The Russian Federation is hiding its losses in ships. Unknown drones attacked St. Petersburg

in ukraine •  8 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," the speaker provides updates on the military situation in Ukraine, highlighting Russian attacks on Ukrainian positions, the losses suffered by both sides, and the use of drones in the conflict. The speaker also discusses the acquisition of French artillery systems by Ukraine, the criticism on the effectiveness of the S400 Triumph complex by Chinese experts, ongoing conflicts involving the United States, and the economic situation in Russia. Additionally, the speaker explores the psychology behind the war and Russia's intentions towards Ukraine, emphasizing the lack of room for compromise. The video touches on various aspects of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, providing updates on multiple fronts and shedding light on the ongoing challenges faced by Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," the speaker, who is from Ukraine, begins by reminding viewers of the volunteer fund's plans to produce drones for their military brigades. The speaker states that drones are essential as they support their artillery and help destroy the enemy on their territory. He also mentions that production plans include FPV drones for military use and drones for humanitarian aid such as delivering water, food, and medical supplies to the front lines. The volunteer fund also plans to develop effective drones to give their brigades an advantage in the battlefield. In the context of the ongoing war, Russias occupation forces have attacked Ukrainian regions using Shahed 136 and 131 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Primorsko-Ahtarsk in the south and Kursk region in the north. They have also launcher two S-300 missiles from Belgorod region towards the region of Kharkiv, resulting in the destruction of 22 UAVs, with several not reaching their targets. Anti-aircraft units, mobile fire groups, and radio-electronic warfare were deployed in response to the air attack in various regions including Sumy, Nikolaev, Herson, Dnepropetrovsk, and Kirovgrad. Overall, the speaker explains that while there was a slight decrease in military activity over the past few days, this does not mean that the enemy is stopping their attacks, and they are expecting an increase in enemy activity on various fronts.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," the speaker discusses the military situation in various regions of Ukraine over the past few days. Russian forces have carried out numerous attacks using rockets, aircraft, and artillery against Ukrainian positions and civilians, resulting in casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure. The areas most affected include those in the Chernihiv, Sumy, Harkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, and Mykolaiv regions. The Russian military has stepper up engineering fortifications along the border and has continued efforts to infiltrate Ukrainian territory with diversionary activity. Despite heavy losses in equipment and personnel, Russian forces have intensified attacks on Ukrainian positions in the Limansk direction, focusing on the areas around Terneve, Yampolye, and Makeevka. The front line remains largely unchanged, with Russian forces making only minor gains. The situation in Avdiivka is particularly intense, with eight attacks on Ukrainian positions in the Grygorivka, Ivanivske, Kleochkovka, and Andreiivka areas. While the intensity of Russian attacks has decreased somewhat in other regions, the situation in Avdiivka and Limansk remains volatile.


