The Crimean Bridge will be blown to pieces! Russia's retreat and surprise from Zaluzhny

in ukraine •  10 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
This YouTube video titled "Крымский мост — в клочья! Отступление России и сюрприз от Залужного Жданова, Коваленко | Акценты" discusses the military situation in Ukraine during the war with Russia. The video focuses on several important topics, including the deployment of forces on both sides and the strategic goals for each side in terms of territorial control and overall victory. The speakers suggest that Ukraine may need significant support from the international community in order to successfully repel Russian aggression and ultimately achieve a lasting peace agreement. The video also explores Russian military's withdrawal from Ukraine, including the possibility of an offensive in the direction of Avdeevka, and the current state of the conflict. The speakers discuss the role of MUsT, the refusal of operations by the armies and divisions at the rota level and individual command level, moral and psychological issues, and the need for political solutions rather than military solutions. Additionally, the video talks about the construction of a hydroelectric power station near the Kerchyanskyi moat in Crimea, Ukraine, which caused its dam to break, leading to flooding and destroying the moat's functionality, and the vulnerability of the Krym Peninsula Bridge to attack. Finally, the video discusses Russia's use of the Cherno More naval fleet, including its strengths and limitations, and the potential for increased military activity in the region.


The transcript discusses the military situation in Ukraine during the conflict with Russia, specifically during October 2021. The main focus is on the deployment of forces on both sides and the strategic goals for each side in terms of territorial control and overall victory. The speaker discusses the potential for Ukraine to use various tactics and weapons to counter Russian aggression, including air and artillery support, as well as the use of drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles. They also mention the difficulty of Ukraine's situation due to their lack of advanced weaponry and a limited number of skilled personnel, and suggest that this may make it easier for Russia to gain the upper hand in the conflict. Overall, the speaker suggests that Ukraine will require significant support from the international community in order to successfully repel Russian aggression and ultimately achieve a lasting peace agreement.


This section of the YouTube video focuses on the Russian military's withdrawal from Ukraine. The speakers discuss the possibility of pursuing an offensive in the direction of Avdeevka, the current location of a major concentration of Russian forces. They note that there are several armies and divisions stationed in the area, including the second consisting mainly of the Piatнадцатая separate motorcycle brigade, the Twenty First, the Thirty First, which are also the most effective, among others. The goal of the operation appears to be to successfully surround and capture Avdeevka before the New Year.


In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the current state of the conflict in Ukraine. He mentions that Russia is currently under strain due to its need to maintain a large military presence, particularly with the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the ongoing military operation in eastern Ukraine. He also notes that Russia's ability to carry out its military operations is being tested by the Ukrainian military's actions, particularly in places such as Donbass, where recent military campaigns have occurred. The speaker then goes on to discuss the upcoming winter months and the potential for increased military activity in the region.


in this section, the speaker is discussing the tactical usage of Mы возвращаемся к истории с бахмутом, андаз. The speaker explains that currently, pechota is playing a main role in the bombardment of Krymskyi prayatand vkhoditsya. The speaker notes that in the past, the refusal of these operations was conducted by rota levels, even down to an individual command level. A possible success of Russia’s operations is viewed as a foreign matter, with not being a critical issue. However, moral and psychological issues are noted and the speaker emphasizes the need to prepare for such a situation in the future. The speaker suggests that the moral and psychological issues are more important, without any possibility of a military solution. Thus, it is the political solution that is emphasized in this context. As he mentioned, the situation is impossible to control, while the exit of Russia’s group created room for the annexation of Crimea in 2014. The speaker goes on to mention that Ukraine has been attempting to resist Russia’s advances, and the situation may lead to a power struggle. Furthermore, the risk of losing control of the country’s strategic location makes the situation even more critical.


The section you provided summarizes the current status of the Russian Army's expansion of text support for the Konstantinovka Fortress in Kerch Peninsula. According to the video, the Right Bank of the Dnieper River and the Donbas region of Ukraine pose a significant threat to the Russian military. The use of 120mm artillery with Gustav-Krupp Mk 41 120mm High-Mobility Artillery System (HIMARS) and mortars like the 120mm BMP-1 mortar and the T-212 120mm cannon-mounted mortar system of the Red Russians by the Ukrainian forces is ongoing. The sections of the ко-ordination group of the equipped Ukrainian force of forces are split among 250km of the border, with a clear line of border fortification stretching from Melitopol to the Zapoроzhian Oblast. The army from Ukraine is pursuing the strategy of military development initiated by Zelensky, Kvatrait, and Rozin from the frontline, which includes the deployment of a confirmation group of the Ukrainian military's equipped force of forces, logistics provision and supply, and other tasks. Between the positions of the enemy, the presence of rockets and drones is ongoing, with the 2206 being an essential logistic artery connecting the outpost in Zapoроzhic Oblast with Hershon Oblast in Chernson Oblast. The terrain of the gift region is favorable for the Red Russians as it allows for the infiltration from the Zapo offer and the Hershonia region, which creates a risk of equipped Russian military equipment for communications, reconnaissance, and logistics being exposed to enemy fire. Consequently, drones play a significant role in neutralizing the hostile equipment’s risk on the Donetsk sector, sanitizing the combat field and providing reliable and diverse communications systems for air-to-ground assaults.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "Крымский мост — в клочья! Отступление России и сюрприз от Залужного Жданов, Коваленко | Акценты", the speaker discusses the current situation of Russian forces in Ukraine. According to the speaker, protests against Russia's military actions are growing in number and intensity, both in Ukraine itself and in Russia. The speaker suggests that Russian commanders are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain control over their troops and that resistance is likely to grow in the coming months. The speaker also speculates that Russia may eventually retreat from Ukraine to a more comfortable position.


