces to other operational directions. The situation in Sumy and Harkov is particularly active. The local authorities have made a decision to evacuate civilians from a five-kilometer area due to the high risk of deaths from attacks, and they are taking measures to reduce transportation in the affected frontline zone.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy Advances at Avdeevka. New Complexes of PVO/PRO, which are Said to Be All-Destroying," the speaker discusses ongoing battles along the Ukrainian border and unexpected enemy encounters. The Russian enemy is attempting to build defenses along the border and has sent a group of special forces prepared for the war in Ukraine, which was nearly destroyed by a single attack, losing 20 lives and injuring several more. The focus shifts to the front line in Hortitsa, where intense battles are ongoing, especially near Senyavka, where the enemy has unsuccessfully attacked five times, suffering losses each time. The enemy continues to push for advancement towards Peschenko, understanding that they cannot overcome the dominating heights that defend the area. They have attempted to bypass defensive lines, and have recently increased troop presence and reinforcements towards Krakhmal, which is likely to be their next target, aiming to push through the Ukrainian defenses there. The battles remain relentless and intense, with significant losses on both sides, as the battle for control continues.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy Advances in Avdeevka. New Complexes of PVO/PRO, which shoot down everything," the general staff focuses on maintaining defense on the Limansk direction. The front line remains unchanged, but enemy attacks result in minor gains in the form of a few positions, which does not significantly impact the overall situation. The fighting remains fierce due to the enemy's intense focus on this area. Additionally, there have been renewed efforts to advance towards Ivanovsko, and there are ongoing intense fights there. The enemy, referred to as the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), is assembling a large military presence and attempting to increase their efforts. The DPR has reportedly announced their intention to attack the town of Chasov Yar, though they have not yet been able to make significant progress. The Tavria military group is responsible for the area around Avdeevka, where some of the most intense fighting is taking place. The enemy is trying to encircle Avdeevka and is attacking from various directions, and our forces are holding the line on the northern and southern flanks. Overall, the enemy's attacks number 44 daily, with intense fighting ongoing in the eastern part of the Avdeevsky platzdram, particularly in the town of Pervoмайsk. The situation is such that there are houses in the town that are being held by our troops, while others are being defended by the enemy, with both sides fighting house-to-house. The enemy continues to bring in reinforcements, including additional personnel and equipment, to build on their successes.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy Advances in Avdeevka. New Complexes of PVO/PRO, Which Intercept All," the military situation in various fronts in Ukraine is discussed. The enemy is actively attacking from Georgievsk, north of Red Vorontsovka, and near Novomikhailovka. The lines of defense are holding, but the enemy has suffered heavy losses and is retreating to original positions while continuing attacks. The militaries of Ukraine are also repelling attacks in the Shakhtorsk direction and along the Zaporizhzhia front, where there have been three failed attempts to dislodge Ukrainian forces. The Black Sea front near Nikopol has been under heavy artillery fire, causing damage to a group of French volunteers. The enemy is using its resources, such as the Buk missile system and a large human resource, to maintain offensive efforts. Despite this, it is crucial for Ukraine to address mistakes and find ways to replenish their ammunition stocks and continue mobilization efforts. It's also important to note that the situation in occupied territories is dire, specifically in Berdyansk, where the occupants have set up large torture and detention facilities for civilians and military prisoners, who have been held since the early stages of the invasion.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy Advances at Avdeevka. New PVO/PRO Complexes, Which Intercept All," the speaker discusses the situation at the Berdyanskiy Correctional Colony No. 77, where the exact number of people held is uncertain, but thousands of civilians have reportedly been detained since March 2022. The Russian occupation authorities are accused of using both physical and psychological torture on captured individuals. The Ukrainian military has reportedly struck enemy targets with aircraft, damaging over 1,000occupants, 10 tanks, 13 armored vehicles, 26 artillery systems, 26 rocket launchers, one drone, 15 military units, 36 cars, and three special vehicles since the previous day. The speaker also provides updates on the destruction of the Russian navy's Raketnyy Kater Ivaneets, which was attacked by six drones. Despite Russian command claiming ten drones were involved, only six directly hit the ship, causing significant damage and resulting in the likely total loss of the vessel and its crew.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy advanced at Avdeevka. New PVO/PRO systems, which shoot down everything," the speaker discusses various military and political issues happening in and around Ukraine. With regards to Poland, farmers have announced a new border blockade and strike, aiming to begin on February 9, 2023, and potentially last until March 10. The farmers plan to block all border crossings and major roads, intending to paralyze the entire country. Additionally, the European Commission's decisions have prompted the farmers' ire. The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, announced the arrival of two new PVO (Protivvozdushnaya Oborona, or anti-aircraft defense) and PRO (Protiy Raketnaya Oborona, or anti-missile defense) systems in Ukraine. The specific names and capabilities of these systems remain undisclosed. President Zelensky stated that they would join the existing Ukrainian defense systems. The Czech Republic offered to help Ukraine acquire nearly half a million artillery shells from the international market, as European production capacity falls short. In summary, this section covers a potential prolonged blockade by Polish farmers aimed at the European Commission, new PVO/PRO systems joining the Ukrainian defense, and the Czech Republic's assistance in acquiring artillery shells.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy Advances in Avdeevka. New PVO/PRO Systems, Which Intercept All," Bulgarian President Rumen Radev vetoed the delivery of certain armored transport vehicles due to their necessity, but the parliament overruled the veto and they are being sent to the country now. The vehicles have been in storage for nearly 40 years and may require restoration or modernization. Later, France acknowledged the death and injury of foreign volunteers following a Russian military attack in the city of Berislav, Hersonskaia Oblast, on January 10, 2023. The French government is conducting an investigation into the incident and intends to file a case against Russia for crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court. Additionally, the United States announced sanctions against key Iranian suppliers and facilitators of goods and technology for Iran's ballistic missile and drone programs, specifically targeting four entities in Iran and Hong Kong. The U.S. also carried out airstrikes against targets in Iran and Syria related to the Corps of the Islamic Revolution, targeting the supply and control facilities and communication nodes associated with their weapon transfers to proxies in Syria and Iraq.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy Advanced in Avdeevka. New PVO/PRO Complexes, which shoot down everything," the speaker discusses the US airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria and Iraq. The US reportedly used 125 high-precision missiles to strike 85 targets, including weapons storage sites, communication hubs, and command centers. Despite warnings of retaliation, the US proceeded with the attack, which left several industrial facilities damaged, including a major oil refinery in Volgograd, Russia, which suffered explosions in its technological area, not in the storage facilities. After the attacks, Russian authorities reported intercepting and shooting down several Iranian drones. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki responded to a journalist's question during a Brussels summit, stating that "we were attacked, and our response began today," suggesting that Poland might also take action against Iran. The events mark the beginning of a potential large-scale military operation against Iranian forces and their proxies in the Middle East.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "3.02 Enemy Advances in Avdeevka. New Complexes of PVO/PRO, Which Shoot Down Everything," former Polish President Donald Tusk speaks about Europe's supposed fatigue with supporting Ukraine, expressing optimism that they will continue to do so and have the opportunity to support Ukraine's struggle in the war. Tusk also invites viewers to subscribe to his channel and like the video for wider reach, assuring them of Ukraine's victory and wishing them farewell until the next release, which will likely be more detailed.

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