in this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф" (Russian abbreviation for Russia), the speaker discusses the military situation in the regions of Avdeevka, Hersonskiy, and Zaporizhskoe in eastern Ukraine. The Russian forces have been launching attacks against Ukrainian positions, some with heavy armor, but have been repelled with casualties. In Avdeevka, Ukrainian forces have managed to stabilize the front line despite continued enemy attacks. The situation in Novomikhaylovka remains challenging, but the Ukrainian forces have been able to hold their ground in the areas of Redgorovka, Georgievka, and Mariinka. The situation at the front line on the Donetsk operating direction has been quiet, with only positional battles and artillery exchanges. No significant enemy activity has been reported on the Zaporizhsk operating direction. The Ukrainian forces are continuing to expand their placard on the left bank of the Dnepr River in the Hersonskiy region, despite heavy enemy resistance. The speaker reports that the enemy has suffered significant losses in the previous week, resulting in a noticeable decrease in combat activity. The Ukrainian forces are using drones and artillery to successfully repel enemy attacks. The Russians have attempted six ground offensives to displace Ukrainian forces on the left bank of the Dnepr River, but all have been unsuccessful. Ukrainian forces are reportedly struggling to hold their positions without heavy artillery or armor support. Aviation of the Ukrainian forces has targeted seven enemy concentration areas with personnel, weapons, and military equipment, as well as a command and control point and five zenit-rocket systems. A ballistic missile launched by the Russians was shot down by Ukrainian forces using their air defense systems.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," the speaker discusses the losses suffered by Russian forces in various military installations and the hidden destruction of a Soviet-era patrol boat, the Tarantul, in Sevastopol's Grafskaia Bay. The Russo-Ukrainian conflict has resulted in significant losses for both sides. According to the speaker, enemy casualties for the preceding days reached approximately 780 soldiers and officers, along with 21 tanks, 38 armored vehicles, 24 artillery systems, two multiple rocket launchers, one operational-tactical wing of cruise missiles, 39 automobile units, and 13 units of special equipment. A Ukrainian partisan movement called Partisanske Derzhavne has uncovered additional losses, including a destroyed Russian warship, the Tarantul, which was anchored in Grafskaia Bay. The speaker speculates that the Tarantul may have been damaged during an attack using enemy drones on several occupied military installations a few weeks prior. This loss, according to the speaker, is significant because Grafskaia Bay is considered the main base of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol and a symbol of Russian military power. The military has kept quiet about the incident due to the perceived embarrassment of losing a vessel in such a protected location. The discussion also touches on the Ukrainian partisans' discovery of the destruction of a T-90M tank during a frontline engagement. Despite Putin's boasts about the T-90M being the best tank in the world, it appears to be vulnerable to enemy forces.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дrones в Петербурге," the speaker discusses the historical background of the T-72 tank and its competition with the American Bradley Fighting Vehicle during the Cold War.The Russian-language narration explains that the T-72, a deeply modernized version of the T-72 tank, entered mass production due to the Soviet Union's inability to afford the more expensive T-64 tank at the time. The United States responded by developing the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle, which became known as an "anti-tank killer." During battles, the 25mm gun of the Bradley is capable of disabling the T-72 on a molecular level with just a few rounds. The speaker commends the Ukrainian armed forces and their allies, including the United States, for their role in defending the country against Russian aggression using advanced weaponry.The video also covers recent news, such as the lifting of the blockade on the Ukrainian-Polish border and France's decision to collaborate with Ukraine on military production and equipment supply, including 78 Caesar self-propelled guns.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," the speaker discusses Ukraine's acquisition of French artillery systems, specifically the Cesar, and France's provision of bombs for Ukrainian use. The Cesar, a 155-millimeter artillery system, can shoot up to 42km and fires six rounds per minute. Ukraine currently has 49 Cesar self-propelled artillery systems in use. France has promised to provide Ukraine with 40 long-range rockets and several hundred bombs, some of which can be adapted to Soviet-designed aircraft. These bombs, which are already in use by the Ukrainian military in large quantities, have a potential dropping distance of up to 70km. The French producer of these bomb attachments promises to increase their dropping distance to 200km, allowing Ukrainian planes to bomb enemy territory deeper into occupied Ukrainian territory, up to the border. The video also mentions that Russia has stolen 5 million tons of Ukrainian grain in the last year and sold it back to itself for a profit.