In this section, the speaker, Alexander, explains the situation with the Kerchyanskyi moat in Crimea, Ukraine. The moat is an essential location for Russian military operations, and its functionality is dependent on the country's south. However, the construction of a hydroelectric power station near the moat caused its dam to break, leading to flooding and destroying the moat's functionality. This loss is causing problems for ground forces on both sides of the river, with a significant impact on forward movement and positioning. Alexander suggests that Russia should retreat 30-40 kilometers from the river's zenith to escape the reach of the main artillery systems and establish a defensive line. After some time, the Russian Ministry of Defense captured the high ground near the moat, preventing Ukraine from making further gains. Alexander emphasizes the use of political solutions over military strategies when addressing this issue.


In this section, the speaker discusses the complexity of the Krym Peninsula Bridge and the risks of an attack on it, particularly in the wake of a storm that damaged the infrastructure surrounding the bridge. The bridge's construction was sophisticated and required advanced technology, so any blows to it could halt its operations and require costly repairs. The key point is that the bridge is vulnerable to attack and requires heightened security measures, including prevention techniques such as barriers. Additionally, the details of the production process of the bridge, including production capabilities, are kept secret, making it difficult to assess the seriousness of the situation.


In this section, the speaker discusses the Cherno More naval fleet, particularly its strength and capabilities. He argues that while the Cherno More fleet is the main Russian naval formation in the Black Sea, it lacks modern vessels capable of true long-range maneuvers. He also talks about the limited offensive capabilities of the Russian navy, with recent developments such as the use of drones. According to him, the Russian military seems focused on developing long-range missile capabilities rather than investing in tactical weapons. In terms of drone usage, he feels confident that the Ukrainian military has proven that it can effectively implement mobile tactics against Russian military targets, including industrial facilities and strategic infrastructure. The clash in the Black Sea is likely to become increasingly intense as both sides continue to prepare for future confrontations, with increased focus on using mobile tactics and drones.


In this section of the YouTube video, the speaker discusses Russia's use of the PANZER S1 Zenumerate Radak SPS RP in the Syrian war. The speaker is critical of the system's capabilities and argues that its production rate has not been sufficient for Russia's needs. The speaker also discusses efforts to compensate for the lack of PANZER S1 in Russia's inventory, including transfers from abroad and retrieval of retired equipment. The speaker concludes that Russia's current inventory of this system is inadequate for the country's military needs.


In this section of the video, the speakers are discussing the Russian use of the SHA-131 and SHA-136 missiles on the Ukrainian territory, and the issue of their effectiveness. They suggest considering the use of lightweight and quick-to-deploy air systems like the Turkish Çelebi stands, T-72 tanks, and Gailanovskii drone technology as better alternatives. They also note that air systems are more effective in terms of speed and maneuverability, which enables them to track and intercept targets quickly. The video then moves on to discuss the importance of decentralization of power and the concept of flexible blocks, with no single point of failure.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

The speaker in the YouTube video discusses the issue of Russia's need for artillery shells for its military in 2022, highlighting that production of these shells in Russia may not meet its needs. The lack of clarity on the exact number of shells Russia will receive creates uncertainty in its military plans. Production of artillery shells in the West is slow, and it will take time for the economic and industrial complex to adjust to the high demand. The section also covers the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the possibility of building a joint defense system with neighboring countries, and the use of drones in military operations. The discussion also explores the role of the Iron Dome missile defense system in protecting Israel from rocket attacks. Overall, the video covers military capabilities and arms procurement, with a focus on building a more effective defense system and promoting peace in military conflicts.

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Continued Prayers for the Ukraine. May you finally drive out the evil enemy from your Land.

Thank you. All this is difficult, a difficult war, and so far the situation is somewhat stalemate (neither we can advance, nor the Russians). Apparently, significant changes will begin only when the F-16s arrive. But it will depend on the quantity. If a dozen of them come, just for a tick, then the effect will be the same.

Is it possible to negotiate so that the Russians leave your land and go back home to Russia ?

No. Even if a truce is concluded, it will be temporary: the Russians will use the truce time only to restore strength, and then strike again. Their goal is to take over our entire country and destroy us as a people. Therefore, a truce cannot be given to them - it will play into the hands of the Russians. In addition, they will not stop only at Ukraine, they will go further - to Poland and the Baltic countries. And further. In the first year of the war (in 2022), we burned their tanks and helicopters, which had the words “To Berlin” on them, and propaganda vehicles with dummies of missiles with the words “To Washington” on them are driving around Russia. Modern Russia is a fascist state, and this people is sick.

Yeah. Putin seems very much like a new Hitler.