In this section, the speaker discusses the purchase of the S400 Triumph complex by China and its subsequent tests. Chinese experts criticized the Russian missile system, stating that it was essentially a well-painted version of the S-300. They argued that the missile's inability to maneuver at supersonic speeds and its limited range did not meet expectations. The analysis by Chinese experts did not even mention the term "hypersonic missile," which the Russian complex had claimed to be able to intercept. This raises questions about the effectiveness of the S400 system. The speaker also mentions that Russia's relations with China are supposedly in the best period in history, according to Lavrov. However, the formation of an "African Legion" by Russia in collaboration with private military companies, as well as the recruitment of mercenaries, is seen as an attempt by Moscow to expand its influence in Africa. The speaker also notes the ongoing activities of the United States in response to Russia's actions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," the speaker discusses ongoing conflicts between the United States and countries such as Russia and Iran. The speaker explains that the US has been conducting strikes on targets in Men's Hussite areas in territory controlled by the Russian-backed hussites, and these strikes have involved the use of both naval and aviation assets. The speaker also mentions recent strikes between Pakistan and Iran, which have resulted in civilian casualties on both sides. The speaker expresses uncertainty about how these conflicts will end and warns that they could escalate into larger wars. Additionally, the speaker mentions that U.S. President Joe Biden has called on Congress to quickly provide additional funding for supporting Ukraine and other countries in need of aid. The speaker also reports that the White House has held consultations with congressional representatives to discuss potential compromises on immigration policy to support Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," the speaker discusses two parallel events in Russian politics. The Republican Party, mostly represented by the Maga group, or Trump supporters, are using the economic situation to increase pressure on Democrats. The economic magazine The Economist published a pessimistic macroeconomic forecast for Russians, with expectations of 50% inflation, a shortage of goods, and a record $1.8 billion purchase of foreign currency in December 2022. Despite the criticism of purchasing foreign currencies instead of supporting the national ruble, Russians have been mass buying dollars and euros due to the economic crisis. The speaker then takes a pause to invite viewers to subscribe to his channel and encourages those watching the video to like and share it to reach a larger audience, before continuing with the military-political analysis.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," the speaker discusses the ongoing speculation about a potential war between Russia and NATO and argues that Russia's actions are aimed at involving NATO in a larger conflict. The speaker suggests that Putin intends to make a statement about NATO's alleged aggression against Russia as a justification for starting negotiations. However, the Russian military reportedly understands that such a war would likely last only three days, and NATO would primarily engage in long-range attacks. The speaker argues that Putin needs to act swiftly and provoke NATO into a response, and then declare his readiness for negotiations, which could potentially lead to prolonged talks between Russian and NATO leaders. The ultimate goal, according to the speaker, is for Russia to be seated at the negotiation table with the rest of the world powers.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," a speaker discusses the psychology behind war and Russia's stance towards Ukraine. Medvedev, a Russian statesman, stated that Russia cannot coexist with Ukraine as a separate nation and the Russians must either annihilate or be annihilated. The pscyhology is simple: either Russia or the enemy, with no other options. The situation in Ukraine involves a Russian hybrid war against the country, aiming to divide the world and pull nations to their side. This conflict is particularly apparent in the Baltic states, including Latvia, with Russia attempting to rewrite historical definitions and claim the region as part of their sphere of influence. The simplistic mindset is that the enemy must be eliminated, and there is no room for compromise or human compassion.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дrones в Петербурге," the speaker discusses the ongoing hybrid war between Russia and Ukraine. The war is not limited to military action but also extends to political, economic, financial, and information spheres, and Russia is actively promoting its narratives and ideas in these areas. The speaker also questioning the presence of F16 planes in the Ukrainian air force, suggesting that Ukraine is expecting delivery of these planes, but as of now, there are no signs of them in Ukrainian skies. The speaker also notes that Russia's massive missile attacks typically occur between 6am and 8am, possibly to catch soldiers during their most fatigued periods. The war is causing significant stress and exhaustion for those on the front lines.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

In the YouTube video titled "18.01 рф скрывает свои потери в кораблях. Неизвестные дроны в Петербурге," the speaker discusses various geopolitical issues, including the potential use of a new weapon against an enemy's maritime fleet and ongoing tensions between Russia, China, and the US. The speaker also touches upon the role of a Bashkir revolutionary in stirring up national instability and allegations of corruption and bad governance in Russia and Belarus. The video mentions Ryaazan as a place to go but clarifies that it is not a Russian city but part of Tatarsan. There are expressions of disappointment that Russia missed the opportunity to become a democratic example and calls to support Ukraine's struggle for sovereignty. A call to action includes donating to a volunteer foundation, "Не Зла мни сердца," to help fund the production of drones for the Ukrainian armed forces. The video also touches upon military tensions and military equipment shortages, the difficulty of intercepting certain weapons like ballistic missiles and drones, and the importance of strong air defense systems.

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